Tuesday, February 24, 2015



The Chapel is preparing for our first annual WOMEN’S 3 DAY EVENT!

We will have a gift bag for our first time visitors as a token of our appreciation. Each evening we will have a time of refreshments and fellowship.  There will be drawings for gifts that will minister to body, soul and spirit!  But the best part will be the ministry that each of our speakers, musicians and singers will bring to us!

The weather forecast has been up and down and all around and all I can say is: “Texas”.  Unless we have a blow-out of a blizzard, it will be ‘business as usual!’

 We thank each and everyone who is going to make the effort to join us.  I am confident that no matter which service you attend, that you will be blessed.  Our sincere  prayer is that after attending the 3 Day Event that you will go back to your HOME, your CHURCH and your MARKETPLACE, equipped with new determination to be a greater handmaiden for our Lord.

Each of the speakers and singers were prayerfully invited to be a part of this event. Our women are spending time in prayer, supplication and fasting as part of the preparation for this event.  Many of us need an outpouring, an infusion a new infilling of God’s power and presence.  It is easy to allow the cares of this world, no matter how good and noble they may be, to rob us of our joy, and the peace and presence that God desires for us.  This is why we are so fervently praying, believing and in anticipation of receiving during this 3 Day Event.

 Each speaker is unique, a success in their homes, churches and marketplace.  It has not been an easy walk for any of these ladies.  But, they have scriptures to share, stories to tell and successes that will encourage all of us to ‘carry on’ in the race that God has for us!  No, most of us will never be a lead pastor of a church, nor will we be a CEO of a wedding business.  Most of us will not be an owner, operator of a restaurant or any business.  Many will not be gifted to minister through a praise and worship team.  Others will never be ordained ministers, gifted speakers and published authors.  That is OK.  That is not the purpose of this event.  The purpose is one: for all of us to come away with a new determination to serve more effectively in our own high calling.

As I was praying and seeking God about the event and for each singer, praise leader, each testimony speaker and each guest speaker, I prayed for the ‘just right songs,’ the just right words’,’ the just right ministry’.  I am praying for each of our ladies to make every effort to attend at least one of these services. Bring along a friend or two or three! Come all 3 days!   

As I was reading, praying, making lists and looking over last minute plans, it seemed as if a rain drop from heaven, hit my spirit, gently, softly, yet so alive and real.  I felt that sweet spirit spread throughout my soul and whisper, ‘Tell my women to get dressed up in their best for this event.’  Tell them to make a date with ME and attend this event!’   Make a date with God?    Unusual, unique unexpected!  Where did this come from?

As I continued to pray about this event, I believe God will meet us, every one of us, at our point of need.  

I felt the Holy Spirit reminding me of the wonderful story of Esther.

As I revisited this story in the Book of Esther, I was reminded of how Esther and her people were doomed for destruction.  There was great hostility, prejudice, ridicule, and those in high places who were determined to destroy Esther, Mordecai and the entire population of the Jews.

I see the parallel in today’s society.  Every Christian tenet we hold dear, every commandment from God that instructs us on how to live a holy, productive life is being challenged.  Thousands of Christians are being beheaded, gunned down, burned alive and massacred in the name and mission of false gods.  Why the hate, the hostility, the murder and the destruction?  Why are Christians and our values under severe attack even as we speak?  Anytime God’s people determine in their heart to pursue holiness, be set apart, hold to God’s standard, the enemy comes in like a flood to fill unbelievers’ hearts and minds with evil plots, evil accusations, and evil destruction.  I truly believe that those so hostile to the Gospel and all of us, who faithfully stand for our God, are not the real target.  No, I believe that the real hatred, hostility and rejection is for our Lord God Mighty Himself.  This plot and plan comes straight from the pit of Hell.  Unfortunately, satan uses men with hard, stony, thorny hearts to be his instruments of death and destruction.

We often quote Mordecai’s challenge to Esther in Esther 4:14…”who knows whether you have come to the kingdom for such time as this?”   We forget that Esther was an orphan.  We forget that she was in a strange land, and as far as she knew had no other relatives except for Mordecai.  We forget how young, innocent, vulnerable she was.  And she was all these things!  A reminder that God can use some of the most unlikely people, including women, to play major roles in shaping our homes, our churches and our marketplaces!  All women have Esther opportunities.  Be ready.  Be prepared.
You are in a unique position and place right this minute for a reason and purpose.  It is vital that you know your place and position!  It is vital that you, like Esther, follow God’s instructions.  Lives and souls depend on it!

