Good evening! Welcome to the porch. Wonderful day today, wasn’t it? 70’s. Great day to be outside, beautiful cloudless blue sky. Perfect! Now a few days ago it was very cold and icy! But today-great.
Today is the last day of January. I am always glad when January is gone-over-then we are a little closer to spring. Anyway, January ..if I had to give it a title-a theme-a thought. January is a month of birth and death.
This was a thought I had been developing for a day or so but then after today I wanted to share. Today on the farm we had a birth! I knew birth was coming –just not in January. I have 2 sheep-Mary and Martha. When we got our little farm, got the horses, then the second year I wanted a couple of sheep. They are great at keeping the pasture clear of weeds…and will eat just about anything. Someday I’ll expand on the marvel of God’s ‘circle of life’ and how it works in such harmony. Someday I’ll also have to tell the story of how I acquired each of my critters.
Anyway, I . wanted a couple of little lambs. Couldn’t find them anywhere. I had also just acquired a little donkey..and had just visited the lady that was going to give him to me and passed a little house and there were some sheep there-little ones. I pulled in and asked the family if they had any for sale. They did. One of their sheep had just had 4 little lambs-one had already died and she had rejected one. They were bottle feeding this little lamb. I offered to buy the lamb and take her to my little farm…$20.00. I named her Mary. I bottle fed her much like one would a baby…every 2-3 hours it was interesting. I called the lady a few weeks later and said if she had any more little lambs I would like to get another one. Mary needed a little buddy. A week or so later, she called and I went and picked up Martha. Bottle feeding both of these babies was quite an experience! A year and half later I decided to get a ram and have my own little lambs. The following spring (last year) Mary and Martha each had a little lamb-March 3 Rebecca was born March 5 Samson arrived. I sold both of these little guys this past fall…just gotta be done. Anyway, today little Susanna arrived. I saw Mary pawing the ground and trying to make a little cozy place in the hay pile. She would lie down and pant and push. Get up and do it again-this went on and off for about 20 minutes. I sat down and just wanted to see the birth and ?assist?.
Anyway, this went on for about 20 minutes and then a pretty hard pant and push and I could see the head and front hooves. Lambs come out as if they are folded in half. At this point the part of the head and hooves were out and Mary got up as if she wanted this to just be over (I can relate to that!) I went over and gently pulled the lamb out and she just kinda of slid out and arrived into the world. Immediately began breathing, Mary began making soft noises to the lamb and cleaning her up. A few minutes later Mary nudged Susanna and she was struggling to get up. Up and looking for food. I got a stall ready so Mary and baby could have some shelter, privacy and be secure from the coyotes (I hope!). I took plenty of hay, fresh water and put additional fencing around the stall in hopes of keeping them in and other critters out. I also put Martha in the stall because she sure looks like she will have her own little lamb any day now. I checked on the three off and on during the afternoon far so good. The little lamb is already playful, jumping around, and so far will let me hold her. Anyway January is a month of birth.
I told the Preacher I had a new baby lamb. He said, “That’s nice”. OK…..That’s about as interested as he gets in the life in the barnyard.
January a month of birth and death.
I have a sister born in January, Joe’s birthday is in January. Preacher has a couple of family members born in January. His dad’s birthday was in January…birth. Life begins… Circle of life.
Days begin to turn into years, we have our appointed days…what are we going to do with this allotment?
January is also a month of death. My friend lost her mother in January. She just got back from
PA attending the funeral of her brother-in-law. A friend recently lost his grandmother. Death…circle of life….January 30th was the 21st anniversary of my own father’s death.
21 years. My dad, a mystery, a puzzle, a man fighting his own demons-that never allowed him to enjoy this life.
This past May I had the privilege of taking a trip-just me- to visit my mom in Kentucky. While I was there we decided to take a ‘Thelma and Louse’ trip. We visited her old home place in Williamsburg, Kentucky. Ran into some of my Dad’s old relatives. We poked around in cemeteries, locating graves….digging up the past-puzzle by puzzle-piece by piece. There are still a lot of missing pieces. But, I got a little glimpse into who my dad was. Perhaps explain why he was so troubled, so driven by demons. A man of ‘constant sorrows’…..
He was the second of 2 children born to his parents. Shortly after his birth his mom died. We could not get the story straight..but as a little infant-his mother gone. The backdrop for this story was the Great Depression…add the bleakness and desperateness of Appalachia and the outlook was pretty grim. The story went….. my grandfather not being able to deal with the loss of wife, a 3 year old daughter and now an infant to raise, moved back in with his parents. This we found out per the census. However, through the years, Dad was passed from relative to relative-census records verify that as well. Story was that some of those relatives introduced Dad to Kentucky Moonshine at an early age…around 7 or 8. Dad also ‘quit’ school in the 4th grade. Story was because he didn’t have shoes and Somehow he got through the teenage years…a lost child who became a lost man who was never able to find his place in this world.
Mom knew Dad’s cousins, they were her good friends. She was visiting them and they introduced Dad and Mom. Mom said he was real shy, quiet. They would go to church together. I was so glad to hear that…Dad at least knew that although he had a rough life….God loved him. However, he allowed the alcohol to become his king….his world, his friend, ..his family and ultimately his destruction and death.
Mom said they would break up-get back together. He went into the army…they wrote letters back and forth. They got married, moved to Cincinnati…Dad got a good job at General Electric—post war boom…anybody could get a job…thank goodness. They found a little rent house on the Kentucky side…Alexandria…4 rooms and a path…much like they both grew up in. This was home for them for the next 20 years…until they were forced to move due to the landlady wanting the house for her relatives.
Dad drunk more and more as the years went by until alcohol consumed his whole being. He never expressed any emotion-except anger, aloofness, so distant. Him and mom fighting, things being broken, thrown, physical abuse, fear-what would he say or do next. Never enough money for food, clothes-not because Dad didn’t have a good job-but alcohol ate up his money – alcohol was his mistress, his family, his god. It drove him to madness and spur Dad into shooting a gun at Mom…I remember hiding Mom from him, him locking her out of the house in the dead of winter after he had torn her clothes off….me at 6 years old…running ..hiding…. begging God..’if you are really there…make him stop!” Minutes later …hearing him stumble to his bed and passing out. Going to court, the judge putting him on probation…praying dad would not stumble into the church on my wedding day…the one time I was grateful he was passed out… hoping he stay that way until after the wedding….
Dad 3rd DWI’, license revoked…driving anyway-to get his alcohol, warnings at work…;'glassy eyed’……clean up his act or lose his job…..drunk, passed out on steps, in cars, in the front yard….until one Friday morning drunk…and fell off the porch…breaking several veterbra in his neck..Operations, therapy, 3 months in the hospital…walking again but never fully recovering…never to work again, drive again…but drinking continued. More drinking, 3 stints in AA….drinking, fighting…I’m long gone, married, but visits always ruined or a constant living in fear of what he would do…what ugliness would come out of his mouth..finally the seizures hospitals, out, until finally a doctor tells him…if you take another drink you’ll be dead….in VA hospital again…another seizure and vomiting, choking on his own vomit and now brain dead…he’s alive but doctor’s tell us…he’s not there…on life support….until ‘plug pulled’ and he’s gone….January 30…. only 59 years old…looked 79….hard life, lonely life, sad life, miserable life, wasted life-never knowing his children, never once telling them he loved them, not caring if they ate or had clothes to wear, were they cold? were they embarrassed to have friends know who he was and where they lived? His emotions, his feelings, so seared by alcohol…not seeing the pain he caused…not caring?
Preacher and my mom were the last ones to see him and talk to him before the final seizure…Preacher asked him to pray with him…told Preacher he had been praying….that night his final seizure…the last time he would open his eyes, the last time his body would crave the poison alcohol, the last time he would breathe on his own the last time the demons would haunt and taunt him……..…he hung between life and death for several days….until he was released to life, to meet God and be set free from his demons.
January…a time of birth, living and death. We all have a given number of days on this earth…God has a plan for us-it’s good-it’s a plan for us to succeed-to excel…Satan has a plan too-to destroy, steal and kill…we have our part…we choose…to live in victory or be a victim. My Dad chose to be a victim …a victim of circumstances, a victim of bitterness, a victim of Satan’s snares and traps. I chose to break that curse in my life….I chose to live in victory that is found in having Jesus as my Lord and Savior. Victim or victory….looks like a ‘no brainer’ choice…as you leave the front porch today…think about where you are in your journey…..don’t allow anything to make you a victim….remember you are a victor because of Him….He allowed Himself to be a victim…to be beat, humiliated, humbled, bruised, abused… we don’t have to be………
Until next time…from my front porch to yours…. choose life and walk in victory that He has granted to each of us………
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
BLAST FROM THE PAST...feet on the ground

Thanks for stopping by...again...Since I had some extra time today...working on a project for Amy...gonna see her and the boys later this week. She will be in town for a birthday party. Since Kaden is signed up for soccer, promised I'd hunt out some of Tim's old soccer pictures. As I did I found others too. Want to post them. These are old photos I scanned in BUT the quality isn't very good. Suggestions all you techies out there in cyber space??
Good Morning from the front porch. IT’S COLD! and icy! Watch your step!
Therefore, an unexpected day off from school! The ice and cold weather is not a ‘norm’ here in North Texas BUT this is a cold front that has most of the mid-west to east in a freezy grip.
Talked to Mom in Northern Ky. They have several inches of snow, then ice and expected more snow. I can deal with this stuff vs. that stuff. It is expected to be gone by noon. That’s what I love about TEXAS!
Anyway, talked to Tim last night. Had not got to talk with him for a few days. He stays in touch pretty much..even with his super busy schedule. His church is going through a transition as Pastor Carter is ‘retiring’. I gave my tribute to him in an earlier blog. He has been a tremendous influence in Tim’s life and ministry this past 5 years. Tim chided me for telling some of his childhood adventures…I teasingly told him, ‘he’s just the kinda kid that had a lot of stories’.
Today I want to give each a little tribute. Love ya guys and those wonderful spouses you were given and all those extra special grandkiddos!
I can’t say enough of how proud the Preacher and I are of our children! I’m not just a proud ‘momma’, I am a blessed one indeed! Each of them are excelling and thriving in their own ‘little corner of the world’. Read Julie’s blog about her latest blessing! Julie has always excelled in whatever she endeavored to do. I remember when we lived in Maryland, she was in HS and taking some advanced courses, oh such as calculus and physics. and after her ‘chores’ aka dishes, etc. She would go to her room and her little desk and spend an average of 3 hours working on homework! That’s dedication! That’s determination! That’s Julie! We love and are proud of you Julie! Julie has a gift for communicating, writes some of the most heartfelt tributes in her birthday, Christmas cards. I still have several “Julmark” cards she made throughout the years. Julie has a promotion …vice president of something…sorry can’t keep these titles straight. Hey, maybe the future President of the United States…She could do it. Julie, you have mine and the Preacher’s vote. Thanks Julie, for all you are and have allowed God to accomplish through you!
Read Lori’s blog and find out her strengths. No, she’s not out there in the rat race –not everyone
is called to go into that ‘mission’ field. However, she excels as a wife, mother, pastor’s wife, daughter, sister… She is building the lives of her sons-home schooling-something I know I could never have done. She is a Proverbs 31 gal indeed. Good job, Lori! We love you and are proud of you! Lori is patient, standing by her ‘men’-would fight a roaring tiger if needed to protect her little guys and her ‘big guy’. I don’t know how Lori has been able to take her resources and accomplish all that she has…such as be a stay at home mom, keep her guys fed, clothed in want of nothing. Lori keeps in touch, calling, concerned, always keeping connected! Thanks Lori. I stated in an earlier blog…a preacher’s preacher…with a passion and vision far beyond his tender years. When I have the honor of sitting under his ministry, I am in awe of the intensity and passion with which he delivers the Word. Deep. Challenging. Cutting in to the soul…to te marrow and quick of our being…in order that we would become bigger and better for God’s Kingdom. He has a vision for building God’s Kingdom. He’s not afraid to tackle any assignment…not one to settle for ‘business as usual’ but has a zeal not seen too often in our day of ‘cushion and comfort’ in the church. We have seen him come through some battles and emerge triumph. (HMMMM, maybe that’s why he is currently serving at CHRIST TRIUMPH CHURCH!). We love you, Joe and are proud of you! Joe is not one for a lot of ‘chit chat’ on the phone…we don’t ‘hear’ from him via the phone very often. That’s Ok, Joe, I understand…more than you know. But he ‘twits-think that’s a word and we keep up with him- ( I am told I need to get into the twitter’ age….I am considering this guys….I’m not as tech illiterate as I appear sometimes!) BUT he does take time to come visit us and bring his little family to see us. Thanks Joe!
Tim, we come to Tim. “The Baby” (see an earlier blog on the significance of this title). Tim, much like the others, has had their ‘moments’, their challenges, their trials, their testings, their mountains and valleys. I think that is called ‘LIFE”. Anyway, back to Tim, we are so thankful he found his ‘place in this world’. We knew he had gifts and calling in the music ministry. But he also has proven he is a leader and gifted in training and equipping others in the ministry. Love ya proud of you. A side note….to show his wisdom…..a year or so ago when Preacher was going through a very difficult time here in the ministry at Prosper…(another blog ..another day). Tim called EVERDAY for about a month, the entire time this trial was going on, asking the Preacher how he was doing and praying with him and for him. Thanks Tim!
There is not a day, most days, several times a day, that I think of them, pray for them, wonder what they are doing, how they are doing, what the 8 grandkiddos are up to. I have pictures of everyone-everywhere. Julie in her thoughtfulness bought me one of those new fangled digital photo frames, I took it to school and I turn it on daily and get a dose of my family, my wonderful family.
So, children if you read this, know the Preacher and I love you and are so very blessed by each of you. Are you four perfect? I think not…who is? I’ll be the first to admit I am not…and you are who you are in spite of me and my fumbling around as a mother. You are what you as sons and daughters, as husbands and wives, as sisters and brothers, as parents, as men and women of God, as employees, as church members, as ministers and missionaries, as ‘people’ because you have committed and submitted your lives, hearts and souls unto the Lord. You have spent time on the “Potter’s Wheel’ and allowed Him to mold and make you into the vessels of honor, fit for
His use! Now, take all that you have learned, all you have experienced, and all that you are and ‘transfer it, carry it, hand it, to the next generation-as I know that you are. That’s what it is really about…..’tell your children and your children’s children.. Acts 2:39…”For the promise is to you and to your children, and to all who are afar off, as many as he Lord our God will call”.
From my ‘chilly’ front porch to yours….stay warm and be blessed!
Therefore, an unexpected day off from school! The ice and cold weather is not a ‘norm’ here in North Texas BUT this is a cold front that has most of the mid-west to east in a freezy grip.
Talked to Mom in Northern Ky. They have several inches of snow, then ice and expected more snow. I can deal with this stuff vs. that stuff. It is expected to be gone by noon. That’s what I love about TEXAS!
Anyway, talked to Tim last night. Had not got to talk with him for a few days. He stays in touch pretty much..even with his super busy schedule. His church is going through a transition as Pastor Carter is ‘retiring’. I gave my tribute to him in an earlier blog. He has been a tremendous influence in Tim’s life and ministry this past 5 years. Tim chided me for telling some of his childhood adventures…I teasingly told him, ‘he’s just the kinda kid that had a lot of stories’.
Today I want to give each a little tribute. Love ya guys and those wonderful spouses you were given and all those extra special grandkiddos!
I can’t say enough of how proud the Preacher and I are of our children! I’m not just a proud ‘momma’, I am a blessed one indeed! Each of them are excelling and thriving in their own ‘little corner of the world’. Read Julie’s blog about her latest blessing! Julie has always excelled in whatever she endeavored to do. I remember when we lived in Maryland, she was in HS and taking some advanced courses, oh such as calculus and physics. and after her ‘chores’ aka dishes, etc. She would go to her room and her little desk and spend an average of 3 hours working on homework! That’s dedication! That’s determination! That’s Julie! We love and are proud of you Julie! Julie has a gift for communicating, writes some of the most heartfelt tributes in her birthday, Christmas cards. I still have several “Julmark” cards she made throughout the years. Julie has a promotion …vice president of something…sorry can’t keep these titles straight. Hey, maybe the future President of the United States…She could do it. Julie, you have mine and the Preacher’s vote. Thanks Julie, for all you are and have allowed God to accomplish through you!
