Wednesday, January 16, 2013



Welcome to the Front Porch…Wednesday…but already a wild, wooly week…hopefully things will settle down….here in Big D!

Thanks for stopping by… the word for today is SUPERSIZE…we all know what this word means…especially in the fast food world.  Used to be when an order was placed at a fast food establishment .…it was common to hear the reply “want to supersize that’…however, due to the blacklash of too many obese men, women and children…that is no longer an obvious up sell technique; too much negative press…to SUPERSIZE…

We are not going to discuss SUPERSIZE in regards to our eating habits.  Today it is going to be in the context of God and what He desires for us.  He is not slack concerning any of His promises.  He is always doing ‘above and beyond’ what we think, desire or ask.  He SUPERSIZES His Grace when we need it….as a matter of fact He can cause it to flow like a river; sustaining us, maintaining us, refreshing and restoring us.  He, as a good Father, is always working behind the scenes for us.  We are usually unaware that He is there, working on our behalf.   Know we are never on our own, never deserted or never cast down.  He is there!

SUPERSIZE…He has a unique design for giving and receiving.  We give and think we are losing…we will never get a return…and thus can hold back.  However, in His plan, the more we give of our time, ourselves, our talents, our resources, our finances…somehow He can SUPERSIZE our giving and return to us double, triple and even tenfold. SUPERSIZE. 

Jesus demonstrated this himself in Matthew 14.  I have cooked for large groups, I have feed huge gatherings, well huge to me, but never a group like found in Matthew 14.  Jesus was having a ‘revival’, so to speak, people were being healed, left and right, and time got away from Him.  Guess so there were 5,000 people gathered to hear Him, be near Him, be healed by Him, be blessed by Him. It was getting late…time for supper.  Disciples tired to shut the meeting down…send the folks on their way to get food…but Jesus decided this was the time and this was the place to SUPERSIZE.  He took a little lunch of 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish…a small gift and SUPERSIZED it to feed 5,000.  That’s not all: ‘when they had their fill, they (disciples) gathered 12 baskets of leftovers.  Probably one each for the 12 disciples.  Now this is an example of SUPERSIZE!

Therefore, when moved by the Holy Spirit to give out of your resources (giving is NOT always money) be obedient, be generous, be ready!  The Bible tells us over and over that it is better to give than receive (and it is), to give without expecting anything back (that is true giving from the heart), give more than expected (this is SUPERSIZED)!  And when you do, our God knows and will SUPERSIZE His blessings back to you.  That is just the kind of God He is!

So today, gonna keep it short and simple, gonna make it real and relative, gonna encourage and exhort, you, me to SUPERSIZE whatever you do…go the extra mile, make the extra effort and see what God will do.

If your boss should ask you to do something…why not SUPERSIZE and give that little extra?  If hubby ask you to do that ‘out of the way errand’, or cook that favorite meal, watch that ballgame, movie (ugh) with him…then be gracious and SUPERSIZE and go above and beyond… 

On this Wednesday, why not take the time, make the effort to SUPERSIZE: sow into someone’s life.  It can be simple, takes little effort…really…

Smile, say hello not just one time, but two…not just to those you know or those who speak back to you.  Compliment someone, a real sincere compliment…not just one person, perhaps two.  SUPERSIZE your giving and buy lunch for someone…take the time and give ‘birthday cards, thank you cards and I am praying for you’ notes.  Not just one person...not just the ones who give back to you…SUPERSIZE and find someone who may not be your favorite and bless them…that is really SUPERSIZING…


So in my quest for Lifestyle Living…letting God continue to mold me and make me more like Him…my desire is to live SUPERSIZED….  Not looking for handouts, freebies, not expecting anything from anyone, not feeling  I am entitled to anything…leaving all that up to God…for He is able to give …exceeding, abundantly above all we can imagine and all we can think…SUPERSIZED

So I as I am going on about my day…gotta a couple of ideas of what I can do to bless someone today…why don’t you too?

Until tomorrow!

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