In Esther’s story God had a plan and orchestrated each event, each movement and each decision so that Esther and Mordecai could work as a team.  Ladies, another key to our success is in our unity.  We must be willing to work as a Team.  If you delve into the book of Esther you will see that Mordecai and Esther worked as a Team.  Each had a vital individual role and as is so evident, their unity was absolutely vital to their survival.  This Team work, Unity, is even more vital in 2015.  We must pray for one another, encourage one another, lift one another up, and go the extra mile, giving cloaks, coats, food, and provision when necessary.

There should never be any call for anyone to feel more important, more vital to a mission from God.  Esther was quickly reminded, that was why she was where she was, when she was.  If she wasn’t willing to be the ‘woman’ of the hour, working alongside Mordecai, following instructions and directions, God would raise someone else up!  A somber, sobering thought: be ready, with a spirit of humility and always keep a servant’s heart.

 As I continued praying in preparation for the 3 Day Event, I began to ponder on what exactly that word could mean: ‘Preparation; get dressed up to enter into the King’s Presence.’

I thought, well, in preparation for church I get out of my farm work jeans; I take off those old ratty clothes.  I hang up my old comfortable jacket. I remove my old faithful work boots.  I hang up my old sun beaten hat to use another day. I pull off my much worn gloves.  They have their purpose, place and position: working on the farm. These are not clothes to worship my King in!

I usually try to dress in my ‘church’ best.  I am mindful or try to be, that my clothes are clean, pressed, not too tight, not too short, not too low…modest.  If I put something on and feel the least bit, self-conscious….then I know that is not the outfit for me.  I guess many might point a finger and say ‘legalism’.  Perhaps…perhaps not…I just developed the mindset to dress my best in going to worship my Lord.

 I know we have developed into a ‘dress down’ society.  Schools have adopted this; many places of business, even churches embrace it.  However, it is evident, especially in schools that sloppy shirts, pants sagging down the backside, too tight, too low, too high clothing makes a statement.  Attire can affect our attitudes, actions and our acceptance.  Ask any prospective employer about first impressions regarding attire!  Yes, I am ‘old school’….to me, mindful attire  is part of my ‘reasonable service.’  Let each person work out their own salvation and their own wardrobe ….as long as it lines up with the Word.

 This attitude towards dress helps me in my overall preparation for worship.  It helps me keep an aura of respect for God’s house and His people.  No, I don’t worship the building and I certainly don’t worship the people.  But as I stand before God with hands raised, or with the Word open ready to bring a message, or feel the nudging of the Holy Spirit to bring a word….’thus saith the Lord’ , I feel prepared.

However, I found as I continued to pray and mediate on this thought, that there had to be more to this whisper.  And there is.  The dressing that the Holy Spirit was directing me about was not just the physical, but the spiritual!  I guess I had thought of this from time to time. I had certainly experienced it.  How many times has my worship and praise and receptiveness to the Word been hindered because I had had words with the Preacher, with children or at odds with someone in the church. Even if we take the time to apologize, make things right, the cloud of self-doubt, failure, discouragement has settled over our spirit.  That is certainly part of satan’s aerosol.  We can make such painstakingly effort to dress on the outside, all the while the inside is tattered, torn, tacky, tasteless and even trashy! 

How does this happen?  My youngest son, Tim, who is our Associate Pastor, preached recently about ‘Seeds”.  He explained even the tiniest of seeds can take root and grow into something grand and glorious for God or grotesque and gruesome for the enemy.

It is mighty hard to sing praises unto the Most High God when one has bitterness, doubt, gossip, dissention and discouragement filling the crevices of the heart. Those seeds are like weeds; they seek and search the fertile ground in which to grow and eventually consume us.

 It is hard to be dressed to come into the King’s presence when one has been partying with the girls or boys all night on Saturday night or in reality any night.  It is difficult to feel the Presence of the Holy Spirit when one is dressed in the filth of immoral sexual relationships or pornography.

