Wednesday, January 23, 2013


Well, well on this Wonderful Wednesday…gonna get right to the point…word for today here on the Front Porch is VISUALIZE.  Now this is not a ‘new age’…come together and hmmmm to make things happen, nor is it a ‘name and claim it’ gimmick.

But, it is about being able to have a dream, a goal, and a vision.-a passion and a reason for being.  We just celebrated Martin Luther King, Jr. Day and once again took a look at his famous speech, ‘I Have a Dream’.

 His dream was for all people, all races, colors and creeds to work for the common good and do it in peace.  He accomplished much good while he was here on earth.  A good role model for everyone, no matter the color of your skin.

However, I often ponder on what he would think if he could step into this generation and see:

*Boys and grown men walking around with their pants almost to their knees, revealing underwear or at times seem to be nothing under there.   One common take on this is what they are saying is “kiss my___’’.

*Walking with a hip-hop chip on their shoulder bigger than any rock in the Grand Canyon. 

*What would he think of the ‘entitlement’ mentality…’you owe’ me.

*About all the babies having babies having babies.

*The ‘heroes’ of today...spitting, spewing out filthly lyrics of ‘music’ which glorify the very things he stood against. 

 I think he would be appalled, saddened, ashamed and greatly disappointed in what has happen to his dream: what he visualized for this country.  

Where are the Martin Luther King, Jrs for this generation?

The Bible tells us we need to VISUALIZE

 We need to look to God and see what He is doing, what He desires for us, what He can do through us, in us and with us.  We sell ourselves way short, too often, by lacking a vision, going through the motions without a dream, having no real goals…simply going with the flow.

I often think if I had to have been born without my sight or my hearing, which would I chose to do without.  I cannot image a life in total silence…never hearing the sweetest sound of a baby’s laugh…the melodious tone of a young child’s voice in the excitement of discovering something so new, that the words just tumble out one after another.  I cannot conceive a world where I had not heard music; instruments blended together and flowing in a pattern that moves my soul.  Never hearing a child, a mate, a parent simply say ‘I Love You’.

Nor could I fathom a world without sight!  A world where I had no idea what I looked like, what my loving family looked like, never seeing a sunrise, a sunset ,a rainbow…a tree, the beautiful cloudless

blue sky…the amazing colors on an autumn day…snowflakes…a horse running in a meadow, arching it’s golden neck and four feet synchronized in perfect harmony.  VISUALIZE…

God wants us to ‘open the eyes of our heart’…now everyone knows hearts don’t have eyes…BUT this is a metaphor to let us know that our heart (who we really our…not that beating muscle secure in our chest) is the window to our soul.  I’ve heard that eyes are the windows of the soul…not so sure anymore…found some people can look you in the eye and lie…not once, not twice, but a lifetime.  Lance Armstrong…lie, after lie, not batting an eye…living one enormous lie after another.

But, eyes open the eyes of our heart...and with them we VISUALIZE.


Look unto Jesus and know how much he loves you,

the price He paid for you…

when asked how much he cares...

.He stretched forth his arms and died for you…

and it was no easy death…

it was horrible, sadistic, cruel.

We weren’t there, oh, but you can


A God so wonderful and awesome

that He created some of the most amazing animals, places and creatures

for our pleasure, for our enjoyment, for our companionship, for us; you, me.


A God that watches over us…

He gives us free will to move through life,

making choices,

making good ones and bad

learning from them,


maturing into a




filled child of God


That place spoken of in John 14…

that place so magnificent,



 that ‘eye has not seen, ear has not heard,

 neither has it entered into the heart of man

what GOD has created for us’…



That one day and it is coming soon,

 that Jesus will call us,




 to ever be in His presence…

content, in every way,

 every dream,

 every vision,

every goal

 complete in Him


That He will one day return on a white horse with ten thousands of His saints,

to once and for all defeat the chief enemy of our souls: Satan.

 Satan, defeated, whipped, under the feet of our Lord and Savior:


 YOURSELF a child of the King, protected, loved and secure in everything that He has provided...

no more pain, no more tears, no more disappointments, no more rejection, no more….


What He has placed in your hands, in hearts and in your life…

things only you can do,

people only you can reach,

places you are ordained to go. 



Yourself a winner,

a champion,

a child of the King:



defeating Satan…


, bruising

stomping on Him by the

power of the blood and in Jesus names.



Not about the silver and gold of this world

and how it will fall into corruption,

disrepair and

be lost stolen or

vanish into thin air.




crowned with many crowns, filled with jewels of every description,

sitting upon His thrown,

where every knee shall bow

and tongue confess…


Make Him your Lord and Savior,

confess you sin and faults to Him.

Tell Him,

yes you believe He died for you

and you accept Him

and His shed blood for you.


The new life,

 new hope

 new path

He has for you.

Need I say much more? 

Need our Lord and Savior do much more?

 “It is finished”...

those three words he spoke while dying on the cross...

.resonate still over 2000 years later….

What is left to do?


 who you are….

a blood bought, child of the King...

So, until tomorrow right here on the Front Porch…


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