Tuesday, January 22, 2013

AMERICA! We got what we deserved..

Tuesday…today on the Front Porch…the word on the list is RATIONALIZE:  plausible explanations for acts, opinions, etc.
WARNING: I will be expressing political views..I make no apologies..READ at your own RISK.

RATIONALIZE: in plain English: make sense of things. Understand, put things in some kind of order, and find the reason.

Hmmm… well, well, well…been kinda trying to do that lately…make sense of things…things in this world that are upside down, backwards, flipped, out of order, out of control, irrational.

Our economy: my humble opinion…folks…sit up and take notice…STOP the outsourcing…and everyone who wants to work can work…we may have to pay a few dollars more here and there.  People might just have to be willing to work and not expect handouts and entitlements…novel thought my friends! When, oh, when is the last time you picked something up, turned it over and it said, “Made in the USA”?

Our politics:  got kinda tired of the hoopla and coverage of our inauguration.   Not so sure about another 4 years!  Folks instead of spending millions for parties, clothes, decorations, etc… how about take a good look at the state of our country.  RATIONALIZE…

We are a mess…and I am going out on a limb…so fine folks who actually get around to reading this blog or even care, FASTEN YOUR SEATBELTS…I did not vote for Obama…I, as a Christian cannot support anyone, anytime, anyway who has put a stamp of approval on abortion.  RATIONALIZE…

Shame on us, shame, shame…our spiritual rivers run DEEP and BLOOD red; floating along in that blood red river are little arms, little legs, headless little bodies. RATIONALIZE… One just cannot make sense out something so horrific... the blood of over 42 MILLION babies, ripped out the womb. 

Christian folk…enough…we cannot serve God and mammon (the world)….RATIONALIZE…make sense out of this…how can you justify voting for someone who supports this? It doesn’t matter the color of skin…what matters is what is within!  Black, white (mixture of both) Hispanic, Asian, Green, Purple…RATIONALIZE

One missionary friend stated about Obama’s re-election: “America, we got what we deserved.”  And so it seems…we have turned our back on God…resorted to murder, put a stamp of approval on gay marriage…billions of tax dollars wasted...RATIONALIZE

I am reminded when God’s people wanted…no they demanded a King…they had never had a King before…Judges had lead the people, who sought the face of God for leadership and guidance.

…but they cried to be like everyone else…diverting from God’s plan…and God gave them what they asked for: 

King Saul…Saul stood head and shoulders above the rest. He looked like royalty: tall, handsome, noble. He became king when he was 30 years old and reigned over Israel 42 years. Early in his career he made a fatal mistake. He disobeyed God by failing to completely destroy the Amalekites and all their possessions, as God had commanded. The LORD withdrew his favor from Saul and had Samuel the prophet anoint David as king. Because the people made more of David's slaying of Goliath than all of Saul's victories, Saul went into a rage and became jealous of David. From that moment he plotted to kill him. RATIONALIZE

Instead of building up Israel, King Saul wasted most of his time chasing David through the hills. David, however, respected God's anointed king and despite several opportunities, refused to harm Saul. RATIONALIZE

Finally the Philistines gathered for a huge battle against the Israelites. By that time Samuel, the Prophet, had died. King Saul was desperate, so he consulted a medium and told her to raise Samuel's spirit from the dead. (How foolish God’s people can be when jealousy and rage take control). Something appeared--a demon disguised as Samuel or Samuel's true spirit sent by God--it predicted disaster for Saul. RATIONALIZE

He would get what he deserved…

In the battle, King Saul and the army of Israel were overrun. Saul committed suicide. His sons were killed by the enemy. RATIONALIZE.

Beware, folk...God is not mocked...He will permit things to happen, fall into order and unfold into His Plan. BUT HE DOES HAVE THE FINAL SAY: RATIONALIZE

We have homosexuals who stick their middle finger up to God, with twisted faces, militant, deviant, perversion…

Folks…think about it…it was never intended to be…the parts don’t fit right…can’t have children…RATIONALIZE

Our current President supports this lifestyle…RATIONALIZE

RATIONALIZE…make sense out of a situation…stop and think it through...get your perspective in order...

Hard to do…especially for Christians…living in this upside down world…

we are made fun of, belittled, ridiculed, persecuted for our ‘core values’… we support life, marriage, serve God, do good unto our fellow man, pay it forward, live a moral lifestyle…we are told it is old fashioned, out of date and our society has ‘evolved’…evolved into WHAT?  

RATIONALZIE: the only thing that makes sense is God and His Word.  The only Hope is God and His Word.  RATIONALIZE.

Keep it real, honest, forthright, don’t just talk the talk…walk the walk…

RATIONALIZE….God will straighten out the crooked paths, make all wrongs right…RATIONALIZE...

We walk around with our heads in the clouds…unconcerned, unaware, and unprepared for the times that are coming upon us.  It is as if everything is out of focus, cloudy; our perspective, our good judgment, our common sense vanished, thrown out the window…like the people who demanded a king...

They got what they deserved…

We, America, got what we deserved…


Until tomorrow… let’s get ready to:

VISUALIZE...see you then!

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