Saturday, January 3, 2009


Good Morning from my front porch to yours! Another day..actually another new year has just begun. This is a time of looking this past year and the challenges, opportunities and mistakes made. We all have them, some more than others. For what it is worth 2008 is over and we survived. For some of us, a new year represents a time of reflections, self examination of our life and an opportunity to 'step up to the plate' and swing that bat with a little more determination and gusto in hopes of hitting a home run. I know the men in my life will get a kick out of that sports analogy! But, to me that is what a new year...even a new day offers. I am inspired and encouraged by the scripture from Lamentations 3:22, "Through the Lord's mercies we are not consumed (even though that's what we (I) deserve), because HIS compassions fail not (wow, in light of so many things in our lives that fail..we have this assurance!), they are NEW every MORNING, GREAT is your faithfulness." My thought from this Texas front porch, is to be encouraged and look up and see His faithfulness in your life. No matter what 'resolution(s) you have made...we really need revolutions don't we?, look to the Lord and seek Him more. Then we have that promise, Matthew 6:33, "But seek ye first the kingdom of GOD and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you."
Need 'things'??? seek Him!


  1. Mom, I love it! You are officially in the blogging world. Welcome and keep 'em coming. I love the title and background of the blog. Now, we just need to get Dad on board. . .

  2. I am excited about your blog! I know you have a lot of good thinks to say.