Read Lori’s blog and find out her strengths. No, she’s not out there in the rat race –not everyone
is called to go into that ‘mission’ field. However, she excels as a wife, mother, pastor’s wife, daughter, sister… She is building the lives of her sons-home schooling-something I know I could never have done. She is a Proverbs 31 gal indeed. Good job, Lori! We love you and are proud of you! Lori is patient, standing by her ‘men’-would fight a roaring tiger if needed to protect her little guys and her ‘big guy’. I don’t know how Lori has been able to take her resources and accomplish all that she has…such as be a stay at home mom, keep her guys fed, clothed in want of nothing. Lori keeps in touch, calling, concerned, always keeping connected! Thanks Lori. I stated in an earlier blog…a preacher’s preacher…with a passion and vision far beyond his tender years. When I have the honor of sitting under his ministry, I am in awe of the intensity and passion with which he delivers the Word. Deep. Challenging. Cutting in to the soul…to te marrow and quick of our being…in order that we would become bigger and better for God’s Kingdom. He has a vision for building God’s Kingdom. He’s not afraid to tackle any assignment…not one to settle for ‘business as usual’ but has a zeal not seen too often in our day of ‘cushion and comfort’ in the church. We have seen him come through some battles and emerge triumph. (HMMMM, maybe that’s why he is currently serving at CHRIST TRIUMPH CHURCH!). We love you, Joe and are proud of you! Joe is not one for a lot of ‘chit chat’ on the phone…we don’t ‘hear’ from him via the phone very often. That’s Ok, Joe, I understand…more than you know. But he ‘twits-think that’s a word and we keep up with him- ( I am told I need to get into the twitter’ age….I am considering this guys….I’m not as tech illiterate as I appear sometimes!) BUT he does take time to come visit us and bring his little family to see us. Thanks Joe!
Tim, we come to Tim. “The Baby” (see an earlier blog on the significance of this title). Tim, much like the others, has had their ‘moments’, their challenges, their trials, their testings, their mountains and valleys. I think that is called ‘LIFE”. Anyway, back to Tim, we are so thankful he found his ‘place in this world’. We knew he had gifts and calling in the music ministry. But he also has proven he is a leader and gifted in training and equipping others in the ministry. Love ya proud of you. A side note….to show his wisdom…..a year or so ago when Preacher was going through a very difficult time here in the ministry at Prosper…(another blog ..another day). Tim called EVERDAY for about a month, the entire time this trial was going on, asking the Preacher how he was doing and praying with him and for him. Thanks Tim!
There is not a day, most days, several times a day, that I think of them, pray for them, wonder what they are doing, how they are doing, what the 8 grandkiddos are up to. I have pictures of everyone-everywhere. Julie in her thoughtfulness bought me one of those new fangled digital photo frames, I took it to school and I turn it on daily and get a dose of my family, my wonderful family.
So, children if you read this, know the Preacher and I love you and are so very blessed by each of you. Are you four perfect? I think not…who is? I’ll be the first to admit I am not…and you are who you are in spite of me and my fumbling around as a mother. You are what you as sons and daughters, as husbands and wives, as sisters and brothers, as parents, as men and women of God, as employees, as church members, as ministers and missionaries, as ‘people’ because you have committed and submitted your lives, hearts and souls unto the Lord. You have spent time on the “Potter’s Wheel’ and allowed Him to mold and make you into the vessels of honor, fit for
His use! Now, take all that you have learned, all you have experienced, and all that you are and ‘transfer it, carry it, hand it, to the next generation-as I know that you are. That’s what it is really about…..’tell your children and your children’s children.. Acts 2:39…”For the promise is to you and to your children, and to all who are afar off, as many as he Lord our God will call”.
From my ‘chilly’ front porch to yours….stay warm and be blessed!
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Good Sunday afternoon from my front porch to yours. Thanks for stopping by. Weather is a little cooler for a few days. Grab a hot cup of coffee or perhaps a cup of hot tea and let’s chat.
Interesting weekend! One of the few where I only had one thing on my to-do list: some paperwork together for taxes. Got it! We are waiting for a few more ‘documents’ and hope to file soon…hoping for a good refund!
Couple of reasons I slowed down this weekend. First, the weather turned cool..much cooler for us. So, no outside projects. Fed the horses and others in the barnyard and back inside. Then Preacher wanted to attend a Southern Gospel concert, promoted it at church and got one couple interested to go with us. This is a family that has been such a blessing to the church! They have two kiddos, ages 10 and 6. The 6 year old is my little buddy, who calls Glen the “Preacher’. Last Wednesday I wore some really ‘crazy’ socks, (Lukie would be so proud of me!) can’t remember where I got them, Annabeth looked at them and said “Why are you wearing the “Preacher’s socks?” This child is so precocious and could pass for the 2009 version of Shirley Temple! Anyway, we all rode together, meet at 3:00, so this was going to be an interesting event!
The auditorium was about an hour and half away. UGH..cold, gray, overcast day. But things brightened up when we decided we had time to stop in Mesquite at the Cracker Barrel. Good hot coffee of course and my favorite: catfish! I was challenged to a game of checkers by Andrew the 10 year old. He reminds me so much of Caleb! So, these two are my grandkiddos when my grandkiddos are away. Anyway, I held my own for a short time…but Andrew ‘creamed’ me …Our food came and my bruised ego was comforted by hot steaming catfish with all the ‘fixins’….then later Andrew challenged me to some game he had on his phone (kiddos and their gadgets these days) to “Are you smarter than a 5th grader?' didn't have to play this game I already know the answer.... ahhh….could have told him that…on most days, No…I’m not smarter than a 5th grader. He promised to ‘help me. Kiddos. This family may be leaving us soon-no I feel they will. Mac recently lost his job (like so many!) they have such faith however and feel it is all a part of God’s plan (its all in the attitude!). They are from West Texas and feel it is time to go back ‘home’. They’ve been in the Dallas area for several years (came here on a job assignment-he’s an engineer) and want to get back to the basics West Texas...where everything is a little slower...I know the feeling...Dallas can be just too busy, too many people, too many cars, too much traffic, just too much..... Pray for this family. I hate to see them go…but I know what is in their hearts…they want to go home.
Back to the concert, Preacher picked up the tickets at 'Will Call'. Walked in and it was LOUD!! You heard me LOUD!! The tenors could hit a few notes that could have broken glass…thought my own eyeglasses might break. Me and Annabeth both held our ears a couple of times and said ‘it so loud!”. Amazingly, I did NOT see anyone else, the older folks in front of us, beside us, to the left or right flinch, or hold their ears or seem to notice! Amazing-because I don’t know how many times through the years we have had the complaint in our church…’music is too loud”. You’ve got to be kidding! Right? Tim, I’m sure you will certainly appreciate this ‘observation’. We have had this discussion before about music and the perceived ‘loudness’. of it So what’s the difference?
Anyway, Preacher owes me! When one of us does something we really don’t want to do…we joking will say …’you owe me’ (whatever that means and we are still working on how we will do paybacks). Anyway, we got there ‘early’ to see some special presentation..the auditorium was nearly full-already. Seats weren’t that great-by this time. You know squeezing past people’s knees, holding your breath…they do likewise. For about 45 minutes we saw a video promotion of what I will call…’a Gaither Homecoming wanna be’. Phil Cross of Poet Voices claims this is his ‘project’ and is traveling all over promoting it….
I never saw so many gray/white heads, people using canes and wheelchairs, limping and ‘old’.
I mentioned this to the Preacher and he bristled somewhat and said something to the effect-that precisely, that also described us! He’s right of course. Still trying to figure just when and how this happened... the old and gray thing. Not too many young people at all. A few here and there-including the couple that came with us. Mostly older folks. My thought is where is this type of music going….if the vast majority of the fans are so ….old?
Overall, the ‘show’ (that’s what it really seemed to me’…was OK. I counted 3 songs I really enjoyed.. Poet Voices had a couple and Gold City had one that was patriotic. Other than that……
This family we went with are big Gabbard (from Butler, Ky) fans. They asked us why they weren’t there at this concert and said that the Gabbards were their favorite group-even from those groups we had just heard. If any Gabbards are reading this-this is a big compliment from this family! They even played their CD “Gravity” on the CD player in the car and their kiddos know all the words. I’ve come to the conclusion much like sports….if I’m not related to the Southern Gospel singers (even if it is by marriage only) I’m not too interested in it.
After hearing these groups I also wonder….why aren’t the Gabbards singing with these ‘big names”. Their music and songs are just as good….no better than most everything I heard last night.
Anyway, the Preacher compared it to something like this. Music can be compared to say, Cracker Barrel…not everyone will like everything on the menu. We all have our favorites…and some people like a little more variety than others. But it is still Cracker Barrel. I am still trying to dissect that word of wisdom from the Preacher. If anyone really gets the Preacher’s explanation of this, let me know!
Anyway, interesting evening, we got home LATE…me and the Preacher decided we don’t do well on Sunday morning when we have been out late on Saturday. I think this is called, ‘getting old’. So today kinda kicked back after Church and fed animals, put together lunch, cleaned up and that’s about it. I walked through the house right before coming to the front porch and felt God’s overwhelming peace and presence, so I stopped and told the Lord, “Thank you Lord for the gift of this day, to just be still and rest and say, "This is the day the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad”.
From my front porch to yours…God bless.
Interesting weekend! One of the few where I only had one thing on my to-do list: some paperwork together for taxes. Got it! We are waiting for a few more ‘documents’ and hope to file soon…hoping for a good refund!
Couple of reasons I slowed down this weekend. First, the weather turned cool..much cooler for us. So, no outside projects. Fed the horses and others in the barnyard and back inside. Then Preacher wanted to attend a Southern Gospel concert, promoted it at church and got one couple interested to go with us. This is a family that has been such a blessing to the church! They have two kiddos, ages 10 and 6. The 6 year old is my little buddy, who calls Glen the “Preacher’. Last Wednesday I wore some really ‘crazy’ socks, (Lukie would be so proud of me!) can’t remember where I got them, Annabeth looked at them and said “Why are you wearing the “Preacher’s socks?” This child is so precocious and could pass for the 2009 version of Shirley Temple! Anyway, we all rode together, meet at 3:00, so this was going to be an interesting event!
The auditorium was about an hour and half away. UGH..cold, gray, overcast day. But things brightened up when we decided we had time to stop in Mesquite at the Cracker Barrel. Good hot coffee of course and my favorite: catfish! I was challenged to a game of checkers by Andrew the 10 year old. He reminds me so much of Caleb! So, these two are my grandkiddos when my grandkiddos are away. Anyway, I held my own for a short time…but Andrew ‘creamed’ me …Our food came and my bruised ego was comforted by hot steaming catfish with all the ‘fixins’….then later Andrew challenged me to some game he had on his phone (kiddos and their gadgets these days) to “Are you smarter than a 5th grader?' didn't have to play this game I already know the answer.... ahhh….could have told him that…on most days, No…I’m not smarter than a 5th grader. He promised to ‘help me. Kiddos. This family may be leaving us soon-no I feel they will. Mac recently lost his job (like so many!) they have such faith however and feel it is all a part of God’s plan (its all in the attitude!). They are from West Texas and feel it is time to go back ‘home’. They’ve been in the Dallas area for several years (came here on a job assignment-he’s an engineer) and want to get back to the basics West Texas...where everything is a little slower...I know the feeling...Dallas can be just too busy, too many people, too many cars, too much traffic, just too much..... Pray for this family. I hate to see them go…but I know what is in their hearts…they want to go home.
Back to the concert, Preacher picked up the tickets at 'Will Call'. Walked in and it was LOUD!! You heard me LOUD!! The tenors could hit a few notes that could have broken glass…thought my own eyeglasses might break. Me and Annabeth both held our ears a couple of times and said ‘it so loud!”. Amazingly, I did NOT see anyone else, the older folks in front of us, beside us, to the left or right flinch, or hold their ears or seem to notice! Amazing-because I don’t know how many times through the years we have had the complaint in our church…’music is too loud”. You’ve got to be kidding! Right? Tim, I’m sure you will certainly appreciate this ‘observation’. We have had this discussion before about music and the perceived ‘loudness’. of it So what’s the difference?
Anyway, Preacher owes me! When one of us does something we really don’t want to do…we joking will say …’you owe me’ (whatever that means and we are still working on how we will do paybacks). Anyway, we got there ‘early’ to see some special presentation..the auditorium was nearly full-already. Seats weren’t that great-by this time. You know squeezing past people’s knees, holding your breath…they do likewise. For about 45 minutes we saw a video promotion of what I will call…’a Gaither Homecoming wanna be’. Phil Cross of Poet Voices claims this is his ‘project’ and is traveling all over promoting it….
I never saw so many gray/white heads, people using canes and wheelchairs, limping and ‘old’.
I mentioned this to the Preacher and he bristled somewhat and said something to the effect-that precisely, that also described us! He’s right of course. Still trying to figure just when and how this happened... the old and gray thing. Not too many young people at all. A few here and there-including the couple that came with us. Mostly older folks. My thought is where is this type of music going….if the vast majority of the fans are so ….old?
Overall, the ‘show’ (that’s what it really seemed to me’…was OK. I counted 3 songs I really enjoyed.. Poet Voices had a couple and Gold City had one that was patriotic. Other than that……
This family we went with are big Gabbard (from Butler, Ky) fans. They asked us why they weren’t there at this concert and said that the Gabbards were their favorite group-even from those groups we had just heard. If any Gabbards are reading this-this is a big compliment from this family! They even played their CD “Gravity” on the CD player in the car and their kiddos know all the words. I’ve come to the conclusion much like sports….if I’m not related to the Southern Gospel singers (even if it is by marriage only) I’m not too interested in it.
After hearing these groups I also wonder….why aren’t the Gabbards singing with these ‘big names”. Their music and songs are just as good….no better than most everything I heard last night.
Anyway, the Preacher compared it to something like this. Music can be compared to say, Cracker Barrel…not everyone will like everything on the menu. We all have our favorites…and some people like a little more variety than others. But it is still Cracker Barrel. I am still trying to dissect that word of wisdom from the Preacher. If anyone really gets the Preacher’s explanation of this, let me know!
Anyway, interesting evening, we got home LATE…me and the Preacher decided we don’t do well on Sunday morning when we have been out late on Saturday. I think this is called, ‘getting old’. So today kinda kicked back after Church and fed animals, put together lunch, cleaned up and that’s about it. I walked through the house right before coming to the front porch and felt God’s overwhelming peace and presence, so I stopped and told the Lord, “Thank you Lord for the gift of this day, to just be still and rest and say, "This is the day the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad”.
From my front porch to yours…God bless.
Friday, January 23, 2009
Good evening! TGIF. What is it about Fridays we look forward to and enjoy..even if it is just sitting around on the front porch. Weather has been so nice the past few days…the change is coming in later this evening. Let’s enjoy the time on the porch while we can.
Already fed the horses and the rest of the critters in the barnyard and filled up the water. After our little chat I plan on doing a little paperwork, maybe reading, we’ll see.
Anyway, talking about Tim and his’ feet on the ground’ and I briefly mentioned our family and music. I am the ‘odd man or in this case woman’ in that I really don’t play any musical instruments. Preacher gave me a few lessons on the piano/organ using chords. I practiced and got a few songs down but just didn’t seem to have,. time or opportunity. So be it.
Anyway, Preacher and his family have a talent and gift for music. A gift is probably more the correct word. Preacher started his piano lessons early. He didn’t get to take them very long…That’s another story too. Someday.
I was reflecting upon our family and music. Preacher and I from the beginning had music as a part of our lives. We had our favorite songs through the years of dating. Back then there wasn’t much to listen to in the ‘gospel’ field except the quartets, some trios, etc. Preacher and I even began singing together way back then. Preacher and I didn’t have too many exciting dates, we had 3 choices: church, church and church. We did eat out as a treat…usually Frisch’s…due to my family’s situation I had not eaten ‘out’ much (I was 15 and had my first McDonald’s hamburger….back when you walked up to window and they were about 19 cents)…so to eat at some fancy place like Frisch’s, was a real treat. Preacher has treated me to many a good meal through the years. Preacher for the most part has treated me like his queen…hey, that must make him my king (notice with a little k…I only have one King with a capital K!
Anyway, Preacher and I wanted about 8 kids…ended up with 4…just right. We knew each of the four children was a blessing and special indeed. Our dreams for each of them was not to be lawyers, doctors and such…but to find their own calling and place in the Lord’s work. To equip them and do our part, we decided early on, maybe after they had taken their second step, to get them involved in music.
I remember the girls’ first musical endeavor was with tambourines! Lori could barely walk and I remember the Christmas those two got tambourines. Lori’s was almost as big as she was. We have a picture of her holding hers in the cutest little red dress-her little Christmas dress. For years it was the tradition to get the girls little Christmas dresses. It so sweet to hear Julie does the same thing…although now it’s more like Christmas outfits…not too many little girls wear dress now.
Anyway, so Julie was barely 6 and through a relative on Glen’s side we found a piano teacher. We took her to the lesson-the teacher was a young lady but lived in an older Victoria house in Ft. Thomas…when we visit Kentucky I pass that house several times because my dear mother lives within walking distance. Anyway, Julie and her lessons. We had managed to get an old piano and Julie faithfully practiced. And Those little red John Thompson (I think is the name) piano books.
A few years later we felt like selling everything..absolutely everything, buy a travel trailer and evangelize. When we did this, there was no remorse, no second guessing the Call. We just did it.