Tim also pointed out in a recent sermon how the enemy will take these failures and sins and make them into something that is larger than life.  Satan whispers ever so cunningly, “how can you serve God when you are a rank sinner yourself?’  He whispers ugly somethings into our spirit and we believe them.  We become defensive, justifying our failures and thus begin to avoid the Church and avoid God’s people.  God whispers ‘sweet somethings’ into our heart…’you can make it, you will not fail, you are mine, I died for you.’…Unfortunately, many times it is the lies we believe.  We make it too much about ourselves!  Satan tells us ‘everyone is looking at us, judging us, talking about us.’  Really?  Seriously?

One of the most misquoted, misunderstood and misused scriptures; 1 Samuel 16:7 ” Do not look at his appearance or his physical stature, because I have refused him.  For the Lord does not see as a man sees: but the Lord looks at the heart.”  Yes, He does.

So, as we get spiritually dressed, spiritually fit, spiritually ready to come into the Presence of the King for this 3 Day Event, let’s take some pointers  from Esther:

·        Esther had 12 months preparation in beauty treatments, oils and fragrances before being summoned into the king’s presence.  We don’t have this luxury.  Most of us are blessed to get a quick shower…a real  luxury is a 15-20 minute undisturbed soak in a tub. Perhaps, Esther goes on record for the longest bubble bath ever.  But, we do have something far more valuable and precious!  We have the anointing of the oil of the Holy Spirit.  This anointing can cleanse inside and out.  We arise with a new attitude, new grace and new freshness –head to toe-ready to stand before our King.  So as we prepare to come into the Presence of our Lord, let the Holy Spirit cleanse, refresh, renew and revitalize us.  Let the anointing of the Holy Spirit wash away any spots, grime or soot that can be picked up as we move about our daily duties in the home, the church or marketplace.  Let us be washed whiter than snow so that our spirits are clean and fresh; our hearts are pure and lovely before the Lord.  Let the Holy Spirit strip away and cleanse us from any discouragement, discord, dissension or gossip that would like to cling to us and keep us separated from God’s precious Presence!  Dress for Success!

·        Make a date with God.  When I first had this drop into my spirit I thought…wow…a date?
Why not?  We dated our spouses and probably various others before choosing our lifetime spouse.  If we are wise, we will continue to go on dates with our spouses to keep the love warm and comforting.  We kindle the fire with that special time without the children, the confusion, the clutter and the chaos of life.  We turn off the cell phones (or should) to make sure we have our spouse’s undivided attention.  It is proven that relationships need nurturing; they need to be maintained; we need to be in places and a position so that the ‘first love’ we have with our spouse is rekindled on a regular basis.  Likewise, with God! How we need to have a special time, date night, time to meet and be pampered with the love and ministry of the Holy Spirit.   Esther’s beauty treatment and beauty pageant was not just for King Xerxes.  Her preparation was so she could meet her God.  She represented her people; past, present and future.  She had obeyed Mordecai’s instructions, his timing and his directions.  He being a servant of God, listened to God’s directions.  He relayed them to Esther.  Her heart, mind, body and soul had been prepared to go before the king.  She could in all confidence do this because she knew she was actually going before her God.  His Presence flowed all over her and the King recognized that Presence and was in awe of it.  He granted her favor.  He loved her.  She could not fail for she had been covered and completely immersed in the Presence of The King!

The book of Esther is a story of a young orphan girl, who found favor with God and man. But it is much more.  It is a story of two servants of God who led their nation into freedom, who were honored by God and the king and who were given greater authority, privileges and responsibilities because of their faithfulness and obedience.  All because Esther was willing to make a date and get dressed to go into the Presence of the King.  Are we ready for the time of preparation so we can spend time with the King and bask in His Presence?

Let, us likewise, take some time and get dressed, make the date, Friday February 27 7:00 or Saturday February 28 6:00  or Sunday March 1 10:45 and come into the Presence of the King!  See you there!

Spend some time in preparation for this meeting.  Don’t just come out and expect God to shower you in His Presence if you have not let your heart, mind and soul be prepared to receive this wonderful, Seed, this ‘treasure chest of DNA’ that He has reserved for you, me, all of us!
  Please take some time and meet our speakers and singers!

Friday evening 7:00 :  Pastor Ruth Christman: www.whitestonecelebrations.com
                                     Paul and Kathy Miner: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-gZpk4yUxMM
Saturday Evening 6:00   Teresa G. Lusk: www.teresalusk.com
                                      Debbie Prom: www.legacychurch.org

Sunday Morning March 1 10:45: University, Waxahachie, Texas Dr. Adonna Otwell. Professor at Southwestern Assemblies of God 

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Directions…can’t live with them….can’t live without them!


