Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Good evening. Busy last couple of days. Not a moment to even step on the front porch, much less sit and visit. But, glad you stopped by.

If you read Tim's blog you know that his Pastor has resigned the church. Tim has been the music minister for almost 5 years now. I have seen such growth in Tim and Amy under the care of Pastor Carter! He is a true shepherd. In an earlier blog I mentioned the 'interview' in Tim's journey to Longview. To add some additional details to Tim's journey to Longview-as stated Tim had been working faithfully in a local church here in the Dallas area. He worked faithfully with the youth pastor and music minister. Tim ministered and worked alongside these pastors-in addition to working 40 plus hours in a retail store. In addition he was a 'newlywed'. During these 5 years Tim also studied at a local college working on his music degree. It was a busy time-but a time of stretching and growing for Tim. It was at this church Tim met Amy :). I remember when they would come to the house, Amy was always quite-always so sweet. I remember many evenings Tim and Amy would be sitting at the piano, singing, writing songs, praising God. It was such a joy. Amy may be sweet and quite, but she has a beautiful voice! One of my favorite songs I love to hear her sing is, I'm Desperate for You, so powerful. I recall through these years Tim would have Bible study groups at the house, friends in and out-excitement. Tim brings excitement into the room. Sometimes I'll share the excitement.

I know there were times of discouragement during this 5 year stretch. Finances were a challenge-the ministry at the Dallas church began to change and Tim just wasn't sure he would fit in. His older brother Joe was also in a time of transistion in the ministry-as I recall ALL of us were in a time of transition at this time! Anyway, Joe found the posting about the music ministry in Longview and upon the leading of the Holy Spirit sent Tim's resume to Longview. I don't think Tim felt he was ready for this assignment. But much like young David in some of God's assignments for Him, Tim trusted God. Dear Pastor Carter saw Tim's resume and well, the rest is history. Pastor Carter has embraced Tim's talents, gifts and callings. He has allowed Tim to mature in God's wisdom and grace. He has allowed Tim to have freedom to be open, directed and led by the Holy Spirit-not only in the music ministry but in other ministry opportunities. Our prayers and blessing go with the Carter family.

I also know what it feels like to be in the same corner as the Carter's. The ministry is the most rewarding, fulfilling, yet physically, emotionally exhausting. Some who read this will scoff and make judgements-my point exactly. There is no fishbowl quite like the ministry. Yes, you meet some of the sweetest, supportive, kind and loving people. However, there are others who feel it is their "ministry" to question, undermine, pick at and scrutinize every move. Pastors and ministry leaders are expected to be perfect, able to leap tall buildings, fly through the air with the greatest of speed, on and on..

It is discouraging to pour into people and often for various reasons they move out of our lives. I was pondering on this one day and God comforted me with the word that 'it is His Kingdom'. I was reminded that I should not be building 'my kingdom'because the church we are serving in is not to be an earthly kingdom. I was to remember the building was of His Kingdom and His church. People move in and out of our lives-especially in our mobile, fluid society. As we meet people along our life's journey-we are to love them and accept them for who they are. God has allowed them to come our life for a season. A season of joy and rejoicing, a season of working together in the vineyard of the Lord until He gives the next assignment. This is why fussing and feuding in the church is unacceptable and surely breaks our Lord's heart.

Thus, this is the case with Pastor Carter. He has labored so faithfully. He has been an instrument in physically and spiritually building a house of worship in Longview. He has mentored Tim and Amy, along with countless others. He has impacted not only the Longview area BUT more importantly, he has built the Kingdom of God. Therefore, because he has built the Kingdom of God, and not his own kingdom, he is free to step into his next assignment with faith and freedom. God has good things in store for Pastor Carter and even though it appears it may not be in the pulpit, I feel it will have a great impact on God's Kingdom nevertheless.

So enjoy the memories and opportunities to work hand in hand with God's people, in God's vineyard, at God's bidding and His assignment. When He calls us or anyone in the Body to 'get up and Go'-lovingly and respectfully release them. We look forward to the 'grand reunion' aka the 'meeting in the air' in the sweet, sweet by and by!

Until we meet again on the front porch.

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