There were ups and downs along the way. Many times it was a walk of faith, but this is all part of the molding and making our of children and who they are. Back to the move, we just had an ongoing ‘yard sale’ and sold each piece of furniture and other ‘things’. Little Julie came home from school one day and in disbelief exclamined’ “You sold my bed, You sold my bed”. At that time we had her the cutest little princess white bedroom set with a gold trimmed bed, dresser and if I recall a chest, too. It was darling. Sorry, Julie, yes we sold your bed and everything else EXCEPT the few personal items we could put in the travel trailer.
No piano lessons for a while. But little Julie became part of our ‘music’ ministry. A little thing but not afraid to step up and sing. We evangelized until we found out we would be blessed with another little baby. The rest of that story will continue later. Anyway, we felt led to settle in the Hampton/Newport News, Virginia area. When we finally settled in a little home-and began putting a little house together-we decided that we would buy a brand new Baldwin piano! Quite pricey at the time-but we still have that piano. We have carried it all over the country, many a song has been played on that piano, and many little hands have practiced on those ivory keys. It is scratched up but represents so many memories. Preacher and I will still sing around it every once in a while. When the grandkids come they bang on it. But that’s OK.
Anyway, music has been and still is a very big part of our little family’s life, ministry and calling. At one time we had all four of our little ones taking piano lessons at one time. We encouraged them to get involved in school and church music programs. Preacher and I have ‘enjoyed’ many a school band program, fine arts competitions and on and on.
As I was reflecting on how important music is to our family. What might NOT have been if Preacher and I had not put in the time, effort and what little resources we had into music for our children. When I think of the ministries each of them are involved in, music is central. Tim, music minister at Longview. Tim was not the best piano student! He rarely practiced and just didn’t show a lot of interest in his early career. He played trombone and guitar and of course piano. But, look what the Lord has done with the seeds planted in his life! There’s more to this story later. What about Julie? Her musical training is now being utilized by her involvement with the children’s music ministry and the choir at Firewheel. What about Lori? Playing the flute for many a praise and worship song and her stepping into playing the piano and leading worship for the church her and Aaron would pastor. Even Joe who has giftings in communicating the Word has had his moments in playing the guitar and if he really needed to, could probably play the piano!
Anyway, when you look in the Word, music, singing, praise, worship-how vital it is and how much it is a part of our relationship with God.
This legacy is being passed down to the little ones-all eight of them. Take a look at Joe’s blog and see little Justice dancing to music. Kaylin can sing out like a little super star all while staying on perfect pitch. Karese has shown interest in music with his ‘singing’ and dancing. Kaden has already had his share of musical instruments: drums, little pianos. Camryn, Caleb and Lukie and even Jace all are poised and ready to receive the paton and carry on the ministry.
Music…it soothes, heals and blesses. Such a wonderful part of our life. So from my front porch to yours….’Sing unto the Lord a new song”….and let’s rejoice together!
Already fed the horses and the rest of the critters in the barnyard and filled up the water. After our little chat I plan on doing a little paperwork, maybe reading, we’ll see.
Anyway, talking about Tim and his’ feet on the ground’ and I briefly mentioned our family and music. I am the ‘odd man or in this case woman’ in that I really don’t play any musical instruments. Preacher gave me a few lessons on the piano/organ using chords. I practiced and got a few songs down but just didn’t seem to have,. time or opportunity. So be it.
Anyway, Preacher and his family have a talent and gift for music. A gift is probably more the correct word. Preacher started his piano lessons early. He didn’t get to take them very long…That’s another story too. Someday.
I was reflecting upon our family and music. Preacher and I from the beginning had music as a part of our lives. We had our favorite songs through the years of dating. Back then there wasn’t much to listen to in the ‘gospel’ field except the quartets, some trios, etc. Preacher and I even began singing together way back then. Preacher and I didn’t have too many exciting dates, we had 3 choices: church, church and church. We did eat out as a treat…usually Frisch’s…due to my family’s situation I had not eaten ‘out’ much (I was 15 and had my first McDonald’s hamburger….back when you walked up to window and they were about 19 cents)…so to eat at some fancy place like Frisch’s, was a real treat. Preacher has treated me to many a good meal through the years. Preacher for the most part has treated me like his queen…hey, that must make him my king (notice with a little k…I only have one King with a capital K!
Anyway, Preacher and I wanted about 8 kids…ended up with 4…just right. We knew each of the four children was a blessing and special indeed. Our dreams for each of them was not to be lawyers, doctors and such…but to find their own calling and place in the Lord’s work. To equip them and do our part, we decided early on, maybe after they had taken their second step, to get them involved in music.
I remember the girls’ first musical endeavor was with tambourines! Lori could barely walk and I remember the Christmas those two got tambourines. Lori’s was almost as big as she was. We have a picture of her holding hers in the cutest little red dress-her little Christmas dress. For years it was the tradition to get the girls little Christmas dresses. It so sweet to hear Julie does the same thing…although now it’s more like Christmas outfits…not too many little girls wear dress now.
Anyway, so Julie was barely 6 and through a relative on Glen’s side we found a piano teacher. We took her to the lesson-the teacher was a young lady but lived in an older Victoria house in Ft. Thomas…when we visit Kentucky I pass that house several times because my dear mother lives within walking distance. Anyway, Julie and her lessons. We had managed to get an old piano and Julie faithfully practiced. And Those little red John Thompson (I think is the name) piano books.
A few years later we felt like selling everything..absolutely everything, buy a travel trailer and evangelize. When we did this, there was no remorse, no second guessing the Call. We just did it.
There were ups and downs along the way. Many times it was a walk of faith, but this is all part of the molding and making our of children and who they are. Back to the move, we just had an ongoing ‘yard sale’ and sold each piece of furniture and other ‘things’. Little Julie came home from school one day and in disbelief exclamined’ “You sold my bed, You sold my bed”. At that time we had her the cutest little princess white bedroom set with a gold trimmed bed, dresser and if I recall a chest, too. It was darling. Sorry, Julie, yes we sold your bed and everything else EXCEPT the few personal items we could put in the travel trailer.
No piano lessons for a while. But little Julie became part of our ‘music’ ministry. A little thing but not afraid to step up and sing. We evangelized until we found out we would be blessed with another little baby. The rest of that story will continue later. Anyway, we felt led to settle in the Hampton/Newport News, Virginia area. When we finally settled in a little home-and began putting a little house together-we decided that we would buy a brand new Baldwin piano! Quite pricey at the time-but we still have that piano. We have carried it all over the country, many a song has been played on that piano, and many little hands have practiced on those ivory keys. It is scratched up but represents so many memories. Preacher and I will still sing around it every once in a while. When the grandkids come they bang on it. But that’s OK.
Anyway, music has been and still is a very big part of our little family’s life, ministry and calling. At one time we had all four of our little ones taking piano lessons at one time. We encouraged them to get involved in school and church music programs. Preacher and I have ‘enjoyed’ many a school band program, fine arts competitions and on and on.
As I was reflecting on how important music is to our family. What might NOT have been if Preacher and I had not put in the time, effort and what little resources we had into music for our children. When I think of the ministries each of them are involved in, music is central. Tim, music minister at Longview. Tim was not the best piano student! He rarely practiced and just didn’t show a lot of interest in his early career. He played trombone and guitar and of course piano. But, look what the Lord has done with the seeds planted in his life! There’s more to this story later. What about Julie? Her musical training is now being utilized by her involvement with the children’s music ministry and the choir at Firewheel. What about Lori? Playing the flute for many a praise and worship song and her stepping into playing the piano and leading worship for the church her and Aaron would pastor. Even Joe who has giftings in communicating the Word has had his moments in playing the guitar and if he really needed to, could probably play the piano!
Anyway, when you look in the Word, music, singing, praise, worship-how vital it is and how much it is a part of our relationship with God.
This legacy is being passed down to the little ones-all eight of them. Take a look at Joe’s blog and see little Justice dancing to music. Kaylin can sing out like a little super star all while staying on perfect pitch. Karese has shown interest in music with his ‘singing’ and dancing. Kaden has already had his share of musical instruments: drums, little pianos. Camryn, Caleb and Lukie and even Jace all are poised and ready to receive the paton and carry on the ministry.
Music…it soothes, heals and blesses. Such a wonderful part of our life. So from my front porch to yours….’Sing unto the Lord a new song”….and let’s rejoice together!
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Good evening! I was on the front porch had my chat all prepared not once—but twice and lost it. Didn’t nean to ‘snub’ ya’ll..I just gave up. Some key I hit and the screen goes blank…ok you teckies what am I doing wrong??
Technology can’t live with it..can’t live without it. Speaking of blogs ….check Amy’s and see Karsen’s first steps. Too cool!
Another busy day…but here on the porch even though its getting late…I’ve been trying to get back on the subject I had started a few days ago. Gonna call this one “Feet on the Ground”.
My inspiration is dear, dear Amy. She has just signed Kaden up for soccer. Great move Ames. (I hope) after you read this blog you may have doubts…hope not
Anyway we chatted about Tim the youngest of the four or the ‘baby’ of the family as we called him. This was NOT one of Tim’s favorite nicknames. Sometimes in a moment of endearment I will forget and introduce Tim as ‘my baby’ or the baby of the family….and I can see those sparkly blue eyes blaze just a bit. Just a tad bit ruffled…I’d say.
Anyway, Tim’s older brother, Joe, was barely walking and already playing football. He was a natural at it. So as soon as possible he was signed up on a little league football team. At the time we lived in Virginia and the community had some great sports leagues. Joe made it look so easy…was a super star immediately. I’m sure little Bro looked at big Bro and thought something like this…”anything you can do I can do better (or at least just as good!). So we paid the dues, got the equipment and sent our baby off with his older brother to be a football superstar.
Time to pick the boys up…Joe comes bounding off the field-peppy, excited feeling good about practice. We looked for Tim. We shaded our eyes searching the field and finally way out in the field, was a little elfish figure, dragging his helmet, barely putting one foot in front of the other, head hanging low and ‘whipped’. Where were those sparkly blue eyes? Where was the little ‘happy go lucky guy? Where was the little guy, just happy to a part of the gang?
He finally made it to the car. Fell into the back seat, moaning and groaning, something to the effect, “don’t make me go back, they’re killing me!”.
What? Who’s killing him? He could barely mumble. We chalked it up as ‘’first day jitters. Besides, the Preacher (by the way I picked this name for Glen because we have a little adorable girl about 6 years old at our church and I teach her Daisy’s class and that’s what she calls Glen, The Preacher)
Anyway we didn’t birth no sissies…no quitters, especially on the first day!
So next night, we took Tim back, along with Joe to more football ‘torture”. Sure enough repeat of the night before..Joe’s peppy and Tim’s all pooed out-this time the claim he’s being killed is even more vocal with a little higher pitch in his voice maybe just a little whine added for drama.
Finally, we did not even make it through the first week of practice. We gave in and let the kid quit. I never saw such a look of relief on an elfin’s little face. He got his pep and bounce back pretty quickly…even the sparkle in his 'baby blues' came back.
Well, the story is according to Tim,,,,(I’m sure Joe’s version has another twist to it) Joe and his buddies decided to elect Tim to be their punching bag, their tackle bag, their whatever you use in football to beat up on! Only those 2 know the ‘real’ story. Anyway, we let the kid quit. Walk away....Sometimes, that’s just what you gotta do. The singer, Kenny Rogers, had a song with a line in it, ‘know when to hold ‘em, know when to fold ‘em and know when to walk away’. Sounds like good advise when you put it into perspective.....know when it is time to walk way.....don't continue to get 'beat up!'. Tim knew. Fast forward a few years later and Tim and Joe did team up on a football team later in high school and Tim did hold his own on the East Texas Christian School!
Well, the Preacher did not get to play sports as a kid…that can be another story sometime. He loves to talk about sports and WATCH it…must be a ‘gabby’ Gabbard thing. I refuse to watch grown men chasing a little piece of pig skin UNLESS I have been involved in their birth. Anyway, the Preacher took great joy in ALL of his children being involved in two of his passions: SPORTS and MUSIC. Therefore, all our kiddos , even the girls, were involved in sports: baseball, basketball, football, soccer, swimming, etc. Julie played baseball and was very good at it…I think she can still hit a homerun in softball! Lori, much like me, not too interested-except in tennis and she is probably the best swimmer.
Piano lessons, flute lessons- a variety of instruments, all four were also very involved in music, lessons, band camps, marching band, programs, etc. Tim and his piano lessons that can be another blog! Tim, I’m really not picking on you…you just have a lot of ‘stories!”
Anyway, back to the ‘feet on the ground’. On to Maryland and once again everyone signs up for some kind of sports. Tim is ready now-for soccer. So here we go again, sign him up and off to practice and he tada!! he enjoys it! However, the Preacher and I have never met such loud, ‘’over enthusiastic parents and coach…. ever. Tim’s coach…was a mild mannered, quiet, conservative, polite undertaker-funeral director by day and on Saturdays…he transformed into the meanest, loudest, craziest, unpredictable soccer coach..(maybe it was those soccer cleats that did the transformation.) The Preacher and I attended many funerals in the community with this undertaker/soccer coach. Preacher and I’d ride to the cementary in the hearse (Preacher and I had this ‘honor’. ) We would have a nice civilized conversation about life, death, liberty, the pursuit of happiness-nice, calm, ‘normal'-if you can really have a normal conversation in a hearse! Then at the games the coach, aka, undertaker, would scream, run up and down the field, take his hat off and throw it, and sometimes even throw himself facedown on the sidelines, kicking and screaming like a MANIAC!. Preacher and I sat there-flabbergasted…Parents (except for Preacher and me-no, not us…we sat prim and proper in our little lawn chairs barely able to see the game for these hyperactive , screaming parents) anyway, they would run up and down the sidelines screaming too. The Coach’s most shouted words were, ‘FEET ON THE GROUND”. Preacher and I still will say that to each other every once in a while…just for kicks (no pun intended here). I never understood those four words until recently when the Preacher told me in soccer, the players must keep their feet on the ground during playing or it’s a foul or penalty or something…(oops my sports illiteracy is showing). Hence, ‘feet on the ground’.
However, when you think of it…this is a good life principle. Running the race for God, keep your feet on the ground. Climbing any mountains before you today, keep your feet on the ground. Going through a valley that seems like the dark of night, keep your feet on the ground. Maybe, this coach’s shout should be our battle cry. “FEET ON THE GROUND!”
So until we meet again on the front porch, “Keep your feet on the ground!
Technology can’t live with it..can’t live without it. Speaking of blogs ….check Amy’s and see Karsen’s first steps. Too cool!
Another busy day…but here on the porch even though its getting late…I’ve been trying to get back on the subject I had started a few days ago. Gonna call this one “Feet on the Ground”.
My inspiration is dear, dear Amy. She has just signed Kaden up for soccer. Great move Ames. (I hope) after you read this blog you may have doubts…hope not
Anyway we chatted about Tim the youngest of the four or the ‘baby’ of the family as we called him. This was NOT one of Tim’s favorite nicknames. Sometimes in a moment of endearment I will forget and introduce Tim as ‘my baby’ or the baby of the family….and I can see those sparkly blue eyes blaze just a bit. Just a tad bit ruffled…I’d say.
Anyway, Tim’s older brother, Joe, was barely walking and already playing football. He was a natural at it. So as soon as possible he was signed up on a little league football team. At the time we lived in Virginia and the community had some great sports leagues. Joe made it look so easy…was a super star immediately. I’m sure little Bro looked at big Bro and thought something like this…”anything you can do I can do better (or at least just as good!). So we paid the dues, got the equipment and sent our baby off with his older brother to be a football superstar.
Time to pick the boys up…Joe comes bounding off the field-peppy, excited feeling good about practice. We looked for Tim. We shaded our eyes searching the field and finally way out in the field, was a little elfish figure, dragging his helmet, barely putting one foot in front of the other, head hanging low and ‘whipped’. Where were those sparkly blue eyes? Where was the little ‘happy go lucky guy? Where was the little guy, just happy to a part of the gang?
He finally made it to the car. Fell into the back seat, moaning and groaning, something to the effect, “don’t make me go back, they’re killing me!”.
What? Who’s killing him? He could barely mumble. We chalked it up as ‘’first day jitters. Besides, the Preacher (by the way I picked this name for Glen because we have a little adorable girl about 6 years old at our church and I teach her Daisy’s class and that’s what she calls Glen, The Preacher)
Anyway we didn’t birth no sissies…no quitters, especially on the first day!
So next night, we took Tim back, along with Joe to more football ‘torture”. Sure enough repeat of the night before..Joe’s peppy and Tim’s all pooed out-this time the claim he’s being killed is even more vocal with a little higher pitch in his voice maybe just a little whine added for drama.
Finally, we did not even make it through the first week of practice. We gave in and let the kid quit. I never saw such a look of relief on an elfin’s little face. He got his pep and bounce back pretty quickly…even the sparkle in his 'baby blues' came back.
Well, the story is according to Tim,,,,(I’m sure Joe’s version has another twist to it) Joe and his buddies decided to elect Tim to be their punching bag, their tackle bag, their whatever you use in football to beat up on! Only those 2 know the ‘real’ story. Anyway, we let the kid quit. Walk away....Sometimes, that’s just what you gotta do. The singer, Kenny Rogers, had a song with a line in it, ‘know when to hold ‘em, know when to fold ‘em and know when to walk away’. Sounds like good advise when you put it into perspective.....know when it is time to walk way.....don't continue to get 'beat up!'. Tim knew. Fast forward a few years later and Tim and Joe did team up on a football team later in high school and Tim did hold his own on the East Texas Christian School!