Directions….I find that I can’t live with them….or can’t live without them. 

I often think what did people do before GPS and the little gal on the phone who gives us directions?  Did we wing it?  Did we actually talk to a live person and write down each turn and each landmark to ensure that we would indeed arrive at our destination?

I find that I have a very unhealthy love….hate relationship with directions!  It could be directions for arriving at a desired place at a desired time.  It could be directions on how to operate a coffee maker, food processor or a sewing project.  It takes time, effort and patience to read directions.  Without directions we can have disasters.  As Preacher often says, “when all else fails….read the directions.”  He often quotes this after a bumbling, bubbly mess I have concocted for dinner.  Directions.

I tend to try to skip the directions and wing it.  Ouch….as Dr. Phil often asks, “How is that working for you?”

Well, to be brutally frank and humbly honest, it does not work.

I was reminded of this fact just a few days ago.  I got to my destination and meet son, Tim to assist with a project he was working on.  I had not been to this particular place in several months.  I focused and kept my thoughts on target: arrive at destination, on time.  I was so proud of myself when I pulled up at the right place, at the right time.  I even did a stint of braggadocio: ‘Tim, I arrived and did not get lost or turned around.’  That puffed up, prideful feeling should have been an indication that a fall was right around the corner.   And it was!

After the assist, I got back in my car to carry on to my next destination.  What should have taken a mere 5 minutes or less ended up taking me 45 minutes.  As I got in my car to make my way to my next stop, I was obviously feeling snug and satisfied and began to daydream about the rest of the day and how very organized and on schedule my day was going.

Almost immediately I somehow turned too quickly and the sights seemed a little unfamiliar…but sometimes that can happen, well at least with me.  I came to an unfamiliar traffic light and the area still seemed unfamiliar….so I had to make a decision: right or left.  Hmmm… This seemed like an easy fix and I should have been back on course in no time.  Did not happen that way at all.

I had my trusty little phone with me which has an app that features a little gal whom I can summon for directions.  I must admit she is pretty good, pretty accurate, spot on.  She has escorted me on many a little trip and brought me right to the door of my destination without one hitch.  Well, maybe one or two, but she does get me back on track and quickly!

Now, mind you, she can be bossy!  Several times I have been in the far right lane and should have been in the far left lane and be prepared to turn left.  She starts telling me: turn left in 30 yards; then turn left in 20 yards; then turn left in 10 yards.  Problem is I am caught in traffic and I could NOT possibly get into the far left lane, even with her prodding.  So, I cut my loses and pass the turn; by now she is adamant: make a U turn at the next left turn!  And to appease her, that is exactly what I do.  I make a u-turn.

I don’t especially like it when a phone outsmarts me, out thinks me and well-it just too big and bossy for its ‘britches’….as we say in Kentucky!

And as usual she was right.  When I do make the U-turn as she instructs, I am back on course.

Not this particular day.  I did not even consult ‘little miss direction.’  Nope, I thought, ‘self, you got this.’.  So I took a left turn after consulting my very rusty, untrusty compass. That compass is my intuition.  I should have known better, this compass has failed me many times.  Hmmmmm… I did not have it….at all.

So I took the left turn and began merrily driving along.  I was still pretty confident and all the while I was still planning my day and I felt I had everything under control.  I began looking for the cross street that would eventually take me to my destination. 

Now, two things bug me tremendously about Big D streets.  Did I say TREMENDOUSLY?  Whether I am driving or I am sitting on the passenger side, I am tremendously bothered by our street signs.  Now I wear glasses and have since 8th grade.  I must wear them for distance and now for close up reading…anyway, I have corrective lenses and still cannot read most street signs!  They are too small!  I squint, I squint even tighter, screw up my face and still cannot see the street sign.  I do not know who these signs were designed for, but I have a sneaking suspicion that I am not the only one who has trouble seeing these signs…oh, BTW, gasp when there are no street signs! 

The second big bug that bugs me tremendously is small address numbers on buildings…or lack thereof!!  I am amazed at how business after business does not have their address number loud and up front so persons of interest, like myself, can see them! There should be a law!  There should be rioting in the streets!  There should be a major protest!

