Well, well, well…long
time and no visit on the front porch…no apologies, no excuses…but so glad you
stopped by!
It has been almost a year since my last blog...blogging takes time. It takes thought...it takes more time. I often feel my to do list outweighs my time allotment...but decided to take some of that precious time on this cold November day in 2013...to invite you to celebrate and magnify the Lord with me!
50 years. A great
deal of stuff can happen during 50 years.
Good, bad, sad, happy, birth, death, marriage, divorce… Half a century…50
years. That's a long time.
We recently observed the 50th anniversary of the assassination
of John F. Kennedy and the death of C. F. Lewis. Dark day for Texas and for America that day
of the assassination of John F. Kennedy. For the past few weeks the news has been full of minute by minute accounts of the dark
day in November 1963. Hard to believe 50 years. Most people who were alive at that time can
recall just where they were and what they were doing when the news broke. Unbelievable.
I am celebrating another type of milestone; 50 years ago in
November, 1963, I accepted Jesus as my Savior.
I was a lost, confused 10 year old child. But,a kindly neighbor took me
under her wing, invited me to church.
The church was a new work…a home mission’s church that was started in an
old, very old school house I stress
OLD; a one room school house which had been divided into two rooms. It is still standing today-boarded up, just as the picture shows-but still
standing as a witness, a light, a testimony to the lives it has touched. It was
complete with an old wood/coal burning stove.
Wood floors, old dusty wood floors, drafty old windows and on one wall hung a picture of
George Washington that I thought had to be the original portrait. It wasn’t of course. Running water-none-which meant when nature
called, you literally had to take a
walk up a path and beware. Don’t recall
ever venturing to this facility. Not
because I was afraid, as we had one of these fine facilities at my house. Just chose not to. Oh, and one light bulb to illuminate the
church. Bare bulb. No frills.
This little church was born out of a man’s dream to help
people, such as myself, find the Truth, and find Jesus as Lord and Savior. Roy Gabbard.
He had a heritage of several generations of preachers and teachers, but
somewhere along this way, he ventured off the path of the straight and
narrow. After his search, he returned to
the God of his youth and the God of his roots.
Thus, eventually he was called to the ministry and planted a church. That small beginning has flourished into a ministry of churches, tent revivals, singing groups, evangelistic work through TV and radio. Wonder if he ever dreamed his small beginnings would mushroom into such ministry? But that is God's plan: small steps, small beginnings, obedience in small things=God's blessings beyond our hopes and dreams.
My neighbor faithfully took me to this little church. Not many folk in
attendance. I recall Pastor Gabbard
singing and playing his guitar. I
remember singing from the hymn books. I
loved to sing. Cherished the words from
those old hymnals; ‘At the Cross, At the
Cross’….Of course I had no idea what the meaning was to this songs...but the power of the message of those songs drew me and comforted me.
I remember the piano
player banging on those keys like there was no tomorrow. I remember the preaching. Since I had little experience with church,
especially a little country church like this, the preaching to me was more like
hollering and more hollering. I remember
thinking ‘why is this guy so angry?”! Hmmm...now realize it's the passion for the Word that we Christians experience...a passion, a drive, a desire to 'GO and TELL' and sometimes yell.
I remember Sunday School.
I loved Sunday School. Charlotte
Gabbard was the teacher. It was a small
group. But, I remember loving the
stories and the comfort of the Word. My
dear neighbor came and picked me up, faithfully, week after week-rain, cold, sleet and snow. She has long gone to her Heavenly home, I wonder where I might be today IF she had not taken the time and interest in the little Lawson girl who lived over the hill and through the woods. Reaching out to one does count and does make a difference-especially to that one. What a difference it made to me.
A few months earlier, the Gideons, a group of businessmen
who raise funds and supply Bibles to school children, military men and women,
nurses, doctors, motels…came to my school.
I remember the buzz was, “the
Gideons are coming, the Gideons are
coming’…hmmm…what is a Gideon? Well,
I found out. Kindly, concerned men who
handed me a little red New Testament.
God’s Word. I did not know exactly the treasure I had just received. No idea.
I took it home and for some reason began secretly reading this treasure by
the light from the kitchen when I was supposed to be sleeping. I did not understand the message...thees and thous and wherefores and begats and this and that...but nevertheless, I was drawn by the power of the Holy Spirit to read this Word.
One rainy, cold November Sunday in 1963 I went to church, received a
handout after Sunday School and carried it home. That afternoon, I read and re-read that
little handout. Not much to do at my house
on a cold rainy November Sunday afternoon.
Stay quiet and stay out of sight if possible and don’t say or do
anything to upset the delicate status quo.
After reading that little paper several times, the message hit
home. On the back was the outline of the
plan of salvation. A-Admit you are a
sinner... B-Believe in Jesus. C-Confess
that Jesus is your Lord and Savior. A
huge, bright light went off in my little 10 year old brain. Jesus loved me and He could save me from my
miserable self and my miserable life. It
was a cold, rainy day, but a warmth came over me.; a warmth down to my
toes. I not only said the sinner’s
prayer, I found a piece of paper and wrote a letter to Jesus. Making sure I covered the A, B and C. Then I signed it and dated it. Priceless…the defining day of my life; the
Crossroads that forever changed my life!
So 50 years…50 years, I have had a Friend, a Confidant, a
Helper, a Healer, and a Savior. Ups and
downs…mountains and valleys, trials, tribulations, victories..but all sprinkled with the power and comfort of the Holy Spirit, the Grace from the Son and the Love of the Father.....by the way I met a young man at that little country church. Glen Gabbard, the son of the Preacher man Roy
Gabbard and the brother of my Sunday School teacher, Charlotte Gabbard. I met the Preacher...we fell in love,
married, had 4 children and a gaggle of grandkids…we have pastored in several
states, met some of the best folk this side of Heaven. 50 years….and they said it wouldn’t last!
50 years does seem like a l o n g time and it is….but compared to the
Promise of Eternal Life that I now possess because of that decision in November
1963…50 years here on earth is just a mere drop in the bucket…I have 50 times 50 years times 50 years…eternity...to live, move
and have my being in Him.
So celebrate with me, Glorify His Name with me, but more importantly if you do not know Him as Savior, invite Him into your heart where He will make His home...John 3:16...for GOD so loved the world that He sent His Son...
As I wrote earlier, blogging takes time, thought and tenacity...I usually don't write until or unless I feel the inspiration...been writing this blog in my head for several weeks now...but really been writing it for the past 50 years...
So thanks for stopping by...I do feel a few more blog thoughts forming and stewing in my soul...so hopefully, we can visit again here on the front porch real soon...until then...be blessed
So celebrate with me, Glorify His Name with me, but more importantly if you do not know Him as Savior, invite Him into your heart where He will make His home...John 3:16...for GOD so loved the world that He sent His Son...
As I wrote earlier, blogging takes time, thought and tenacity...I usually don't write until or unless I feel the inspiration...been writing this blog in my head for several weeks now...but really been writing it for the past 50 years...
So thanks for stopping by...I do feel a few more blog thoughts forming and stewing in my soul...so hopefully, we can visit again here on the front porch real soon...until then...be blessed
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