Well, the Preacher did not get to play sports as a kid…that can be another story sometime. He loves to talk about sports and WATCH it…must be a ‘gabby’ Gabbard thing. I refuse to watch grown men chasing a little piece of pig skin UNLESS I have been involved in their birth. Anyway, the Preacher took great joy in ALL of his children being involved in two of his passions: SPORTS and MUSIC. Therefore, all our kiddos , even the girls, were involved in sports: baseball, basketball, football, soccer, swimming, etc. Julie played baseball and was very good at it…I think she can still hit a homerun in softball! Lori, much like me, not too interested-except in tennis and she is probably the best swimmer.
Piano lessons, flute lessons- a variety of instruments, all four were also very involved in music, lessons, band camps, marching band, programs, etc. Tim and his piano lessons that can be another blog! Tim, I’m really not picking on you…you just have a lot of ‘stories!”
Anyway, back to the ‘feet on the ground’. On to Maryland and once again everyone signs up for some kind of sports. Tim is ready now-for soccer. So here we go again, sign him up and off to practice and he tada!! he enjoys it! However, the Preacher and I have never met such loud, ‘’over enthusiastic parents and coach…. ever. Tim’s coach…was a mild mannered, quiet, conservative, polite undertaker-funeral director by day and on Saturdays…he transformed into the meanest, loudest, craziest, unpredictable soccer coach..(maybe it was those soccer cleats that did the transformation.) The Preacher and I attended many funerals in the community with this undertaker/soccer coach. Preacher and I’d ride to the cementary in the hearse (Preacher and I had this ‘honor’. ) We would have a nice civilized conversation about life, death, liberty, the pursuit of happiness-nice, calm, ‘normal'-if you can really have a normal conversation in a hearse! Then at the games the coach, aka, undertaker, would scream, run up and down the field, take his hat off and throw it, and sometimes even throw himself facedown on the sidelines, kicking and screaming like a MANIAC!. Preacher and I sat there-flabbergasted…Parents (except for Preacher and me-no, not us…we sat prim and proper in our little lawn chairs barely able to see the game for these hyperactive , screaming parents) anyway, they would run up and down the sidelines screaming too. The Coach’s most shouted words were, ‘FEET ON THE GROUND”. Preacher and I still will say that to each other every once in a while…just for kicks (no pun intended here). I never understood those four words until recently when the Preacher told me in soccer, the players must keep their feet on the ground during playing or it’s a foul or penalty or something…(oops my sports illiteracy is showing). Hence, ‘feet on the ground’.
However, when you think of it…this is a good life principle. Running the race for God, keep your feet on the ground. Climbing any mountains before you today, keep your feet on the ground. Going through a valley that seems like the dark of night, keep your feet on the ground. Maybe, this coach’s shout should be our battle cry. “FEET ON THE GROUND!”
So until we meet again on the front porch, “Keep your feet on the ground!
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Good evening! Glad you stopped by on the front porch this evening. I have worked for almost 2 hours tonight for our meeting on the front porch. I keep losing my post. One of those days I guess. So I will continue this thought another time
Until then...from my front porch to yours..
Until then...from my front porch to yours..
Monday, January 19, 2009
Good Morning...looks like another beautiful day here in Texas.
I'm suppose to be at school but decided to take a day off and work around the farm. The weather is going to be so nice...I'll get to spend some time outside.
Got up my usual time though...5:00 ish ..just can't seem to sleep in...did a few days during Christmas break when everyone was here and the rare occasions when the grandkids...even Jace slept in a few days...around problem is then when I do have to go back to my school routine..5:00 hurts.
Anyway, feel I need to get up early and spend some time with the Lord...reading, praying, my 'first meal' of the day-that spiritual gal just whimps out and gets into too much trouble if time is not spent at the Lord's table.
Caught up on some paperwork and blogs...then I'm outside to enjoy God's goodness.
Blogging is new to me...Lori got me into this...didn't think I'd have much of anything to say. Kinda grows on you though. I feel somewhat like, You've Got Mail, one of my favorite movies. Is anybody out there reading this stuff? Anyway, I usually get a little inspiration and then just start writing. I look back on some of the writing and think ...way too much writing-but then I think of it as 'therapy' for the soul.
Anyway today...the library. I got his inspiration from Lori and her post about the library. The Preacher has always been an avid reader. I ebb and flow. I have had times in my life when I read non-stop (that's the problem I get started and want to read it all and move on). Other times I may read at a book for a few days or weeks. Through the years I have had to do so much reading for my degrees that I just didn't have extra reading time or desire to read. One of new resolutions is to read more and so far so good!
Anyway, because the library is a great family event and as Lori pointed resources...the Preacher and I made it a PRIORITY to take the kiddos to the library. Through the years and due to the different churches we have pastored we have moved more than most families. Moves have a lot of adjustments, those necessities of getting settled in new communities. ONE of the FIRST things we did was to take everyone who could breathe...think that included all 4 kiddos the library and get their own library card. Lori was right, on a regular basis we went to the library. Falmouth was one of our better experiences... we had very little money but we checked out movies, books and it was just a neat little place for such a small community.
On to Maryland and we kept up the tradition. I don't know how many library cards were lost through the years and fines we had to pay...but it was worth it. When it was time to go to the library the announcement would be made and all four kiddos would start the 'book hunt'. Julie and Lori were pretty good about keeping their books together. Tim and Joe ...another matter. At the time they had a basement room, small, cramped and full of stuff. We also had a large dog thrown in the mix, Tim's dog AG (Auggie Junior) named after a nickname (Auggie) that Julie had given Tim. That's another blog...Julie and her nicknames for everyone. By the way she has kept up the tradition with her own 2...Kaylin is currently Lynnie....anyway for today...I'm sure there will be a new nickname for Kay tomorrow!
Most of the time most of the books would be found. Seems there were always some hidden under beds, under clothes under who knows where. Hence, overdue fines. I used to resent it fiercely...then decided not to sweat the small stuff...when I look at all the use we had of items I figured it was such a small price to pay.
The Preacher, however, detested any late charges or fines on HIS card. Someone would get to the library and not have their card....aka usually Timbo, Auggie, Lukie, whatever his current nickname was. The Preacher would allow the offender to check books out on HIS card with the promise he would keep up with them. Of course the unthinkable happened. There was an usually crabby librarian (reminds me of myself most days ):....who had to make a grand announcement in her loudest, most stern voice, Preacher (..ah, I think she said Mr. Gabbard) you cannot check books out today until you pay your fine. The Preacher, with those big eyes of disbelief, replied, " No way, Mam, I am clear, turned all my books in." She puffed up like an insulted hen and then spewed out the list, ....Scooby Do Goes Undercover, Scooby Do and the Lost Shoe, Scooby Do Returns... You get the picture.
We all turned and looked at the real culprit...TIM... Tim's response to questions about these in most things he felt were trivial was a, big shrug, with those big blue eyes sparkling and with his most charming smile, replied,"I don't know.
This didn't set too well with the Preacher, the librarian or any of us. We considered this one of the 'high crimes upon the seas' if a library book was not treated with the greatest of respect. We went home and the whole family went into OPERATION FIND TIM'S LIBRARY BOOKS. I think we even inducted AJ into the hunt. We did find them and all was well...until next time.
Of all my children, Tim, for the most part was the most laid back, easy going, unruffled..well, there were a few times he did 'ruffle' up. I think I'll reserve one of those stories for tomorrow. So if you want to hear a chapter from Tim's life...stop by the front porch.....tomorrow.
So,from my front porch to yours, God bless.
I'm suppose to be at school but decided to take a day off and work around the farm. The weather is going to be so nice...I'll get to spend some time outside.
Got up my usual time though...5:00 ish ..just can't seem to sleep in...did a few days during Christmas break when everyone was here and the rare occasions when the grandkids...even Jace slept in a few days...around problem is then when I do have to go back to my school routine..5:00 hurts.
Anyway, feel I need to get up early and spend some time with the Lord...reading, praying, my 'first meal' of the day-that spiritual gal just whimps out and gets into too much trouble if time is not spent at the Lord's table.
Caught up on some paperwork and blogs...then I'm outside to enjoy God's goodness.
Blogging is new to me...Lori got me into this...didn't think I'd have much of anything to say. Kinda grows on you though. I feel somewhat like, You've Got Mail, one of my favorite movies. Is anybody out there reading this stuff? Anyway, I usually get a little inspiration and then just start writing. I look back on some of the writing and think ...way too much writing-but then I think of it as 'therapy' for the soul.
Anyway today...the library. I got his inspiration from Lori and her post about the library. The Preacher has always been an avid reader. I ebb and flow. I have had times in my life when I read non-stop (that's the problem I get started and want to read it all and move on). Other times I may read at a book for a few days or weeks. Through the years I have had to do so much reading for my degrees that I just didn't have extra reading time or desire to read. One of new resolutions is to read more and so far so good!
Anyway, because the library is a great family event and as Lori pointed resources...the Preacher and I made it a PRIORITY to take the kiddos to the library. Through the years and due to the different churches we have pastored we have moved more than most families. Moves have a lot of adjustments, those necessities of getting settled in new communities. ONE of the FIRST things we did was to take everyone who could breathe...think that included all 4 kiddos the library and get their own library card. Lori was right, on a regular basis we went to the library. Falmouth was one of our better experiences... we had very little money but we checked out movies, books and it was just a neat little place for such a small community.
On to Maryland and we kept up the tradition. I don't know how many library cards were lost through the years and fines we had to pay...but it was worth it. When it was time to go to the library the announcement would be made and all four kiddos would start the 'book hunt'. Julie and Lori were pretty good about keeping their books together. Tim and Joe ...another matter. At the time they had a basement room, small, cramped and full of stuff. We also had a large dog thrown in the mix, Tim's dog AG (Auggie Junior) named after a nickname (Auggie) that Julie had given Tim. That's another blog...Julie and her nicknames for everyone. By the way she has kept up the tradition with her own 2...Kaylin is currently Lynnie....anyway for today...I'm sure there will be a new nickname for Kay tomorrow!
Most of the time most of the books would be found. Seems there were always some hidden under beds, under clothes under who knows where. Hence, overdue fines. I used to resent it fiercely...then decided not to sweat the small stuff...when I look at all the use we had of items I figured it was such a small price to pay.
The Preacher, however, detested any late charges or fines on HIS card. Someone would get to the library and not have their card....aka usually Timbo, Auggie, Lukie, whatever his current nickname was. The Preacher would allow the offender to check books out on HIS card with the promise he would keep up with them. Of course the unthinkable happened. There was an usually crabby librarian (reminds me of myself most days ):....who had to make a grand announcement in her loudest, most stern voice, Preacher (..ah, I think she said Mr. Gabbard) you cannot check books out today until you pay your fine. The Preacher, with those big eyes of disbelief, replied, " No way, Mam, I am clear, turned all my books in." She puffed up like an insulted hen and then spewed out the list, ....Scooby Do Goes Undercover, Scooby Do and the Lost Shoe, Scooby Do Returns... You get the picture.
We all turned and looked at the real culprit...TIM... Tim's response to questions about these in most things he felt were trivial was a, big shrug, with those big blue eyes sparkling and with his most charming smile, replied,"I don't know.
This didn't set too well with the Preacher, the librarian or any of us. We considered this one of the 'high crimes upon the seas' if a library book was not treated with the greatest of respect. We went home and the whole family went into OPERATION FIND TIM'S LIBRARY BOOKS. I think we even inducted AJ into the hunt. We did find them and all was well...until next time.
Of all my children, Tim, for the most part was the most laid back, easy going, unruffled..well, there were a few times he did 'ruffle' up. I think I'll reserve one of those stories for tomorrow. So if you want to hear a chapter from Tim's life...stop by the front porch.....tomorrow.
So,from my front porch to yours, God bless.
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Good Morning! '"This is the day that the Lord has made, so let's rejoice!'
Thanks for stopping by. Hope this day is extra blessed and you 'celebrate' in the moment-good and not so good.
In just keeping up with my family-three out of four, have had someone sick in their house this week. The Preacher has been under the weather (strange saying isn't it?) too. Still, in all, God is watching and will give us the 'manna' both physical and spiritual we need.
Yesterday was one of those fantastic Texas days ....warm you can walk around without a jacket...even short sleeves. Today and the rest of the week is suppose to be more of the same. I hope to get in some nice front porch time!
Yesterday as I was out running errands working on my 'to do' list. I experienced something I don't think I have in a long time. Briefly,............ on a four lane highway with a turn lane in the middle-going along thinking of what I needed to do-saw a limo and a line of cars in the oncoming lane....funeral. I pulled over on the far right lane, slowing down, saying a quick prayer for those who had lost a loved one. Hoping they were comforted by God. The car in front on me slows to a stop...... my first impulse was to whip around them and proceed on my merry way. But the car behind me, slowed, pulled over behind me and stopped, etc. Soon we had a row of about 10 of us, pulled over. The funeral procession slowly went by. As they did it gave me more time to stop and really pray for God's comfort for this group of family and friends. Whoever was in the casket....they were either in the presence of God or 'took the elevator' to the basement....There was only a shell left in the casket...just hope they made things right. They either graduated and were truly living in the presence of our Savior.....or eternally tormented ....another time we'll talk more on this matter.
My point today, I was pleasantly surprised by human kindness, consideration and a show of respect for others we did not even know. Took a few minutes of time, but I think every car that went by glanced over and saw our little row of vehicles, stopped and saying, 'out of respect' for you and yours.
Human kindness....we have gotten away from that. Too rushed, for simple things like, holding the door for the next person, saying thank you to strangers, cashiers.waitresses, about smiling and saying hello to people we work with...let alone strangers. Look them in the face and truly mean it. So in your hustle and bustle in life...we do need to slow down and 'show the love of God' that is suppose to be a lifestyle that flows from our walk with Him.
So today as you go about your business, remember, 'actions do speak louder than words' a matter of fact...your actions are speaking so loud....I can't hear what you are saying'!!
Until next time on the front porch.
Thanks for stopping by. Hope this day is extra blessed and you 'celebrate' in the moment-good and not so good.
In just keeping up with my family-three out of four, have had someone sick in their house this week. The Preacher has been under the weather (strange saying isn't it?) too. Still, in all, God is watching and will give us the 'manna' both physical and spiritual we need.
Yesterday was one of those fantastic Texas days ....warm you can walk around without a jacket...even short sleeves. Today and the rest of the week is suppose to be more of the same. I hope to get in some nice front porch time!
Yesterday as I was out running errands working on my 'to do' list. I experienced something I don't think I have in a long time. Briefly,............ on a four lane highway with a turn lane in the middle-going along thinking of what I needed to do-saw a limo and a line of cars in the oncoming lane....funeral. I pulled over on the far right lane, slowing down, saying a quick prayer for those who had lost a loved one. Hoping they were comforted by God. The car in front on me slows to a stop...... my first impulse was to whip around them and proceed on my merry way. But the car behind me, slowed, pulled over behind me and stopped, etc. Soon we had a row of about 10 of us, pulled over. The funeral procession slowly went by. As they did it gave me more time to stop and really pray for God's comfort for this group of family and friends. Whoever was in the casket....they were either in the presence of God or 'took the elevator' to the basement....There was only a shell left in the casket...just hope they made things right. They either graduated and were truly living in the presence of our Savior.....or eternally tormented ....another time we'll talk more on this matter.
My point today, I was pleasantly surprised by human kindness, consideration and a show of respect for others we did not even know. Took a few minutes of time, but I think every car that went by glanced over and saw our little row of vehicles, stopped and saying, 'out of respect' for you and yours.
Human kindness....we have gotten away from that. Too rushed, for simple things like, holding the door for the next person, saying thank you to strangers, cashiers.waitresses, about smiling and saying hello to people we work with...let alone strangers. Look them in the face and truly mean it. So in your hustle and bustle in life...we do need to slow down and 'show the love of God' that is suppose to be a lifestyle that flows from our walk with Him.
So today as you go about your business, remember, 'actions do speak louder than words' a matter of fact...your actions are speaking so loud....I can't hear what you are saying'!!
Until next time on the front porch.
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Good Morning!
It's early on the front porch. Looking for the sun and its cloudy and overcast-but suppose to be a little warmer. Already started on that 'to do' list for this weekend. Before I get far into it just wanted to sit a spell and sip on another cup of coffee. That's what I like about Saturdays!
Speaking of Saturdays! I know we cram way too much into them-BUT they sure are nice and certainly something to look forward too especially when Monday rolls around again. I feel my weekend is complete if I've worshipped the Lord with friends and family and have been able to spend some time outside. Usually taking care of the horses and other barnyard critters or just sitting down under the pecan tree and just looking at the day to day business that goes on in the barnyard.
