Sunday, January 6, 2013

SPECIALIZE! What is your specality?

Good Morning welcome to the Front Porch….Sunday..a day set aside to worship our Lord, spend time with family….wind down from the weekend…gear up for the week….I like to think of it as Sonday….day to worship, focus and meditate on the Lord and His goodness..

Speaking of winding down…gearing up…..back to school tomorrow for GarlandISD teachers….students get one more day off…we teachers, librarians, etc. have ‘staff development’…I fondly refer to them as meetings about meetings…..I have enjoyed the past 2 weeks tremendously…nice balance of visit with fam, reading, relaxing, some work projects at home, on the farm and at church, more reading and relaxing…even got to sit on the deck a couple of times and enjoy my afternoon coffee…did some reflecting, renewing and resolutions, so to speak, but I want them to be more than some resolutions….working on making some Lifestyle changes….how I live, move and have my being on a daily basis.  I must admit…having a pretty ‘open’ schedule has been wonderful…sleep in some…for me to sleep until 6AM is sleeping in……and what a luxury to have a whole day, a whole week stretching before me and I can decide what to do and not to do….I still  made my ‘to do’ list of which I am becoming ‘famous’ for both here at the farm and at work.  I don’t know…something about my list just helps me to get….hmmmm organized…helps me set priorities…to maximize/minimize what I want to accomplish and get done.  Hmmmm…those ‘ize’ words again…

Well, today’s word is SPECIALIZE…as you can see the root word is special….specialize means pursuing a special activity, directed to a specific goal, being developed and designed for a specific goal and having knowledge and mastery…whew who knew?!

I think this is one of the ize words that came to me…because this pretty much explains why we are here on the earth…not just to take up space, breathe the air and consume resources.  We have a reason and purpose for being here….it is the age-old cry of many a heart…’why am I here’?

I believe we were created for Him and by Him.  One of the most comforting scriptures is found in

Psalm 139:14-18 The Message

Oh, yes, you shaped me first inside, then out your formed me in my mother’s womb;

I thank you, High God-you’re breathtaking!

Body and soul, I am marvelously made!

I worship in adoration-what a creation!

You know me inside and out, your know every bone in my body;

You know exactly how I was made, bit by bit,

When I was woven together in the depths of the earth,

Your eyes saw my unformed body.

All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.

How precious to me are your thoughts, o God!

How vast is the sum of them!

Were I to count them, they would outnumber the grains of sand.

When I awake, I am still with you.”


Powerful stuff!  I just cannot see how any Christian could support abortion if they truly believed this scripture??!! I don’t see how any Christians could support any political party or politician who does so blatantly and bolding support abortion, genocide or suicide.   Hmmm…enough said for that today.

Anyway, if there would be any doubt to how special you are to God….I think this should pretty well secure and cement and dispel any random thoughts about why you are here. 

But back to SPECIALIZE…in view of the scripture just quoted, I believe not only are we created special…we are ‘specialized’ with gifts, talents, callings and abilities specific to us, our personality, our background, our environment, our experiences….all messed together for our specialized purpose here on earth.  Pretty obvious, some folk have such a gift in music, singing, teaching, preaching, caring, painting, decorating, hospitality, management, crafting, designing….and on and on….

These are pretty general…we all know people blessed and ‘specialize’ to some degree in this list…but I believe it goes further that each one of us within these callings have a streamlined specialization in our purpose for being here.  We each have a circle of friends, family, co-workers, church folk, neighbors that we interact and encounter….hmmm…kinda like our own mission field…..we use our gifts and callings to better our world and those we come in contact with OR should be. 

Matthew 14-29 tells us about the Parable of the Talents.  Now, this parable is referring to ‘talents’ as in money.  Each talent worth about $1,000.  The Parable tells about 3 servants and how the master gave out talents to each and told I do not see any specific directives he gave them…just that he was leaving town and gave them this money… two of those servants invested the talents/money and earned interest or showed gains.  Except, for one…who dug a whole and hid the talent.  In layman’s terms: sat on…did nothing with it, hid it…

Makes me think…what talents/gifts do we often sit on, hide, never use…..talents to bless others, bless the Kingdom of God.  Talents do not always have to be ‘obvious’…as in the list above…singing, musical, etc., but can simply be a smile, good deeds, kindness, and thoughtfulness. We have a dear friend from ministry years ago, whose talent and gifting was to send cards of encouragement and remember birthdays.  Now, 30 something years later…she still sends me and the Preacher cards of encouragement and remembers our birthdays! This is a gift!  This is a talent!  This one who was given a calling and faithfully and lovingly first of all keeps us with countless birthdays, selects individualized cards (ize) word, mails them….hmmm I can only imagine the cost through the years…BUT just think of how many lives she has encouraged!!!

So, look what is in your hands and heart…what do you like to do…do as unto the Lord…find that ‘specialty’ that is you and you alone…and use it, use it, use it…pour yourself out, give yourself completely….don’t hide, sit on or let your talents/gift…what you and you alone… ‘specialize in be wasted…..

We know the ‘rest of the story’…that ‘wicked and lazy’ servant lost the talent that he hid, wouldn’t share, wouldn’t develop…a bad thing…but it gets worse…he was cast into outer darkness…..

Hmm…something to think about and ponder on….what do you ‘specialize in…..make the most of it!

Until tomorrow……here on the Front Porch


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