Wednesday, January 30, 2013

"Over and Out"!

Hey! Glad you stopped by on This Wonderful Wednesday….what is left of it…my how time flies...

28 days of words …’ize’ words they are…words that mean’ to be…to cause’…so today is the 28th word... and it is fitting and proper for the occasion:  SUMMARIZE.

Everyone knows what this word means…SUMMARIZE  as in a story, an event, a lifetime…get to the main point-what was this journey all about.

Well... I’ve explained earlier how this all got started…one step, one thought, one word at a time,

EXPLORE that word,

 EXPLAIN that word,

 then EXHORT…

let that word seek and soak into my spirit and do the work that needed to be done.

LIFESTYLE LIVING…living out each of those words…not all at once…but they are like a part of a toolbox, a toolkit, a briefcase…a doctor’s bag (do they still use those?)…anyway...understanding what each of those words meant, looking at how they applied, could or should apply to my heart and life.  So often did not measure up at all…more often than not that was the case…

I have gained much insight…but often like so much we discover, we hear, we ponder…in the heat of a battle, in the midst of a situation, in the fight for our lives…we panic and don’t use the proper tools in the tool box…aka the Word…if only we truly learned to trust Him and His Word…

How often do we ‘beat at the air, striking at some invisible force”…often not even knowing what we are battling.

Life is a such challenge…

from one victory to another…

but think about it…

can’t have those victories without some type of battles.


So, my friend…stand tall, stand long, stand still and stand steady through it all!

PRAY...about everything, all the time, anywhere, everywhere…if nothing else....’whisper a prayer in the morning, whisper a prayer at the noon day…whisper a prayer in the evening’

PRAISE….praise Him, praise him, praise Him…for everything, all the time, anywhere, everywhere…praise Him in the morning, praise Him in the noontime and praise  Him when the sun goes down!

PARTICIPATE…get busy…don’t hold back…why wait for some big grandiose invitation or call to make a grand appearance…just do it…do small things, little unseen things, seemingly insignificant things for the Kingdom…which means for His people…and even those we think aren’t His people…if we love those who love us…hmmm…we are in a comfort zone…the test is to do something for someone you don’t know, or particularly like…….remember the Bible tells us even if we give a prophet something as small, simple and soothing as a cup of water…we get to share in the reward…WOW

PERSEVERE: Hold on, hold on and hold on some more…hold on to what? God’s unchanging hand…just like a child holds on to Mom’s hand, Dad’s hand…slip your hand into the Savior’s hand…hold tight…know He is in control and will lead and guide you…don’t be up one day…down another…blown about by every little wind…careening off the course by a little bump or two…come on…we are made of stronger stuff than that!  Dig in for the long haul…Oh; I just know that it is going to be worth it all someday…hold on…

POWER: Just think of the POWER backing us!!  That POWER that brought this universe into existence and set it all in motion…every little jot and tittle working in perfect harmony... POWER…of the Cross and the Savior who died on it…POWER to live right, walk right, talk right…be right…POWER to be bold enough to face the biggest enemy…seen or unseen and declare…IN THE NAME OF JESUS!

BEWARE…there is an enemy…evil, wicked, ugly and awful…I am still flabbergasted by God’s ‘people’….the ones who cause the most heartache, trouble, lie the most, cheat the most, justify their little actions and pet peeves and claim to be CHRISTIANS.  They wear their big crosses, proclaim He is their Savior…but oh, my friend, as I said earlier…those actions speak louder than words, and those actions are speaking so loud I cannot hear a word being said!!  So….what to do with folk like this when we  meet them?? Hmmm…I want to confront them and say... “You’ve got to be kidding me?’  right?  “I can’t believe you just said that!”…but the deadly dealers are those sneaky, two-faced ones that cause discord…sneak, snipe, swipe at you….AHHH, but God sees…they may fool themselves, fool the fools who listen to them…BUT take assurance in the promise…’every idle word will be accounted for’!...Hey, let’s just make sure we are on the right side of the bridge and don’t get swept to the other side and join the gossips, nay sayers and those caught up in their own lies.

BEWARE: the Devil, the enemy of our soul deals in the Deadly D’s:

·        Drags you Down with this lies, oppression

·        Depression…he will tell you every reason to think Downward thoughts and Dig a deep pit and have a PITy party (not a misspell get it?)

·        Despondency….he loves to convince us it is over and there is no help…lies

·        Depths…he will cause things, inspire folks, and set us up to fall into the depth of…

·        Despair…he loves it when we wring our hands, twist our faces and he can hear our hearts racing with stress, anger and fear…

·        Depression….there are some valid reasons for Depression BUT satan magnifies, twists and convinces us that we are the most pitiful creature on the face of the earth…we have been done wrong by everyone, every time, everywhere…don’t go there!

·        Dungeon…he is doomed and going to be in eternal torment and punishment forever into infinity!  YEAH…good news!! Bad News…he is trying every trick in the book to take as many of us with him as he can…Why? It breaks the heart of God and he wants company…what is that saying…’misery loves company’?

SOMEDAY!!! Jesus will return to the earth…if you are reading this and think all this is religious glooby, glop…get a Bible as fast as you can and preferably one of the Translations such as the Message or NIV and read, read, read…it’s the Playbook, the Plan, the Map, the Treasure…

Anyway…just watch the Fever and the Fatigue….

Look out for RAPTURE FEVER…this will cause you to burn up with such intensity that you feel He can return at any minute….so why try to do any more work…why try to witness to anyone, why try to do any acts of kindness, why build a church, write a song, sing a song, do anything?…it will all be over SOON…true, true, true…but until ‘then’ be about His business…TCB…take care of His Business…

Watch out for RAPTURE FATIGUE….meaning you have heard about this event soooo long and soooo many times…that you have more or less given up!  Fatigue…started that good fight, that good race…but got weak in the knees, tongue hanging out of your mouth, feeble hands hanging down…keep looking, keep running, keep believing…in that moment when you least expect it…BAM! In the moment in a twinkling of an eye!

 Solomon was a wise man…did some foolish things, made some unwise decisions, picked some uncanny wives and fell into some strange business…BUT he did have a gift of wisdom….

So to close this little journey…

over and out…

done with…

gonna look to some of my favorite scriptures that Solomon penned:

 This is from the Message Ecclesiastes 12:11-14

“The words of the wise prod us to live well.

They’re like nails hammered home (unlike the nails I and the Duck Dynasty boys hammer),

holding life together (now that’s some powerful nails!)

They are given by God,

the one Shepherd.

But regarding anything beyond this, dear

friend, go easy.  (The WORD is the first, last and every word in between!)

There’s no end to the publishing of books,

(EVERYONE it seems has a book that will be the one to fulfill every dream)...

and constant study wears you

out so you’re no good for anything else.

(beware of what you read and WHO you listen too…

folks can’t just listen to any and everyone out there in Media land).

The LAST and Final word is this:

Fear God (love Him, Obey Him, And Trust Him)

               DO WHAT HE TELLS YOU. (Just DO IT…one step at a time!)

And that’s it…

Eventually God will bring everything that we do out into the open and judge it according to it’s hidden intent, whether it’s good or evil”…..

So I leave the Front Porch for now….be watching I’ll send an invite out when I can meet you again…until then keep it real and keep it simple….


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