In the past 3 years I have had over 30 plus chickens, but currently down to about 10. Seems that coyote has figured out where to get his 'free lunch'. One of my farm projects is to make a better pen for those hens. Anyway, when I first was getting the little farm together and doing research, I recall reading how fascinating chickens are. It can be compared to watching an aquarium full of fish. I agree. Those hens will walk around, pick at something (that's one reason I got them-they love fly larve-hope you aren't eating right now) and keep the barnyard pest down to a minimum. Interesting creatures. But as much as the Preacher loves his chicken-these hens will NOT be in any frying pan as long as I am around...kinda hard to connect the two...those chickens and those fryers at Krogers.
Anwway, these hens will cluck and it sounds like they talk to one another and I cluck back at them sometimes. Neighbors think I am strange anyway. another blog someday me and my neighbors..... Those hens now associate me with something tasty to eat so no matter where they are in the barnyard or pasture or in the yard (another project I must work on) they come running to see what tasty morsels I have brought them.
My oldest granddaughter Camryn has shown some interest in my farming adventure. Seems the older she gets she has other interests-that's OK. My biggest farm buddy right now is Jace. He jumps up at the crack of dawn oh say 6:00 or so and wants to go gather eggs, feed the chickens, ride the horses-feed the sheep or just walk the pasture and talk. Anyway, back to the chickens. I started out with 3 hens. I bought these 3 from a crusty old guy at the McKinney trade days. Should have known better. But when you are green behind the ears and don't know much about farming-so be it. One of those hens was the meanest thing I've had. She was pretty ugly too. She would lay eggs and just sit there -no she wasn't sitting on them to hatch chicks-sit on hers and the others and when I would try to get them-she would start breaking the eggs! It was as if to say "no way...I can't have these eggs you won't either!
Anyway, out of the three she was the boss lady-always hogging (funny thought) the food and kinda beating up on the other two. On was a little small hen and when approached just stopped in her tracks and took whatever beating the old hen would dish out. Anyway, this little hen laid the smallest blue/green eggs I've ever seen-faithfully almost everyday until......a stray dog I took in decided to move on up on the food chain out of the dog food bowl and into the chicken pen. The other of the three hens disappeared almost immediately. A few months later the little hen was supper for this stray dog and I had the one mean hen until next Spring. Got more.chicks then..about 10 and Camryn proceeded to name every single one of them. This mean ole hen bossed these little ones around too. Nasty old thing she was. Anyway, Camryn could identify "Black Beauty, Buttercup, Snow White, etc.) Got a few more when Caleb came to visit and had a nice little brood.
There was one hen from the new batch that stood out. She was big, clumsy and awkward and UGLY (uglier than the old mena hen even!). I was standing in the barnyard and told Camryn 'that is the ugliest hen I have ever seen'. Camryn in all her wisdom said, 'Uh, Grannie...that's a rooster". Out of the mouths of babes! It never occured to me one of my hens might be a he...for I had some pretty bad experiences as a child with roosters and didn't want to go there! I specifically asked for ladies only at the feed store! But, I got used to him and really kinda enjoyed his crowing...he was different because that boy crowed in the afternoon and evening instead of the morning. I guess he liked to sleep in.
Back to the barnyard....., every once in a while a hen would be missing again. Figured they got out of the pasture or.... One day I was walking in the pasture and saw this super sized ugly thing. the ugly hen ....aka rooster, flapping its wings and trying to CROW. A very comical sight and amusing. Yep, I had a rooster. However, he seemed to be pretty easy going and hadn't tried to flog (jump at you and use those spurs ) me so I'd let him stay. By the way he turned into a good looking rooster. He had green tinted tail feathers and would strut around the barnyard..... until one day I noticed it was as if he had lost almost every single tail feather. I asked the guy at the feed store and he laughed (I've asked him so many questions most of them on the 'dumb' side...that I'm surprised he hasn't started charging for his free 'advise'). Anyway, he said in his Texas drawl, 'sounds like he had a mighty close call'. Close call?? Ah, the coyote or ??? Anyway, about the same time, Camryn noticed her favorite hen-Black Beauty was missing! (Yes, we would count them and name them off- I still do count them) We were sad because she was jet black, plump and very pretty. Sad-but life in the barnyard goes on. I remember on a Wednesday afternoon in October of that year-I was rushing around trying to feed the barnyard critters and gather eggs, etc. When I heard a 'cheep..cheep'. And out ran Black Beauty with 8 baby chicks! I was pretty excited (and yes, its true...I don't get out much). Called Camryn with the good news not only was Black Beauty back but she had 8 baby chicks. I have no idea where they could have been. I have a neighbor who has a pile of junk that is close to the barnyard...perhaps there?? Sometime I'll share the experience of watching a mother hen with her chicks . Well, sad to say not only did that rooster lose the rest of his tail feathers-something got him one day a few months later. I looked all over the pasture after he went missing and finally found what was left of him. Kinda sad-but the circle of life. Black Beauty did disappear again too. Most of her little chicks went one by one or two by two-coyote lunch or chicken hawk or ???? (hope its not Big Foot or some other 2 legged thing). But I do still have 2 of her chicks who have survived and turned into pretty nice hens.
God has given us so much to enjoy and celebrate. I'm trying to look at each day as an 'event and celebration'. Because our days are numbered. Only our Father in Heaven knows when are days are up. We fight it so...hold on to this life with all its imperfections, imitations, troubles, cares, get the picture. God has a million times over treasures and gifts waiting on the "other side' its not the dark side but the Light side......where the Son shines forever. We all will awake on day...and it will be our last day to walk on this earth. Much like my chickens...get up business as usual and one phone call, one incident, on mistake, one heartbeat away from eternity. None of us will be ravaged by a coyote (hope not!) but we have our day when this outer shell will cease to be our home...but our soul will be released and really begin living! We do have it all upside down...instead of dying...we should think of it as now we can really start in the Father's presence, the Son's light, the fullness of the Holy Spirit. Something to think about, dream about, plan for, pack for (no suitcase but packed with the Word, His presence and calling) and GET READY!
So, whew, that to do list is calling. I hear those horses neighing for some feed. Gotta also take time and feed the too...until next time on the front porch.
It's early on the front porch. Looking for the sun and its cloudy and overcast-but suppose to be a little warmer. Already started on that 'to do' list for this weekend. Before I get far into it just wanted to sit a spell and sip on another cup of coffee. That's what I like about Saturdays!
Speaking of Saturdays! I know we cram way too much into them-BUT they sure are nice and certainly something to look forward too especially when Monday rolls around again. I feel my weekend is complete if I've worshipped the Lord with friends and family and have been able to spend some time outside. Usually taking care of the horses and other barnyard critters or just sitting down under the pecan tree and just looking at the day to day business that goes on in the barnyard.
In the past 3 years I have had over 30 plus chickens, but currently down to about 10. Seems that coyote has figured out where to get his 'free lunch'. One of my farm projects is to make a better pen for those hens. Anyway, when I first was getting the little farm together and doing research, I recall reading how fascinating chickens are. It can be compared to watching an aquarium full of fish. I agree. Those hens will walk around, pick at something (that's one reason I got them-they love fly larve-hope you aren't eating right now) and keep the barnyard pest down to a minimum. Interesting creatures. But as much as the Preacher loves his chicken-these hens will NOT be in any frying pan as long as I am around...kinda hard to connect the two...those chickens and those fryers at Krogers.
Anwway, these hens will cluck and it sounds like they talk to one another and I cluck back at them sometimes. Neighbors think I am strange anyway. another blog someday me and my neighbors..... Those hens now associate me with something tasty to eat so no matter where they are in the barnyard or pasture or in the yard (another project I must work on) they come running to see what tasty morsels I have brought them.
My oldest granddaughter Camryn has shown some interest in my farming adventure. Seems the older she gets she has other interests-that's OK. My biggest farm buddy right now is Jace. He jumps up at the crack of dawn oh say 6:00 or so and wants to go gather eggs, feed the chickens, ride the horses-feed the sheep or just walk the pasture and talk. Anyway, back to the chickens. I started out with 3 hens. I bought these 3 from a crusty old guy at the McKinney trade days. Should have known better. But when you are green behind the ears and don't know much about farming-so be it. One of those hens was the meanest thing I've had. She was pretty ugly too. She would lay eggs and just sit there -no she wasn't sitting on them to hatch chicks-sit on hers and the others and when I would try to get them-she would start breaking the eggs! It was as if to say "no way...I can't have these eggs you won't either!
Anyway, out of the three she was the boss lady-always hogging (funny thought) the food and kinda beating up on the other two. On was a little small hen and when approached just stopped in her tracks and took whatever beating the old hen would dish out. Anyway, this little hen laid the smallest blue/green eggs I've ever seen-faithfully almost everyday until......a stray dog I took in decided to move on up on the food chain out of the dog food bowl and into the chicken pen. The other of the three hens disappeared almost immediately. A few months later the little hen was supper for this stray dog and I had the one mean hen until next Spring. Got more.chicks then..about 10 and Camryn proceeded to name every single one of them. This mean ole hen bossed these little ones around too. Nasty old thing she was. Anyway, Camryn could identify "Black Beauty, Buttercup, Snow White, etc.) Got a few more when Caleb came to visit and had a nice little brood.
There was one hen from the new batch that stood out. She was big, clumsy and awkward and UGLY (uglier than the old mena hen even!). I was standing in the barnyard and told Camryn 'that is the ugliest hen I have ever seen'. Camryn in all her wisdom said, 'Uh, Grannie...that's a rooster". Out of the mouths of babes! It never occured to me one of my hens might be a he...for I had some pretty bad experiences as a child with roosters and didn't want to go there! I specifically asked for ladies only at the feed store! But, I got used to him and really kinda enjoyed his crowing...he was different because that boy crowed in the afternoon and evening instead of the morning. I guess he liked to sleep in.
Back to the barnyard....., every once in a while a hen would be missing again. Figured they got out of the pasture or.... One day I was walking in the pasture and saw this super sized ugly thing. the ugly hen ....aka rooster, flapping its wings and trying to CROW. A very comical sight and amusing. Yep, I had a rooster. However, he seemed to be pretty easy going and hadn't tried to flog (jump at you and use those spurs ) me so I'd let him stay. By the way he turned into a good looking rooster. He had green tinted tail feathers and would strut around the barnyard..... until one day I noticed it was as if he had lost almost every single tail feather. I asked the guy at the feed store and he laughed (I've asked him so many questions most of them on the 'dumb' side...that I'm surprised he hasn't started charging for his free 'advise'). Anyway, he said in his Texas drawl, 'sounds like he had a mighty close call'. Close call?? Ah, the coyote or ??? Anyway, about the same time, Camryn noticed her favorite hen-Black Beauty was missing! (Yes, we would count them and name them off- I still do count them) We were sad because she was jet black, plump and very pretty. Sad-but life in the barnyard goes on. I remember on a Wednesday afternoon in October of that year-I was rushing around trying to feed the barnyard critters and gather eggs, etc. When I heard a 'cheep..cheep'. And out ran Black Beauty with 8 baby chicks! I was pretty excited (and yes, its true...I don't get out much). Called Camryn with the good news not only was Black Beauty back but she had 8 baby chicks. I have no idea where they could have been. I have a neighbor who has a pile of junk that is close to the barnyard...perhaps there?? Sometime I'll share the experience of watching a mother hen with her chicks . Well, sad to say not only did that rooster lose the rest of his tail feathers-something got him one day a few months later. I looked all over the pasture after he went missing and finally found what was left of him. Kinda sad-but the circle of life. Black Beauty did disappear again too. Most of her little chicks went one by one or two by two-coyote lunch or chicken hawk or ???? (hope its not Big Foot or some other 2 legged thing). But I do still have 2 of her chicks who have survived and turned into pretty nice hens.
God has given us so much to enjoy and celebrate. I'm trying to look at each day as an 'event and celebration'. Because our days are numbered. Only our Father in Heaven knows when are days are up. We fight it so...hold on to this life with all its imperfections, imitations, troubles, cares, get the picture. God has a million times over treasures and gifts waiting on the "other side' its not the dark side but the Light side......where the Son shines forever. We all will awake on day...and it will be our last day to walk on this earth. Much like my chickens...get up business as usual and one phone call, one incident, on mistake, one heartbeat away from eternity. None of us will be ravaged by a coyote (hope not!) but we have our day when this outer shell will cease to be our home...but our soul will be released and really begin living! We do have it all upside down...instead of dying...we should think of it as now we can really start in the Father's presence, the Son's light, the fullness of the Holy Spirit. Something to think about, dream about, plan for, pack for (no suitcase but packed with the Word, His presence and calling) and GET READY!
So, whew, that to do list is calling. I hear those horses neighing for some feed. Gotta also take time and feed the too...until next time on the front porch.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Whew...good afternoon. Another cold day! Well, cold for Texas. But, not too bad when compared to some parts of the Kansas City, (feel your pain, not really, Cincinnati (home place. ), New York and Minnesota (we have friends there)....anyway where is GLOBAL WARMING when we need it??
Seriously, thanks for stopping by. We won't visit long...just a little too chilly to sit around for very long. I'm sipping on a good, hot cup of coffee. Aaaa, it is so good. The Preacher and I have a little ritual..whoever gets home first makes a pot of coffeef for our afternoon 'regrouping'. We enjoy coffee in the evening and of course the morning. Good stuff. By the way, it can be chilly like today or a Texas heat wave day. We just like the warm feeling, each other's company for a few stolen moments and oh yeah, let's not forget the little caffeine 'kick'. Funny, through the years we have heard coffee is bad for you, not its good.. who really knows
Got another minute or so?? I read a little quote today that was good stuff too. Something like this....
Ego demands, "Don't just stand there SAY something" (like put your foot in your mouth...sometimes we put our whole leg too it seems) BUT wisdom reminds us , "Don't say something...just stand there". There is a time to speak and there is definetely a time NOT to speak. Let's agree in 2009 to tune into the Holy Spirit and know what to speak.
Until next time on my front porch...go on in and sit b
Seriously, thanks for stopping by. We won't visit long...just a little too chilly to sit around for very long. I'm sipping on a good, hot cup of coffee. Aaaa, it is so good. The Preacher and I have a little ritual..whoever gets home first makes a pot of coffeef for our afternoon 'regrouping'. We enjoy coffee in the evening and of course the morning. Good stuff. By the way, it can be chilly like today or a Texas heat wave day. We just like the warm feeling, each other's company for a few stolen moments and oh yeah, let's not forget the little caffeine 'kick'. Funny, through the years we have heard coffee is bad for you, not its good.. who really knows
Got another minute or so?? I read a little quote today that was good stuff too. Something like this....
Ego demands, "Don't just stand there SAY something" (like put your foot in your mouth...sometimes we put our whole leg too it seems) BUT wisdom reminds us , "Don't say something...just stand there". There is a time to speak and there is definetely a time NOT to speak. Let's agree in 2009 to tune into the Holy Spirit and know what to speak.
Until next time on my front porch...go on in and sit b
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Good evening. Busy last couple of days. Not a moment to even step on the front porch, much less sit and visit. But, glad you stopped by.
If you read Tim's blog you know that his Pastor has resigned the church. Tim has been the music minister for almost 5 years now. I have seen such growth in Tim and Amy under the care of Pastor Carter! He is a true shepherd. In an earlier blog I mentioned the 'interview' in Tim's journey to Longview. To add some additional details to Tim's journey to Longview-as stated Tim had been working faithfully in a local church here in the Dallas area. He worked faithfully with the youth pastor and music minister. Tim ministered and worked alongside these pastors-in addition to working 40 plus hours in a retail store. In addition he was a 'newlywed'. During these 5 years Tim also studied at a local college working on his music degree. It was a busy time-but a time of stretching and growing for Tim. It was at this church Tim met Amy :). I remember when they would come to the house, Amy was always quite-always so sweet. I remember many evenings Tim and Amy would be sitting at the piano, singing, writing songs, praising God. It was such a joy. Amy may be sweet and quite, but she has a beautiful voice! One of my favorite songs I love to hear her sing is, I'm Desperate for You, so powerful. I recall through these years Tim would have Bible study groups at the house, friends in and out-excitement. Tim brings excitement into the room. Sometimes I'll share the excitement.
I know there were times of discouragement during this 5 year stretch. Finances were a challenge-the ministry at the Dallas church began to change and Tim just wasn't sure he would fit in. His older brother Joe was also in a time of transistion in the ministry-as I recall ALL of us were in a time of transition at this time! Anyway, Joe found the posting about the music ministry in Longview and upon the leading of the Holy Spirit sent Tim's resume to Longview. I don't think Tim felt he was ready for this assignment. But much like young David in some of God's assignments for Him, Tim trusted God. Dear Pastor Carter saw Tim's resume and well, the rest is history. Pastor Carter has embraced Tim's talents, gifts and callings. He has allowed Tim to mature in God's wisdom and grace. He has allowed Tim to have freedom to be open, directed and led by the Holy Spirit-not only in the music ministry but in other ministry opportunities. Our prayers and blessing go with the Carter family.
