Saturday, January 17, 2009


Good Morning!

It's early on the front porch. Looking for the sun and its cloudy and overcast-but suppose to be a little warmer. Already started on that 'to do' list for this weekend. Before I get far into it just wanted to sit a spell and sip on another cup of coffee. That's what I like about Saturdays!

Speaking of Saturdays! I know we cram way too much into them-BUT they sure are nice and certainly something to look forward too especially when Monday rolls around again. I feel my weekend is complete if I've worshipped the Lord with friends and family and have been able to spend some time outside. Usually taking care of the horses and other barnyard critters or just sitting down under the pecan tree and just looking at the day to day business that goes on in the barnyard.

In the past 3 years I have had over 30 plus chickens, but currently down to about 10. Seems that coyote has figured out where to get his 'free lunch'. One of my farm projects is to make a better pen for those hens. Anyway, when I first was getting the little farm together and doing research, I recall reading how fascinating chickens are. It can be compared to watching an aquarium full of fish. I agree. Those hens will walk around, pick at something (that's one reason I got them-they love fly larve-hope you aren't eating right now) and keep the barnyard pest down to a minimum. Interesting creatures. But as much as the Preacher loves his chicken-these hens will NOT be in any frying pan as long as I am around...kinda hard to connect the two...those chickens and those fryers at Krogers.

Anwway, these hens will cluck and it sounds like they talk to one another and I cluck back at them sometimes. Neighbors think I am strange anyway. another blog someday me and my neighbors..... Those hens now associate me with something tasty to eat so no matter where they are in the barnyard or pasture or in the yard (another project I must work on) they come running to see what tasty morsels I have brought them.

My oldest granddaughter Camryn has shown some interest in my farming adventure. Seems the older she gets she has other interests-that's OK. My biggest farm buddy right now is Jace. He jumps up at the crack of dawn oh say 6:00 or so and wants to go gather eggs, feed the chickens, ride the horses-feed the sheep or just walk the pasture and talk. Anyway, back to the chickens. I started out with 3 hens. I bought these 3 from a crusty old guy at the McKinney trade days. Should have known better. But when you are green behind the ears and don't know much about farming-so be it. One of those hens was the meanest thing I've had. She was pretty ugly too. She would lay eggs and just sit there -no she wasn't sitting on them to hatch chicks-sit on hers and the others and when I would try to get them-she would start breaking the eggs! It was as if to say "no way...I can't have these eggs you won't either!

Anyway, out of the three she was the boss lady-always hogging (funny thought) the food and kinda beating up on the other two. On was a little small hen and when approached just stopped in her tracks and took whatever beating the old hen would dish out. Anyway, this little hen laid the smallest blue/green eggs I've ever seen-faithfully almost everyday until......a stray dog I took in decided to move on up on the food chain out of the dog food bowl and into the chicken pen. The other of the three hens disappeared almost immediately. A few months later the little hen was supper for this stray dog and I had the one mean hen until next Spring. Got more.chicks then..about 10 and Camryn proceeded to name every single one of them. This mean ole hen bossed these little ones around too. Nasty old thing she was. Anyway, Camryn could identify "Black Beauty, Buttercup, Snow White, etc.) Got a few more when Caleb came to visit and had a nice little brood.

There was one hen from the new batch that stood out. She was big, clumsy and awkward and UGLY (uglier than the old mena hen even!). I was standing in the barnyard and told Camryn 'that is the ugliest hen I have ever seen'. Camryn in all her wisdom said, 'Uh, Grannie...that's a rooster". Out of the mouths of babes! It never occured to me one of my hens might be a he...for I had some pretty bad experiences as a child with roosters and didn't want to go there! I specifically asked for ladies only at the feed store! But, I got used to him and really kinda enjoyed his crowing...he was different because that boy crowed in the afternoon and evening instead of the morning. I guess he liked to sleep in.

Back to the barnyard....., every once in a while a hen would be missing again. Figured they got out of the pasture or.... One day I was walking in the pasture and saw this super sized ugly thing. the ugly hen ....aka rooster, flapping its wings and trying to CROW. A very comical sight and amusing. Yep, I had a rooster. However, he seemed to be pretty easy going and hadn't tried to flog (jump at you and use those spurs ) me so I'd let him stay. By the way he turned into a good looking rooster. He had green tinted tail feathers and would strut around the barnyard..... until one day I noticed it was as if he had lost almost every single tail feather. I asked the guy at the feed store and he laughed (I've asked him so many questions most of them on the 'dumb' side...that I'm surprised he hasn't started charging for his free 'advise'). Anyway, he said in his Texas drawl, 'sounds like he had a mighty close call'. Close call?? Ah, the coyote or ??? Anyway, about the same time, Camryn noticed her favorite hen-Black Beauty was missing! (Yes, we would count them and name them off- I still do count them) We were sad because she was jet black, plump and very pretty. Sad-but life in the barnyard goes on. I remember on a Wednesday afternoon in October of that year-I was rushing around trying to feed the barnyard critters and gather eggs, etc. When I heard a 'cheep..cheep'. And out ran Black Beauty with 8 baby chicks! I was pretty excited (and yes, its true...I don't get out much). Called Camryn with the good news not only was Black Beauty back but she had 8 baby chicks. I have no idea where they could have been. I have a neighbor who has a pile of junk that is close to the barnyard...perhaps there?? Sometime I'll share the experience of watching a mother hen with her chicks . Well, sad to say not only did that rooster lose the rest of his tail feathers-something got him one day a few months later. I looked all over the pasture after he went missing and finally found what was left of him. Kinda sad-but the circle of life. Black Beauty did disappear again too. Most of her little chicks went one by one or two by two-coyote lunch or chicken hawk or ???? (hope its not Big Foot or some other 2 legged thing). But I do still have 2 of her chicks who have survived and turned into pretty nice hens.

God has given us so much to enjoy and celebrate. I'm trying to look at each day as an 'event and celebration'. Because our days are numbered. Only our Father in Heaven knows when are days are up. We fight it so...hold on to this life with all its imperfections, imitations, troubles, cares, get the picture. God has a million times over treasures and gifts waiting on the "other side' its not the dark side but the Light side......where the Son shines forever. We all will awake on day...and it will be our last day to walk on this earth. Much like my chickens...get up business as usual and one phone call, one incident, on mistake, one heartbeat away from eternity. None of us will be ravaged by a coyote (hope not!) but we have our day when this outer shell will cease to be our home...but our soul will be released and really begin living! We do have it all upside down...instead of dying...we should think of it as now we can really start in the Father's presence, the Son's light, the fullness of the Holy Spirit. Something to think about, dream about, plan for, pack for (no suitcase but packed with the Word, His presence and calling) and GET READY!

So, whew, that to do list is calling. I hear those horses neighing for some feed. Gotta also take time and feed the too...until next time on the front porch.

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