Sunday, January 18, 2009


Good Morning! '"This is the day that the Lord has made, so let's rejoice!'

Thanks for stopping by. Hope this day is extra blessed and you 'celebrate' in the moment-good and not so good.

In just keeping up with my family-three out of four, have had someone sick in their house this week. The Preacher has been under the weather (strange saying isn't it?) too. Still, in all, God is watching and will give us the 'manna' both physical and spiritual we need.

Yesterday was one of those fantastic Texas days ....warm you can walk around without a jacket...even short sleeves. Today and the rest of the week is suppose to be more of the same. I hope to get in some nice front porch time!

Yesterday as I was out running errands working on my 'to do' list. I experienced something I don't think I have in a long time. Briefly,............ on a four lane highway with a turn lane in the middle-going along thinking of what I needed to do-saw a limo and a line of cars in the oncoming lane....funeral. I pulled over on the far right lane, slowing down, saying a quick prayer for those who had lost a loved one. Hoping they were comforted by God. The car in front on me slows to a stop...... my first impulse was to whip around them and proceed on my merry way. But the car behind me, slowed, pulled over behind me and stopped, etc. Soon we had a row of about 10 of us, pulled over. The funeral procession slowly went by. As they did it gave me more time to stop and really pray for God's comfort for this group of family and friends. Whoever was in the casket....they were either in the presence of God or 'took the elevator' to the basement....There was only a shell left in the casket...just hope they made things right. They either graduated and were truly living in the presence of our Savior.....or eternally tormented ....another time we'll talk more on this matter.

My point today, I was pleasantly surprised by human kindness, consideration and a show of respect for others we did not even know. Took a few minutes of time, but I think every car that went by glanced over and saw our little row of vehicles, stopped and saying, 'out of respect' for you and yours.

Human kindness....we have gotten away from that. Too rushed, for simple things like, holding the door for the next person, saying thank you to strangers, cashiers.waitresses, about smiling and saying hello to people we work with...let alone strangers. Look them in the face and truly mean it. So in your hustle and bustle in life...we do need to slow down and 'show the love of God' that is suppose to be a lifestyle that flows from our walk with Him.

So today as you go about your business, remember, 'actions do speak louder than words' a matter of fact...your actions are speaking so loud....I can't hear what you are saying'!!

Until next time on the front porch.

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