I also know what it feels like to be in the same corner as the Carter's. The ministry is the most rewarding, fulfilling, yet physically, emotionally exhausting. Some who read this will scoff and make judgements-my point exactly. There is no fishbowl quite like the ministry. Yes, you meet some of the sweetest, supportive, kind and loving people. However, there are others who feel it is their "ministry" to question, undermine, pick at and scrutinize every move. Pastors and ministry leaders are expected to be perfect, able to leap tall buildings, fly through the air with the greatest of speed, on and on..
It is discouraging to pour into people and often for various reasons they move out of our lives. I was pondering on this one day and God comforted me with the word that 'it is His Kingdom'. I was reminded that I should not be building 'my kingdom'because the church we are serving in is not to be an earthly kingdom. I was to remember the building was of His Kingdom and His church. People move in and out of our lives-especially in our mobile, fluid society. As we meet people along our life's journey-we are to love them and accept them for who they are. God has allowed them to come our life for a season. A season of joy and rejoicing, a season of working together in the vineyard of the Lord until He gives the next assignment. This is why fussing and feuding in the church is unacceptable and surely breaks our Lord's heart.
Thus, this is the case with Pastor Carter. He has labored so faithfully. He has been an instrument in physically and spiritually building a house of worship in Longview. He has mentored Tim and Amy, along with countless others. He has impacted not only the Longview area BUT more importantly, he has built the Kingdom of God. Therefore, because he has built the Kingdom of God, and not his own kingdom, he is free to step into his next assignment with faith and freedom. God has good things in store for Pastor Carter and even though it appears it may not be in the pulpit, I feel it will have a great impact on God's Kingdom nevertheless.
So enjoy the memories and opportunities to work hand in hand with God's people, in God's vineyard, at God's bidding and His assignment. When He calls us or anyone in the Body to 'get up and Go'-lovingly and respectfully release them. We look forward to the 'grand reunion' aka the 'meeting in the air' in the sweet, sweet by and by!
Until we meet again on the front porch.
If you read Tim's blog you know that his Pastor has resigned the church. Tim has been the music minister for almost 5 years now. I have seen such growth in Tim and Amy under the care of Pastor Carter! He is a true shepherd. In an earlier blog I mentioned the 'interview' in Tim's journey to Longview. To add some additional details to Tim's journey to Longview-as stated Tim had been working faithfully in a local church here in the Dallas area. He worked faithfully with the youth pastor and music minister. Tim ministered and worked alongside these pastors-in addition to working 40 plus hours in a retail store. In addition he was a 'newlywed'. During these 5 years Tim also studied at a local college working on his music degree. It was a busy time-but a time of stretching and growing for Tim. It was at this church Tim met Amy :). I remember when they would come to the house, Amy was always quite-always so sweet. I remember many evenings Tim and Amy would be sitting at the piano, singing, writing songs, praising God. It was such a joy. Amy may be sweet and quite, but she has a beautiful voice! One of my favorite songs I love to hear her sing is, I'm Desperate for You, so powerful. I recall through these years Tim would have Bible study groups at the house, friends in and out-excitement. Tim brings excitement into the room. Sometimes I'll share the excitement.
I know there were times of discouragement during this 5 year stretch. Finances were a challenge-the ministry at the Dallas church began to change and Tim just wasn't sure he would fit in. His older brother Joe was also in a time of transistion in the ministry-as I recall ALL of us were in a time of transition at this time! Anyway, Joe found the posting about the music ministry in Longview and upon the leading of the Holy Spirit sent Tim's resume to Longview. I don't think Tim felt he was ready for this assignment. But much like young David in some of God's assignments for Him, Tim trusted God. Dear Pastor Carter saw Tim's resume and well, the rest is history. Pastor Carter has embraced Tim's talents, gifts and callings. He has allowed Tim to mature in God's wisdom and grace. He has allowed Tim to have freedom to be open, directed and led by the Holy Spirit-not only in the music ministry but in other ministry opportunities. Our prayers and blessing go with the Carter family.
I also know what it feels like to be in the same corner as the Carter's. The ministry is the most rewarding, fulfilling, yet physically, emotionally exhausting. Some who read this will scoff and make judgements-my point exactly. There is no fishbowl quite like the ministry. Yes, you meet some of the sweetest, supportive, kind and loving people. However, there are others who feel it is their "ministry" to question, undermine, pick at and scrutinize every move. Pastors and ministry leaders are expected to be perfect, able to leap tall buildings, fly through the air with the greatest of speed, on and on..
It is discouraging to pour into people and often for various reasons they move out of our lives. I was pondering on this one day and God comforted me with the word that 'it is His Kingdom'. I was reminded that I should not be building 'my kingdom'because the church we are serving in is not to be an earthly kingdom. I was to remember the building was of His Kingdom and His church. People move in and out of our lives-especially in our mobile, fluid society. As we meet people along our life's journey-we are to love them and accept them for who they are. God has allowed them to come our life for a season. A season of joy and rejoicing, a season of working together in the vineyard of the Lord until He gives the next assignment. This is why fussing and feuding in the church is unacceptable and surely breaks our Lord's heart.
Thus, this is the case with Pastor Carter. He has labored so faithfully. He has been an instrument in physically and spiritually building a house of worship in Longview. He has mentored Tim and Amy, along with countless others. He has impacted not only the Longview area BUT more importantly, he has built the Kingdom of God. Therefore, because he has built the Kingdom of God, and not his own kingdom, he is free to step into his next assignment with faith and freedom. God has good things in store for Pastor Carter and even though it appears it may not be in the pulpit, I feel it will have a great impact on God's Kingdom nevertheless.
So enjoy the memories and opportunities to work hand in hand with God's people, in God's vineyard, at God's bidding and His assignment. When He calls us or anyone in the Body to 'get up and Go'-lovingly and respectfully release them. We look forward to the 'grand reunion' aka the 'meeting in the air' in the sweet, sweet by and by!
Until we meet again on the front porch.
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Good afternoon, thanks for stopping by. We have just a few minutes before I will need to go in and make preparations to attend the evening service.
Great day. Good weather. Warm enough to move around outside. Sunny too. Nice enough to spend some time outside. Fed and watered the horses, the sheep, Mary and Martha, little Paco, chickens and the cats. Brushed the horses and even walked the pasture. There's a coyote making the rounds. He has already dined on several of my fat hens. Shame on him. He needs to pick on someone his own size.
We had a good service at church. Praise and worship-with a great deal of people really participating-singing out with voices and hands raised. As it should be...our Lord is worthy.
On this Sunday, Glen, calls the anointing service-all those members in any kind of leadership roles come up for anointing with oil and prayer. It was pretty powerful. God is so awesome. It is heartwarming to see how many of our folks have stepped into leadership for this year.
Good sermon about the anointing for leadership. We need those reminders-to edify the Church.
Another annual prayer we have started is for members to make a list (not a wish list or a jeannie in a bottle list) but a heart felf, spirit led list of needs and prayers you are believing for in 2009. We had prayer for those who have needs they want believers to stand in faith with them for. Our little church has many needs, several lost jobs this past year, many, many sick, loved ones sick, some serious life and death sick. We are believing God and trusting Him for every need. He is a good Father, a Father that provides for us, His children. He would not have any of us suffer needlessly. If there is any suffering He is there. There is a reason for every season in our lives.
My husband, the Preacher, has come up with a new word of comfort. He stated that everywhere you go people are proclaming how this world is falling apart. He disagrees....'its falling together' for God's plan and purposes. Remember that change we talked about a few days ago. The biggest change we have ever seen or will ever experience or could even image is 'fixin' (as you'all say here in Texas) to happen. When, not sure-not my business to know. It's His business. But, I am to anticipate it, embrace it and be READY for it!
No idea what I am talking about. Come back and visit when we have more time. We'll talk again on the front porch!
Great day. Good weather. Warm enough to move around outside. Sunny too. Nice enough to spend some time outside. Fed and watered the horses, the sheep, Mary and Martha, little Paco, chickens and the cats. Brushed the horses and even walked the pasture. There's a coyote making the rounds. He has already dined on several of my fat hens. Shame on him. He needs to pick on someone his own size.
We had a good service at church. Praise and worship-with a great deal of people really participating-singing out with voices and hands raised. As it should be...our Lord is worthy.
On this Sunday, Glen, calls the anointing service-all those members in any kind of leadership roles come up for anointing with oil and prayer. It was pretty powerful. God is so awesome. It is heartwarming to see how many of our folks have stepped into leadership for this year.
Good sermon about the anointing for leadership. We need those reminders-to edify the Church.
Another annual prayer we have started is for members to make a list (not a wish list or a jeannie in a bottle list) but a heart felf, spirit led list of needs and prayers you are believing for in 2009. We had prayer for those who have needs they want believers to stand in faith with them for. Our little church has many needs, several lost jobs this past year, many, many sick, loved ones sick, some serious life and death sick. We are believing God and trusting Him for every need. He is a good Father, a Father that provides for us, His children. He would not have any of us suffer needlessly. If there is any suffering He is there. There is a reason for every season in our lives.
My husband, the Preacher, has come up with a new word of comfort. He stated that everywhere you go people are proclaming how this world is falling apart. He disagrees....'its falling together' for God's plan and purposes. Remember that change we talked about a few days ago. The biggest change we have ever seen or will ever experience or could even image is 'fixin' (as you'all say here in Texas) to happen. When, not sure-not my business to know. It's His business. But, I am to anticipate it, embrace it and be READY for it!
No idea what I am talking about. Come back and visit when we have more time. We'll talk again on the front porch!
Saturday, January 10, 2009
To Do Lists
Good evening. Welcome to the front porch. We won't stay long. That cold front moved in and it is pretty chilly tonight. Temps dropped quite a bit. Suppose to be in the 20's tonight. That's Texas for you. Anyway made a big pot of chili and some homemade cookies. Perfect for a chilly evening.
Busy day, I'm sure yours was too. Saturdays seems to be a day we try to cram in a week's worth of chores, errands, shopping, etc. Ran all day but didn't get too much done on my 'to do list'. I'm getting well known for my lists. Seems I make lists for my lists, at times have 2 or 3 of them going at the same time.
Why? Well, when you get old and gray-seems to keep me focused of why I'm walking around. Also, I guess it gives me a sense of accomplishment when I can cross a thing or two off the list. Problem is for every item I cross off, I add two or three more things to do.
Speaking of my list, its getting late and I have several more things on my list that I had hoped to get done today. You're welcome to stay a while longer, enjoy the view, moon is up there again but kinda foggy and hard to see tonight. Me, I'm going inside. Glen has a fire going, hot cup of coffee, good company and good food. I am blessed.
Hope you worship tomorrow-at the place you meet God and good friends and even loved ones. Troubled times indeed but each day are countless blessings we can thank Him for.
Until next time, from my front porch to yours. Good night and God bless.
Busy day, I'm sure yours was too. Saturdays seems to be a day we try to cram in a week's worth of chores, errands, shopping, etc. Ran all day but didn't get too much done on my 'to do list'. I'm getting well known for my lists. Seems I make lists for my lists, at times have 2 or 3 of them going at the same time.
Why? Well, when you get old and gray-seems to keep me focused of why I'm walking around. Also, I guess it gives me a sense of accomplishment when I can cross a thing or two off the list. Problem is for every item I cross off, I add two or three more things to do.
Speaking of my list, its getting late and I have several more things on my list that I had hoped to get done today. You're welcome to stay a while longer, enjoy the view, moon is up there again but kinda foggy and hard to see tonight. Me, I'm going inside. Glen has a fire going, hot cup of coffee, good company and good food. I am blessed.
Hope you worship tomorrow-at the place you meet God and good friends and even loved ones. Troubled times indeed but each day are countless blessings we can thank Him for.
Until next time, from my front porch to yours. Good night and God bless.
Friday, January 9, 2009
Good evening! Come sit a spell on the front porch. I must say another beautiful day. Look over in the sky-there is a full moon just waiting to take front and center stage just as God has designed it. The sun is sinking a little lower, lower and will soon be gone. Amazing. But, feel that breeze kicking up...a little more, hear those tree limbs hitting against the house. I feel a change coming. Change.
Change. Not the jiggling stuff in our pockets. No, this is the big stuff. Change of attitude, lifestyle, habits, mindsets. Difficult stuff. Stuff we avoid and just don't like. None of us open our arms wide and declare, 'change, give me your best shot!'. No, we cower in a corner whimpering and resisting change. Change.
I admit I'm included in the whimpering corner. I have my little pew I sit in every Sunday and do say if anyone would wander over there-I'd bristle and burn a tad. I have a parking place I park in EVERY morning (I get there early enough I could pick any one of many) BUT no one had better take it! If they did I'd probably slam my door a little too hard and sulk into the building, mumbling about the 'nerve'. We all have those comfort routines-meat loaf on Monday, bowling on Thursday, or......fill in the blank. Change.
But when you think about it-God is a God of change! Look at us...we are constantly changing physically. Don't think so...get out pictures from a few years back. Then take a look in the mirror. I often get busy-run into the bathroom to wash my hands and look up in the mirrow and jump back-thinking 'who is that old woman in the mirror!? Guess what ? That's me. What happened to the years? Seems like only yesterday I was a young bride, then a young mother, now a grandmother may times over. Change.
Back to change-God has 'mercies new every morning'-yet He is stedfast. He is the same yesterday, today and forever. Yet, in His wisdom He desires to pour a newness and freshness upon us. Change. It takes a strong man or woman to accept change, embrace it, and allow it to make us better. The 'world' is changing. Look around, planted a tree lately? Notice how much it grows and matures. Taken a look at your child or grandchild. They are changing and maturing right before our eyes. We accept it, or should accept it. No one really wants a baby in diapers forever. They grow, stretch, stumble, regroup, mature and bloom into their own calling. Can't hold on to them, please don't try. If you do you will smother them, stifle them, frustrate them and may even lose them. Change.
God desires for all of us to allow change in our lives. We should be growing, stretching, stumbling (yes, even this, if you never try to walk-you will never stumble-so walk a little even if you do stumble!), regrouping, maturing and blooming into the plan He has for us. Just like the last few days that have been so beautiful. If I could I would bottle them up and try to save them. If I could I would have every day like the last two. Glad I'm not running things. Pretty soon things would be in chaos. Why, we have cycles and seasons established so that we might have rain, snow, sun for the growth and change this earth needs. Change.
Change. Take a look at Abraham from the book of Genesis. Now here was a man willing and open to change. God told him to get up and leave his people, his home, his land, his familiar surroundings and Go.....go where? To a land I will show you. Hmm, a little vague, don't you think? A little difficult, don't you think? A walk into the unknown, never been there before, never done it that way before 'walk'. Revisit this story in the book of Genesis. Think of the 'might have not beens' if Abraham had resisted and said, "Na, no thanks, like it right here pretty much, been here all my life, got things just like I like 'em'. Thanks goodness, the Father of many generations, the Father of many nations, Father Abraham', was willing to allow his Father God to bring about a newness and freshness in his life. As they say........the rest is His story (history).
From my porch to yours, good evening and God bless...oh and how about a little 'change?'
Change. Not the jiggling stuff in our pockets. No, this is the big stuff. Change of attitude, lifestyle, habits, mindsets. Difficult stuff. Stuff we avoid and just don't like. None of us open our arms wide and declare, 'change, give me your best shot!'. No, we cower in a corner whimpering and resisting change. Change.
I admit I'm included in the whimpering corner. I have my little pew I sit in every Sunday and do say if anyone would wander over there-I'd bristle and burn a tad. I have a parking place I park in EVERY morning (I get there early enough I could pick any one of many) BUT no one had better take it! If they did I'd probably slam my door a little too hard and sulk into the building, mumbling about the 'nerve'. We all have those comfort routines-meat loaf on Monday, bowling on Thursday, or......fill in the blank. Change.
But when you think about it-God is a God of change! Look at us...we are constantly changing physically. Don't think so...get out pictures from a few years back. Then take a look in the mirror. I often get busy-run into the bathroom to wash my hands and look up in the mirrow and jump back-thinking 'who is that old woman in the mirror!? Guess what ? That's me. What happened to the years? Seems like only yesterday I was a young bride, then a young mother, now a grandmother may times over. Change.
Back to change-God has 'mercies new every morning'-yet He is stedfast. He is the same yesterday, today and forever. Yet, in His wisdom He desires to pour a newness and freshness upon us. Change. It takes a strong man or woman to accept change, embrace it, and allow it to make us better. The 'world' is changing. Look around, planted a tree lately? Notice how much it grows and matures. Taken a look at your child or grandchild. They are changing and maturing right before our eyes. We accept it, or should accept it. No one really wants a baby in diapers forever. They grow, stretch, stumble, regroup, mature and bloom into their own calling. Can't hold on to them, please don't try. If you do you will smother them, stifle them, frustrate them and may even lose them. Change.
God desires for all of us to allow change in our lives. We should be growing, stretching, stumbling (yes, even this, if you never try to walk-you will never stumble-so walk a little even if you do stumble!), regrouping, maturing and blooming into the plan He has for us. Just like the last few days that have been so beautiful. If I could I would bottle them up and try to save them. If I could I would have every day like the last two. Glad I'm not running things. Pretty soon things would be in chaos. Why, we have cycles and seasons established so that we might have rain, snow, sun for the growth and change this earth needs. Change.
