Friday, January 9, 2009


Good evening! Come sit a spell on the front porch. I must say another beautiful day. Look over in the sky-there is a full moon just waiting to take front and center stage just as God has designed it. The sun is sinking a little lower, lower and will soon be gone. Amazing. But, feel that breeze kicking up...a little more, hear those tree limbs hitting against the house. I feel a change coming. Change.

Change. Not the jiggling stuff in our pockets. No, this is the big stuff. Change of attitude, lifestyle, habits, mindsets. Difficult stuff. Stuff we avoid and just don't like. None of us open our arms wide and declare, 'change, give me your best shot!'. No, we cower in a corner whimpering and resisting change. Change.

I admit I'm included in the whimpering corner. I have my little pew I sit in every Sunday and do say if anyone would wander over there-I'd bristle and burn a tad. I have a parking place I park in EVERY morning (I get there early enough I could pick any one of many) BUT no one had better take it! If they did I'd probably slam my door a little too hard and sulk into the building, mumbling about the 'nerve'. We all have those comfort routines-meat loaf on Monday, bowling on Thursday, or......fill in the blank. Change.

But when you think about it-God is a God of change! Look at us...we are constantly changing physically. Don't think so...get out pictures from a few years back. Then take a look in the mirror. I often get busy-run into the bathroom to wash my hands and look up in the mirrow and jump back-thinking 'who is that old woman in the mirror!? Guess what ? That's me. What happened to the years? Seems like only yesterday I was a young bride, then a young mother, now a grandmother may times over. Change.

Back to change-God has 'mercies new every morning'-yet He is stedfast. He is the same yesterday, today and forever. Yet, in His wisdom He desires to pour a newness and freshness upon us. Change. It takes a strong man or woman to accept change, embrace it, and allow it to make us better. The 'world' is changing. Look around, planted a tree lately? Notice how much it grows and matures. Taken a look at your child or grandchild. They are changing and maturing right before our eyes. We accept it, or should accept it. No one really wants a baby in diapers forever. They grow, stretch, stumble, regroup, mature and bloom into their own calling. Can't hold on to them, please don't try. If you do you will smother them, stifle them, frustrate them and may even lose them. Change.

God desires for all of us to allow change in our lives. We should be growing, stretching, stumbling (yes, even this, if you never try to walk-you will never stumble-so walk a little even if you do stumble!), regrouping, maturing and blooming into the plan He has for us. Just like the last few days that have been so beautiful. If I could I would bottle them up and try to save them. If I could I would have every day like the last two. Glad I'm not running things. Pretty soon things would be in chaos. Why, we have cycles and seasons established so that we might have rain, snow, sun for the growth and change this earth needs. Change.

Change. Take a look at Abraham from the book of Genesis. Now here was a man willing and open to change. God told him to get up and leave his people, his home, his land, his familiar surroundings and Go.....go where? To a land I will show you. Hmm, a little vague, don't you think? A little difficult, don't you think? A walk into the unknown, never been there before, never done it that way before 'walk'. Revisit this story in the book of Genesis. Think of the 'might have not beens' if Abraham had resisted and said, "Na, no thanks, like it right here pretty much, been here all my life, got things just like I like 'em'. Thanks goodness, the Father of many generations, the Father of many nations, Father Abraham', was willing to allow his Father God to bring about a newness and freshness in his life. As they say........the rest is His story (history).

From my porch to yours, good evening and God bless...oh and how about a little 'change?'

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