Sunday, January 20, 2013



Glad you had a minute or two to stop by!

Harmonize….that is the word discussion for today.  Think it worked out pretty good because this word typifies what should happen today as we as a people: single, couple, family; harmonize and go to the church of our choice to worship.

Harmonize: To bring into harmony, accord, or agreement or to be in agreement in action, sense, or feelings.

Just a few words to describe harmonize:

be in unison, be of one mind, blend,
carol, chime with, cohere, combine, compose, cooperate, coordinate,
fit in with,
reconcile, reconciliate, relate,
set, sing, suit, symphonize, synthesize,
And just a couple of words to describe the opposite of harmonize;

Harmonize: like playing music when all the keys, chords and sounds come together and play beautiful music…priceless

Thanking God everyday for the gift of music and the gift of each of the instruments we have to enjoy.


the sound and blends of an orchestra…

in step, in tune, in harmony.  Nothing quite like it!

Harmonize…the bringing of His people into step,

into agreement with one another. 

As we worship today this is His plan.


First of all worship!

 Bring your sacrifice of praise,

Lift your voice and your hands,

In total adoration of Him,

God of heaven and earth,

Creator of all

Protector of your soul



Harmonize…be at peace with your mate…work together, pray together, live together

Harmonize…be at peace with your family…sometimes hard to do…pray

Harmonize…with your church…set aside differences for the common good of the Body

Harmonize…with God’s plan for your life…get in tune, get in step, blend with Him


As good, as beautiful, as harmonious as music is…

.there is nothing quite so irritating and nerve racking as an instrument

 out of tune,

out of step,

out of place, off key…

All of our children play some type of musical instrument…some can play several…but through the years listening to practice…hearing all the off key, most unusual sounds…


When that child and that instrument came together


Was in step

In tune

On key

Working together


So today as you leave the Front Porch…

look for ways to harmonize with the folk around you…

those you might meet today,

 those you encounter on your way home,

 if you stop at your fav restaurant, do an errand or two:


Make your

Heavenly Father

Happy, Happy, Happy

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