Change. Take a look at Abraham from the book of Genesis. Now here was a man willing and open to change. God told him to get up and leave his people, his home, his land, his familiar surroundings and Go.....go where? To a land I will show you. Hmm, a little vague, don't you think? A little difficult, don't you think? A walk into the unknown, never been there before, never done it that way before 'walk'. Revisit this story in the book of Genesis. Think of the 'might have not beens' if Abraham had resisted and said, "Na, no thanks, like it right here pretty much, been here all my life, got things just like I like 'em'. Thanks goodness, the Father of many generations, the Father of many nations, Father Abraham', was willing to allow his Father God to bring about a newness and freshness in his life. As they say........the rest is His story (history).
From my porch to yours, good evening and God bless...oh and how about a little 'change?'
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Good evening! Glad you could join me for a while here on my front porch. It was an absolutely gorgeous day around the farm today. 70 degrees, give or take a degree, sunny, absolutely perfect. Enjoy the slight breeze, setting sun, and if you stay long enough, you'll see tonight's moon. Great stuff. I know now why I love Texas so much.
Today is January 8th, a couple of 'famous' people born today. One made rock and roll history, and although he is no longer on this earth-still has fans galore. Elvis Presely...wonder what he would look like if he had lived to celebrate this birthday? Well, another pretty special guy was born today. My son I am getting old and forgetful and not the best at math, but if I have done my math correctly, he is now officially 31 (although his younger brother's math must be worse than mine for his version of Joe's age has added a few years to that figure)....anyway Joe is my oldest son, the third child born into our family. We had been blessed with two of the finest girls ever seen...and found out once again we would be welcoming another baby into our family. We kinda, sorta hoped we had made a little boy. Back then you didn't get to find out what gender your blessing would be. Sometimes mothers could figure it out by the way they felt, the way the baby was positioned, etc. But, for the most part it have a little baby________. However, his Dad had a dream or felt God drop a word into his heart because one day he said to me, 'we're going to have a boy and we are to name him Joseph, because he is going to be a strong man of God. Well, I painted his little room blue, began buying little blue clothes. And waited for the little guy's arrival. During the waiting time, I would go into the room and pray over the bed he was to sleep in, telling God, this is your child God, use him, make him strong, he is yours. Watch over him, protect him, use him..we held on to this prayer knowing God is faithful.
Anyway, I had no problems with sicknesses, no major complictions with any of the babies. I carried on my life as usual. Joe was due about the middle of January. I secretly hoped he would come early. Mothers, you've been there. You just feel so many emotions, excited, anxious, apprehensive...and BIG. Just let the little guy or gal come on down and meet and greet the world. I had gone into labor early with the girls and was certainly hoping this would be the case again. January 8th, a Sunday morning. It was pretty warm for Kentucky. Glen was co-pastoring a church in Cincinnati, so it was business as usual-everyone up, ready for church, out the door and off we go. I helped out in the church as I still do-whatever needed to be done. I remember right at the start of the Sunday School hour around 10:00, I began to feel a few pains. Nothing too major, just those waves of pain that a woman knows. After about 45 minutes of consistent pain, decided to call the doctor. To my surprise he said, go to the hospital. Although the previous births had been pretty easy-the labor seemed long...but the doctor was saying go on to the hospital. Well, I casually mentioned this to Glen, but this was Sunday morning, after all he had a sermon to preach, people to pray for-a pastor's duty. The hospital was a very short drive away-up one of the famous hills in Cincinnati. So around 11:45ish we decided we had better go on up to the hospital. Good thing we did, at about 12:38 Joseph Glen arrived! The labor was quick and relatively smooth EXCEPT for the last push when I could feel a horrible pulling and the doctor shouts STOP don't push. It seems this little critter had to make a big entrance into the world by arriving or trying to arrive with the cord wrapped around his neck 3 times! I remember the doctor pointing out to the others in the delivery room and saying something like,'look at this, the cord is wrapped around this little's guys neck 3 times!". Whew! Sounds like our Joe doesn't it? Mischief, 'look at me world', kinda entrance.
I remember when I first saw him and saying, "a boy, we got a little boy" and he looks just like my side of the family! A little boy. I didn't know too much about little boys. I am the oldest of 8-one brother and 6 sisters. It's me, my brother and then all little girls. This was going to be a new adventure for sure.
Well, we were on a budget-so all I could afford to stay at the hospital was the one night and then we arranged to be released the next day. No insurance coverage will kinda encourage you to do this. Somehow during the course of that day-the weather changed. From warm, to cold to colder. Glen had slipped out of the hospital to get my mom and bring her to the hospital to see this little grandson. In the course of that short amount of time-the weather went from bad to worse and an icy snowstorm hit-hard. I waited wondering where was my dear husband and mother. Well, a few hours later they limped seems Glen had lost control on the ice and had a fender bender on the way back to the hospital. I recall that both he and my mother were pretty shook-up. I think this kinda thing is called life. It just happens. Not the best news to receive, but life does go on. Somehow Glen got us home the next day. And it was cold! That entire winter was cold. I remember Joe somehow getting his days and nights mixed up as babies can do. Awake all night and asleep most of the day. Other than that he was a sweet little guy-blending into the family, with an older sister who begged to hold and feed him and one still to young to realize she had just been displaced and no longer was the darling baby of the family. This was the time of 2 in diapers and 2 with bottles. Hard to take a bottle from a toddler who sees little brother drinking his to his heart's content. Days that blend one into the other when you are so busy you hardly know what your name is.. I had the pleasure of being a 'stay at home' mom at that time. It was what I wanted-it was right for me and it was my calling. Money was tight...funny thing...seems like it still is...but God did supply every need. I remember that was a cold winter, a lot of snow winter, record cold winter, kitchen pipes freezing up winter, record cold winter-yes I said it twice because two nights in a row that area had record cold temps...-24 and -25. I recall the front page of the was some kinda winter! But we had our cozy little family, in a cozy little house, and a Big God watching over us.
Turn the clock ahead 31 years later. Yes, there is a lot of growing, stretching, praying, and watching this little boy mature into a strong man of God. (Perhaps someday I'll share some of the in between the birth and now adventures with this son). I do see some of myself-both good and not so good-in all my children. Seems like we really don't get much of a choice in the matter. We are fearfully and wonderfully made (some of us with a little more fear than others). What do I see in Joe? I see a man who is very creative. He gets an idea to do something and he does it! He works hard-he will work until the job is done. He can tend to be a perfectionist (even more than me! Joe, is that possible???) he has HIGH expectations of himself and those around him(opps, sorry that's me again). I know this because I see some of myself in Joe...sorry Joe you got some of the good stuff from the Gabbard side...and well some of the stuff from the Lawson side...but it has meshed together to make one of the most unique, talented and gifted men of God. Lori is right. Joe has such a gift with words, especially, God's word and is able to communicate it so well. I am in awe of where this child came from?! He came from a love between his father and me, and is blessed with gifts and callings to bring a message to this generation. He is a voice calling in the wilderness, challenging God's people to step up a little higher. The prayers of parents prayed over 31 years ago have not gone unheard. They did not go to deaf ears. But the God of Heaven heard those heart cries and humble prayers of parents who truly believed that the children they were blessed with were destined to greatness.....not greatness as the world knows greatness. But greatness according to the Kingdom of God...the last beng first, the least being Joe's blog states....simple humanity.....being touched and filled with divine destinty.
Until we meet again on my front porch...thank God for the blessings He has surrounded you with-people who love you and that you love. "This is my commandment that you love one another....and our joy will be complete".
Today is January 8th, a couple of 'famous' people born today. One made rock and roll history, and although he is no longer on this earth-still has fans galore. Elvis Presely...wonder what he would look like if he had lived to celebrate this birthday? Well, another pretty special guy was born today. My son I am getting old and forgetful and not the best at math, but if I have done my math correctly, he is now officially 31 (although his younger brother's math must be worse than mine for his version of Joe's age has added a few years to that figure)....anyway Joe is my oldest son, the third child born into our family. We had been blessed with two of the finest girls ever seen...and found out once again we would be welcoming another baby into our family. We kinda, sorta hoped we had made a little boy. Back then you didn't get to find out what gender your blessing would be. Sometimes mothers could figure it out by the way they felt, the way the baby was positioned, etc. But, for the most part it have a little baby________. However, his Dad had a dream or felt God drop a word into his heart because one day he said to me, 'we're going to have a boy and we are to name him Joseph, because he is going to be a strong man of God. Well, I painted his little room blue, began buying little blue clothes. And waited for the little guy's arrival. During the waiting time, I would go into the room and pray over the bed he was to sleep in, telling God, this is your child God, use him, make him strong, he is yours. Watch over him, protect him, use him..we held on to this prayer knowing God is faithful.
Anyway, I had no problems with sicknesses, no major complictions with any of the babies. I carried on my life as usual. Joe was due about the middle of January. I secretly hoped he would come early. Mothers, you've been there. You just feel so many emotions, excited, anxious, apprehensive...and BIG. Just let the little guy or gal come on down and meet and greet the world. I had gone into labor early with the girls and was certainly hoping this would be the case again. January 8th, a Sunday morning. It was pretty warm for Kentucky. Glen was co-pastoring a church in Cincinnati, so it was business as usual-everyone up, ready for church, out the door and off we go. I helped out in the church as I still do-whatever needed to be done. I remember right at the start of the Sunday School hour around 10:00, I began to feel a few pains. Nothing too major, just those waves of pain that a woman knows. After about 45 minutes of consistent pain, decided to call the doctor. To my surprise he said, go to the hospital. Although the previous births had been pretty easy-the labor seemed long...but the doctor was saying go on to the hospital. Well, I casually mentioned this to Glen, but this was Sunday morning, after all he had a sermon to preach, people to pray for-a pastor's duty. The hospital was a very short drive away-up one of the famous hills in Cincinnati. So around 11:45ish we decided we had better go on up to the hospital. Good thing we did, at about 12:38 Joseph Glen arrived! The labor was quick and relatively smooth EXCEPT for the last push when I could feel a horrible pulling and the doctor shouts STOP don't push. It seems this little critter had to make a big entrance into the world by arriving or trying to arrive with the cord wrapped around his neck 3 times! I remember the doctor pointing out to the others in the delivery room and saying something like,'look at this, the cord is wrapped around this little's guys neck 3 times!". Whew! Sounds like our Joe doesn't it? Mischief, 'look at me world', kinda entrance.
I remember when I first saw him and saying, "a boy, we got a little boy" and he looks just like my side of the family! A little boy. I didn't know too much about little boys. I am the oldest of 8-one brother and 6 sisters. It's me, my brother and then all little girls. This was going to be a new adventure for sure.
Well, we were on a budget-so all I could afford to stay at the hospital was the one night and then we arranged to be released the next day. No insurance coverage will kinda encourage you to do this. Somehow during the course of that day-the weather changed. From warm, to cold to colder. Glen had slipped out of the hospital to get my mom and bring her to the hospital to see this little grandson. In the course of that short amount of time-the weather went from bad to worse and an icy snowstorm hit-hard. I waited wondering where was my dear husband and mother. Well, a few hours later they limped seems Glen had lost control on the ice and had a fender bender on the way back to the hospital. I recall that both he and my mother were pretty shook-up. I think this kinda thing is called life. It just happens. Not the best news to receive, but life does go on. Somehow Glen got us home the next day. And it was cold! That entire winter was cold. I remember Joe somehow getting his days and nights mixed up as babies can do. Awake all night and asleep most of the day. Other than that he was a sweet little guy-blending into the family, with an older sister who begged to hold and feed him and one still to young to realize she had just been displaced and no longer was the darling baby of the family. This was the time of 2 in diapers and 2 with bottles. Hard to take a bottle from a toddler who sees little brother drinking his to his heart's content. Days that blend one into the other when you are so busy you hardly know what your name is.. I had the pleasure of being a 'stay at home' mom at that time. It was what I wanted-it was right for me and it was my calling. Money was tight...funny thing...seems like it still is...but God did supply every need. I remember that was a cold winter, a lot of snow winter, record cold winter, kitchen pipes freezing up winter, record cold winter-yes I said it twice because two nights in a row that area had record cold temps...-24 and -25. I recall the front page of the was some kinda winter! But we had our cozy little family, in a cozy little house, and a Big God watching over us.
Turn the clock ahead 31 years later. Yes, there is a lot of growing, stretching, praying, and watching this little boy mature into a strong man of God. (Perhaps someday I'll share some of the in between the birth and now adventures with this son). I do see some of myself-both good and not so good-in all my children. Seems like we really don't get much of a choice in the matter. We are fearfully and wonderfully made (some of us with a little more fear than others). What do I see in Joe? I see a man who is very creative. He gets an idea to do something and he does it! He works hard-he will work until the job is done. He can tend to be a perfectionist (even more than me! Joe, is that possible???) he has HIGH expectations of himself and those around him(opps, sorry that's me again). I know this because I see some of myself in Joe...sorry Joe you got some of the good stuff from the Gabbard side...and well some of the stuff from the Lawson side...but it has meshed together to make one of the most unique, talented and gifted men of God. Lori is right. Joe has such a gift with words, especially, God's word and is able to communicate it so well. I am in awe of where this child came from?! He came from a love between his father and me, and is blessed with gifts and callings to bring a message to this generation. He is a voice calling in the wilderness, challenging God's people to step up a little higher. The prayers of parents prayed over 31 years ago have not gone unheard. They did not go to deaf ears. But the God of Heaven heard those heart cries and humble prayers of parents who truly believed that the children they were blessed with were destined to greatness.....not greatness as the world knows greatness. But greatness according to the Kingdom of God...the last beng first, the least being Joe's blog states....simple humanity.....being touched and filled with divine destinty.
Until we meet again on my front porch...thank God for the blessings He has surrounded you with-people who love you and that you love. "This is my commandment that you love one another....and our joy will be complete".
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Well, I'm here on the front porch again. Sitting back enjoying a beautiful sunset, a little cool, but an absolutely amazing sky. The kind of beauty that makes one stop and 'smell the roses' if there were any blooming at this time of year. Nevertheless, this kind of beauty does allow me, and hopefully others, to stop and thank God for a pretty amazing world He has fashioned for us. I am finding myself slipping more and more into these special moments that really kinda of take my breath away. I will be walking down the hall at school and look into a little boy's face and remember my own sons as little boys, riding bicycles, playing ball, playing games. I see those two little guys now stand tall and strong as fathers and leaders in their own ministries. I see those little girls with dark hair tied with ribbons and bows, giggling excitedly about some secret they are sharing and think of my two daughters who have blossomed into incredible, strong women of God. I look into those big eyes filled with wonder and such great potential and thank God for the incredible men and women of God He has sent into my life. I find that when God does allow a memory or two of a special time with family, perhaps a celebration, a trip, a dinner together or just sitting around on the front porch enjoying each other's company, there is an overwhelming sense of joy and peace . When this happens, I pause, and I can feel a big huge smile spreading across my face. I am also amazed as to how I got such an incredible job assignment.
These are tender, bittersweet moments. Times I reflect on God's power, presence and provisions He has so bountifully blessed my family with. It is unexpected and at times overwhelming, what can sweep my thoughts into these little pockets of packed away memories. I have heard that every thing that has happened to us, been said to us, is recorded-somewhere- in the brain. It is believed to be there-dormant-just waiting for the right nerve impulse to bring it back to life. This is awesome on many levels. It is great for all those 'hallmark' memories we have. But what about those raw, down and dirty moments in our lives when things are said and done in a heated moment of frustration and anger? Ah, those wicked 'sticks and stones" moments. I am overhwhelmed with sadness when I recall those moments when I have been on the delivery end of 'words' that hurt more than sticks and stones ever could. I come from a fiery Irish, German, English background. It's a background of harshness, yelling, and speaking your mind and unfortunately, holding grudges. It was not a pleasant place to dwell. I have had to surrender myself to the healing, cleansing power of the Holy Spirit in order to 'bind up wounds', clean out my closet of mindsets, and surrender to NOT having the 'last word'. Or if I insist that I must have the last word, at least let it be, "I'm sorry". I think I have mellowed some...but then I can feel the 'old woman' in me want to rise up and sprew out stuff...kinda like "old Faithful'. Unfortunately, some of that old stuff is still churning and turning in me-but I rejoice each time a piece of it comes to the surface-so the Holy Spirit can say to the Father-"Here's another strand of bitterness", and then the Father say to the Son, "Now, Son, "You can tenderly and with care scoop it out". After all, the Son loved me in spite of what He knew was deep inside. Loved me so much He died for me. Amazing.