So for me, double wammy!  Can’t see street signs, there are no numbers on business and some houses…what is a poor, older, can barely see person, like myself to do?  HA…get lost…that is what happens.

Anyway, here I am driving along; I have decided-I made a conscious, deliberate, rebellious decision, NOT to consult my ready at hand direction gal.  When I get in this mindset, somehow I am convinced that if I drive far enough, believe hard enough and squint hard enough, I will arrive at my destination. Who am I kidding?

Note to self:  does not work like that. 

So, I kept driving, all the time, not quite in panic mode, but that little nag in my head, kept saying, ‘this does NOT look familiar.’   Soon the nag turned into a sing song…’this does NOT look familiar.’

Finally, the nag screams in full force, ‘THIS DOES NOT LOOK FAMILIAR.”

I had been driving for 20 minutes and should have come to my turn to get back on course 18 minutes ago.  That should have been my first indication that something was not right.  But, no, stubborn me just had to keep driving.

I glanced at a street sign that I could actually see and thought…hmmmm…that is familiar!  Ha!  Ha!

Oh, it was familiar all right….two cities away from where I needed to be.  When I saw the sign “Welcome to Allen,” I shouted. “Allen!”  How did this happen?  I had stubbornly driven several miles, two cities away from my destination!  This severe error in judgment took several minutes out of my planned schedule.

So now I had no choice!  I pulled over, pulled out my phone and typed my destination in the app I fondly call  ‘Miss Know It ALL.’  I decided to follow… the directions.  I listened to every detail she spewed out.  My mouth was filled with a big bite of humble pie. Hard to chew; impossible to swallow.  She monotonously gave me direction after direction and guided me to my destination…..45 minutes later... 

Note to self:  heed the directions, ask for directions, obey the directions, when it feels ‘off’, it is off.  When nothing looks familiar, beware.  Just because I thought I could ‘make it right’…did not make it right.  I was wrong, way off course and there were consequences: time lost, gas wasted and eating humble pie is hard on the body and spirit.

So, as I arrived at my destination, I was frustrated to say the least.  I did not ever admit to son, Tim, that although I had easily arrived to meet him, I did not easily arrive at my next stop.  If he reads this, he will chuckle some, perhaps.  He has an excellent sense of direction: I have NO sense of direction.  I am one of those poor, lonely souls who someday will be lost in the parking lot for 40 years trying to find my car amongst the sea of other vehicles.

Anyway, after this event, I made note to self: ‘lesson learned”…(I hope), now, just exactly what did I learn from this?

I learned that even after all these years and as familiar as I think I might be in an area: follow directions.

Likewise, spiritually: FOLLOW DIRECTIONS.

Too often we think we know more than God and His Word.  Often we forget or just refuse to consult the Road Map, The Way, the Light, and the Truth.  We reason and justify our disobedience.  Unfortunately, there are consequences, some more serious and deadly than others.  God does not bless a mess.  And like I had to do; often we have to go all the way back to our starting place and do things His Way.

The very best set of instructions we have as human beings, mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, children, grandchildren, neighbors, employers, employees and as children of God, is the Bible.

The Bible…how many of us sang that little song: ‘The B I  B L E, yes that’s the book for me, I stand alone on the Word of God, the B I B L E!’

In looking back at this little incident of my little direction challenge,   I thought how often do we try to wing our life without the best roadmap, the most accurate set of instructions, and the only true source of information.  Just like the little lady in my phone, God’s Word is ready at hand and available to help whenever, however, wherever.  But, as I experienced, we have to avail ourselves to those resources. Winging it: BTW, FYI ‘winging it’ comes from the late 19th century and it was first defined in 1885 “playing a role without knowing the text.”   See the parallel?  Make the connection.  Connect all the dots?  I did. Playing a role without the Word…….

Wow, does that make me sit up and take notice!  We, as Christians think we can ‘wing’ this Christian journey by ‘playing a role and not know the text-the text being the Bible…the Bible being our roadmap, our set of directions.

So, big note to self: Use the Guide, Read the Directions, Listen to Instructions, Observe the Road Signs.  Heed the danger and warning signs.  Just because we hope we can make our destination without proper directions, does not mean we will.  Trust me, as they say….’been there and done that!’


Dr. Phil, it did not work for me….nor will it for anyone else!

Now…if I can just find those glasses……