In raising my four wonderful children, I know that through the years I made countless mistakes. I will be the first to shout, 'it's not easy being a parent!!' It is the hardest, scariest, bone chilling, mind boggling calling in the world! Yet, it is the most important calling any of us will ever have. I feel even more so for Christian parents. We are not only reproducing souls to be added to the Kingdom, but God entrusts in us the molding, shaping, teaching and training of these little ones. I find that as a parent, when I was in the midst of the molding and shaping, I didn't always realize the gravity of the assignment. It is only in the taking a memory sweep that I realize I was not prepared, nor equipped at all-for such an assignment. However, with the help of the Holy Spirit, my Heavenly Father and the Savior who died for me-I was used as an instrument, along with my husband, to help guide these men and women into the champions they are for God. Am I boasting? I think not, or if I do it is to give God the total, complete credit and honor. I am humbled by the thought that by His power He has used me in this assignment, and He has also blessed spite of spite of spite of my weaknesses, in spite of my spite of my shortcomings. In spite of....
So today, from my front porch to yours, in quoting a very talented song writer, Dottie Rambo, who is now on her Father's front porch....."roll back the curtain of memory now and them, show me where you brought me from and where I could have been, remember I'm human and humans forget, so remind me, remind me dear Lord'. Amen.
These are tender, bittersweet moments. Times I reflect on God's power, presence and provisions He has so bountifully blessed my family with. It is unexpected and at times overwhelming, what can sweep my thoughts into these little pockets of packed away memories. I have heard that every thing that has happened to us, been said to us, is recorded-somewhere- in the brain. It is believed to be there-dormant-just waiting for the right nerve impulse to bring it back to life. This is awesome on many levels. It is great for all those 'hallmark' memories we have. But what about those raw, down and dirty moments in our lives when things are said and done in a heated moment of frustration and anger? Ah, those wicked 'sticks and stones" moments. I am overhwhelmed with sadness when I recall those moments when I have been on the delivery end of 'words' that hurt more than sticks and stones ever could. I come from a fiery Irish, German, English background. It's a background of harshness, yelling, and speaking your mind and unfortunately, holding grudges. It was not a pleasant place to dwell. I have had to surrender myself to the healing, cleansing power of the Holy Spirit in order to 'bind up wounds', clean out my closet of mindsets, and surrender to NOT having the 'last word'. Or if I insist that I must have the last word, at least let it be, "I'm sorry". I think I have mellowed some...but then I can feel the 'old woman' in me want to rise up and sprew out stuff...kinda like "old Faithful'. Unfortunately, some of that old stuff is still churning and turning in me-but I rejoice each time a piece of it comes to the surface-so the Holy Spirit can say to the Father-"Here's another strand of bitterness", and then the Father say to the Son, "Now, Son, "You can tenderly and with care scoop it out". After all, the Son loved me in spite of what He knew was deep inside. Loved me so much He died for me. Amazing.
In raising my four wonderful children, I know that through the years I made countless mistakes. I will be the first to shout, 'it's not easy being a parent!!' It is the hardest, scariest, bone chilling, mind boggling calling in the world! Yet, it is the most important calling any of us will ever have. I feel even more so for Christian parents. We are not only reproducing souls to be added to the Kingdom, but God entrusts in us the molding, shaping, teaching and training of these little ones. I find that as a parent, when I was in the midst of the molding and shaping, I didn't always realize the gravity of the assignment. It is only in the taking a memory sweep that I realize I was not prepared, nor equipped at all-for such an assignment. However, with the help of the Holy Spirit, my Heavenly Father and the Savior who died for me-I was used as an instrument, along with my husband, to help guide these men and women into the champions they are for God. Am I boasting? I think not, or if I do it is to give God the total, complete credit and honor. I am humbled by the thought that by His power He has used me in this assignment, and He has also blessed spite of spite of spite of my weaknesses, in spite of my spite of my shortcomings. In spite of....
So today, from my front porch to yours, in quoting a very talented song writer, Dottie Rambo, who is now on her Father's front porch....."roll back the curtain of memory now and them, show me where you brought me from and where I could have been, remember I'm human and humans forget, so remind me, remind me dear Lord'. Amen.
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Good evening! Glad you could join me for a few minutes on my front porch. Sorry I didn't take the time to sit a spell yesterday. You know how it is. Time just gets away and the day is gone. But I am taking a few minutes today to visit and chat.
I consider myself 'low maintenance'. I don't require a lot to make me happy or satisfy me. One of the things that always bring me joy, contentment and a smile to my face is spending time with my family. Talking to them, reading their blogs, looking at pictures and thinking of memories we have made. Hence, why I have so many pictures of my family in my house! Another thing that I really enjoy is being outside. It can be just sitting on my 'front porch' looking at the beautiful sky, trees, flowers and creatures God has made for us to enjoy. Put these two together-my family and my 'front porch' and life is pretty good! I just had one of the best Christmases I think I ever had. We had all 18 of us-four children, spouses and grandbabies here on the front porch. There were times of 'madness, mayhem, confusion and foolishness' (to quote Clean House) and a bump here and there...a running over commode here and there..some pouting by a little lady to be unnamed, a little scratching and fighting and some banting back and forth..BUT a happy, joy filled holiday. So a lot of the talking on my front porch will be about my family. My husband and I feel they are our heritage, our legacy, our finest contribution to society. They are all pretty special. One or two of them will try to get me to say I have a favorite...and I confess once and for all I do! It's all four of them. I see myself in each of them at times-some of the good qualities and other times I get a glimpse of things I don't like about myself in them. Does this make me love them any less.? No. I see wonderful gifts and talents and unique blessings in each of them. I see a plan God has for each of them and it is exciting to step back and see it unfold.
When I was a young girl I remember scraping enough money together to buy a book from the Scholastic Book Club offered at the elementary school I attended. It must have been about 25 cents. I remember getting that book when the order came in and was so proud of it! I loved the new paperback book smell. I don't recall the name of the book or even the author-wish I did. I mention this book because I am so often reminded of that book when I think of my children. The book was about a couple who fell in love, married and moved to a farm and began their family. The young man worked hard, was successful and through the years made the little farm into a success. He built his little bride a wonderful little home. This young bride wanted to be an author-but just never found the time. She also wanted to paint. She would do a little painting -but never seemed to be able to really put on canvas the painting she had in her heart. She wanted to be a teacher-but that never could happen with children being born and a farm to run. She had an interest in nursing-wanted to help the hurting. She never did get to actually pursue these interests in her own life. However, as the story was written, through the years, each one of her four children not only pursued these interests but became successful in each of these areas. A daugher became a teacher, a son became an famous author, another son a doctor and another daughter an artist. This story of love and real success has stuck with me for years now. I see this story as also being my story. Through the years I can see my children accomplishing so many things I would have liked to do myself. Am I jealous or bitter? No, it gives me great pleasure-just like the woman in the story-to see each of my children grow and thrive. Well, the sun is setting, time to go inside and sit by the fire a little. Come back and visit tomorrow. Until then, goodbye and so long!
I consider myself 'low maintenance'. I don't require a lot to make me happy or satisfy me. One of the things that always bring me joy, contentment and a smile to my face is spending time with my family. Talking to them, reading their blogs, looking at pictures and thinking of memories we have made. Hence, why I have so many pictures of my family in my house! Another thing that I really enjoy is being outside. It can be just sitting on my 'front porch' looking at the beautiful sky, trees, flowers and creatures God has made for us to enjoy. Put these two together-my family and my 'front porch' and life is pretty good! I just had one of the best Christmases I think I ever had. We had all 18 of us-four children, spouses and grandbabies here on the front porch. There were times of 'madness, mayhem, confusion and foolishness' (to quote Clean House) and a bump here and there...a running over commode here and there..some pouting by a little lady to be unnamed, a little scratching and fighting and some banting back and forth..BUT a happy, joy filled holiday. So a lot of the talking on my front porch will be about my family. My husband and I feel they are our heritage, our legacy, our finest contribution to society. They are all pretty special. One or two of them will try to get me to say I have a favorite...and I confess once and for all I do! It's all four of them. I see myself in each of them at times-some of the good qualities and other times I get a glimpse of things I don't like about myself in them. Does this make me love them any less.? No. I see wonderful gifts and talents and unique blessings in each of them. I see a plan God has for each of them and it is exciting to step back and see it unfold.
When I was a young girl I remember scraping enough money together to buy a book from the Scholastic Book Club offered at the elementary school I attended. It must have been about 25 cents. I remember getting that book when the order came in and was so proud of it! I loved the new paperback book smell. I don't recall the name of the book or even the author-wish I did. I mention this book because I am so often reminded of that book when I think of my children. The book was about a couple who fell in love, married and moved to a farm and began their family. The young man worked hard, was successful and through the years made the little farm into a success. He built his little bride a wonderful little home. This young bride wanted to be an author-but just never found the time. She also wanted to paint. She would do a little painting -but never seemed to be able to really put on canvas the painting she had in her heart. She wanted to be a teacher-but that never could happen with children being born and a farm to run. She had an interest in nursing-wanted to help the hurting. She never did get to actually pursue these interests in her own life. However, as the story was written, through the years, each one of her four children not only pursued these interests but became successful in each of these areas. A daugher became a teacher, a son became an famous author, another son a doctor and another daughter an artist. This story of love and real success has stuck with me for years now. I see this story as also being my story. Through the years I can see my children accomplishing so many things I would have liked to do myself. Am I jealous or bitter? No, it gives me great pleasure-just like the woman in the story-to see each of my children grow and thrive. Well, the sun is setting, time to go inside and sit by the fire a little. Come back and visit tomorrow. Until then, goodbye and so long!
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Good Morning from my front porch to yours! It is Sunday, the Lord's Day, first day of the week. Hopefully, in your own way you will take time to worship HIM. Take time to talk and walk with Him. In doing so you will truly find Joy.
My last post ended with 'things'. After posting it I pondered and thought of 'things' off and on yesterday. What did I really mean by 'things'? In my ponderings I was reminded of the 'things' that can be added to us as we put God first in our lives.
If you follow my daughter's post, you know the 'thing' that God has added to her family! We are still marveling at just what God can and will do for us as we seek HIM first. This has been a difficult year for my daughter and her family. Church closing, 2 times fleeing hurricanes, and then my son-in-law's job loss. This family had sacrificed time, money and resources in keeping the church going and finally a release to close it. During that time, as with all churches, people come and go. I believe they were very instrumental in impacting one family's lives-if not more. In other words, 'seeking' God first and 'things' will be added to us. This recent blessing has certainly been an example of that. Were they 'seeking' a brand new minivan? No, but in their daily walk and faithfulness God has rewarded them.
I have four children. As I continued to ponder the 'things' I was reminded how each of them has 'sought' God and how blessed each of them are in their own right! I remember the son who had an interview at a church to be the music minister. He had been faithfully working at a local church for 5 years in the youth and music ministry, was recently married and working 40 plus hours at a retail store. He was seeking God, following Him one step at a time. We were thrilled he had this opportunity to interview at this church, but at the time he needed a suit or at least a suit coat. I recall at the time we didn't have extra money, so we went budget shopping-thrift store. We found a nice coat. Needless to say this son was 'blessed' and was offered the position and the rest is history. The 'things' was a ministy he thrives in and now he has more suits than he can wear! He is blessed!
Another son is also in the ministry. I was reminded of how he was on a career path to become a big, powerful businessman when God gently opened up another path (or I guess showed him the Path for his life). He put all those dreams and goals aside and went to Bible school. This was a walk of faith for him and us. He sought the Lord and was willing to hang in and finish school no matter what the cost. We sent money as we could-there again this lesson about 'things' was as much for him as us. Long story short, there were times the car was down and he had to ride a bike to and from school and work. There were times of eating cereal three times a day. Eating leftover fast food burgers, etc. Seeking God first. The 'things' he has been blessed with now are a ministry that is growing and we are excited as to how God is leading. He has a promise of 'things' being supplied for this ministry. He has the resources and blessing of eating at some of the finest resturants in Kansas City-no more eating cereal three times a day-unless he wants to. He has a beautiful, spirit filled wife and 2 wonderful sons. He is blessed. I could go on about the 'things'.
My oldest daughter has always been a strong child, then lady of God. I remember when she went through a very rough time in her life. Her father and I could offer very little financial support at the time. We prayed. She had a small child to take care of, a great amount of financial pressure, sickness and a great hurt in her heart. But she sought God, she held on to God and was determined no matter what the cost she would hold on to His unchanging hand. I believe her stedfastness and faithfulness at that time opened the windows of Heaven for her and in a short time everything she had 'lost' was returned to her many times over. She is blessed with 'things' such as a united family that worships God together, serving in a ministry that she is thriving in, two wonderful daughters and 'things' galore.
So the 'things' that our God can supply are not things to showcase and put on display. But they are riches in relationships, gifts and callings, blessings and assurance that God is providing 'daily bread'.
My last post ended with 'things'. After posting it I pondered and thought of 'things' off and on yesterday. What did I really mean by 'things'? In my ponderings I was reminded of the 'things' that can be added to us as we put God first in our lives.
If you follow my daughter's post, you know the 'thing' that God has added to her family! We are still marveling at just what God can and will do for us as we seek HIM first. This has been a difficult year for my daughter and her family. Church closing, 2 times fleeing hurricanes, and then my son-in-law's job loss. This family had sacrificed time, money and resources in keeping the church going and finally a release to close it. During that time, as with all churches, people come and go. I believe they were very instrumental in impacting one family's lives-if not more. In other words, 'seeking' God first and 'things' will be added to us. This recent blessing has certainly been an example of that. Were they 'seeking' a brand new minivan? No, but in their daily walk and faithfulness God has rewarded them.
I have four children. As I continued to ponder the 'things' I was reminded how each of them has 'sought' God and how blessed each of them are in their own right! I remember the son who had an interview at a church to be the music minister. He had been faithfully working at a local church for 5 years in the youth and music ministry, was recently married and working 40 plus hours at a retail store. He was seeking God, following Him one step at a time. We were thrilled he had this opportunity to interview at this church, but at the time he needed a suit or at least a suit coat. I recall at the time we didn't have extra money, so we went budget shopping-thrift store. We found a nice coat. Needless to say this son was 'blessed' and was offered the position and the rest is history. The 'things' was a ministy he thrives in and now he has more suits than he can wear! He is blessed!
Another son is also in the ministry. I was reminded of how he was on a career path to become a big, powerful businessman when God gently opened up another path (or I guess showed him the Path for his life). He put all those dreams and goals aside and went to Bible school. This was a walk of faith for him and us. He sought the Lord and was willing to hang in and finish school no matter what the cost. We sent money as we could-there again this lesson about 'things' was as much for him as us. Long story short, there were times the car was down and he had to ride a bike to and from school and work. There were times of eating cereal three times a day. Eating leftover fast food burgers, etc. Seeking God first. The 'things' he has been blessed with now are a ministry that is growing and we are excited as to how God is leading. He has a promise of 'things' being supplied for this ministry. He has the resources and blessing of eating at some of the finest resturants in Kansas City-no more eating cereal three times a day-unless he wants to. He has a beautiful, spirit filled wife and 2 wonderful sons. He is blessed. I could go on about the 'things'.
My oldest daughter has always been a strong child, then lady of God. I remember when she went through a very rough time in her life. Her father and I could offer very little financial support at the time. We prayed. She had a small child to take care of, a great amount of financial pressure, sickness and a great hurt in her heart. But she sought God, she held on to God and was determined no matter what the cost she would hold on to His unchanging hand. I believe her stedfastness and faithfulness at that time opened the windows of Heaven for her and in a short time everything she had 'lost' was returned to her many times over. She is blessed with 'things' such as a united family that worships God together, serving in a ministry that she is thriving in, two wonderful daughters and 'things' galore.
So the 'things' that our God can supply are not things to showcase and put on display. But they are riches in relationships, gifts and callings, blessings and assurance that God is providing 'daily bread'.
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Good Morning from my front porch to yours! Another day..actually another new year has just begun. This is a time of looking this past year and the challenges, opportunities and mistakes made. We all have them, some more than others. For what it is worth 2008 is over and we survived. For some of us, a new year represents a time of reflections, self examination of our life and an opportunity to 'step up to the plate' and swing that bat with a little more determination and gusto in hopes of hitting a home run. I know the men in my life will get a kick out of that sports analogy! But, to me that is what a new year...even a new day offers. I am inspired and encouraged by the scripture from Lamentations 3:22, "Through the Lord's mercies we are not consumed (even though that's what we (I) deserve), because HIS compassions fail not (wow, in light of so many things in our lives that fail..we have this assurance!), they are NEW every MORNING, GREAT is your faithfulness." My thought from this Texas front porch, is to be encouraged and look up and see His faithfulness in your life. No matter what 'resolution(s) you have made...we really need revolutions don't we?, look to the Lord and seek Him more. Then we have that promise, Matthew 6:33, "But seek ye first the kingdom of GOD and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you."
Need 'things'??? seek Him!
Need 'things'??? seek Him!
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Greetings! This is my first attempt at blogging! I have four children who are all into blogging and at their encouragement and challenge, well, here I am! So thanks to my daughter Lori for setting this up and giving me a word or two of advise. I hope to share thoughts, insights, ponderings and musings of what happens on a typical Texas front porch! Until next time....from my front porch to yours.......
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