Good evening from the front porch.
It is a cool rainy (rare occasion here in Texas!) afternoon and early evening. Rain sounds so good! The grass, especially the pastures are getting a good soaking! The flowers and trees are also getting a good cool drink of water. Thank you Lord!
Been a bit overwhelmed the past few days. Rough-tough times…seems like when it rains..it pours… (no pun intended!!!).
Mom has been in the hospital….pray for her. We think she is on the road to recovery-somewhat…kids if you EVER see some of the Brandenburg/Lawson tendencies hitting me in my old age….sit me down and say one word…GRANDMA and hopefully that will shock me into reality!!!
Work..is a piece of work. I thank God for every dollar I have earned this past year, I thank God for having a job..BUT I have come to realize I do not fit in at this school. Some of it is my own doing I admit…but I have been a sore thumb since day one. I won’t go on and on…but pray I find ….”my place in this world” to quote Michael W. Smith
So here is my take on life for today:
Trials, sufferings, tribulations, challenges…we all have them. Sometimes it seems we are on the Sea of Life…it is smooth sailing. Slight breeze, gently rocking our boat to the rhythm of life. It’s beautiful, it’s grand, and it’s marvelous and amazing.
Other times it seems like we are in the midst of the storm of our life, the storm of the century, the storm of storms because it comes crashing, pounding and beating the very life out of us. The boat we are in is no longer rocking gently with the breeze. It is tossed like a little toy, picked up, tossed to and fro, battered, beaten again and again-no end in sight-no where to turn to, no one to help-or so it seems.
That is when our Lord comes walking out on that sea and steps in our little boat and rebukes the storm with 3 little words “Peace be still’. Amazingly the storm subsides and He reaches out to restore, renew and reassure us.
That is our God, our Lord, our Redeemer, our Master our Savior. Why at my age are storms still coming??? Keeps me on my knees of course….but offers me another opportunity to call on HIM and reminds me it is HIM I must dependl upon and Him I must cling to. He is my source and my comfort…my EVERYTHING! And in spite of it all I am blessed. I have a fabulous, supportive husband who keeps reminding me ‘it will be alright’….and when I do share tidbits of things that are going on….he is ready to put on his Knight in Shining Armor Suit and ride the white horse and defend ..’his queen’, I have four supportive, God loving, God serving, family loving kiddos and 8 of the best looking, smartest, most talented, sweetest grandkiddos!! LET ME SHOUT IT OUT: I AM BLESSED! So big bad ugly devil….put that in your hat and sit on it…..
Anyway, in looking through my pictures I have digitized I found four of each of the four that may bring a smile. When I do feel down, lonely or out of sorts…I pull out some of the pictures from my earlier days and they NEVER fail to bring a smile. So enjoy and smile along with me. One of the kiddos has requested I not post any pictures of him (too embarrassing??? what are mothers for???
The first picture is Julie and Joe...Joe's hair usually stood up (sorry his sweet little face is a little faded out) look at his blog and see history repeat itself in Justice's little sweet face and hair!
There's a picture of Lori roller skating like a speed skater in Newport News, Virginia...Tim is buried alive...not really but looks like a Joe Job for sure and Tim is buried under sand at Virginia Beach...he doesn't look too unhappy now does he??? Julie and her glorious day in Falmouth, Ky. as a 'flag girl' drill team...forget the offical name and then the four on the couch of a good friend to us in Virgina..Bruce and Judy Smith. We were at their house many an evening for she would whip out some good 'southern hospitality' cooking and treated us just like family. By the way get a 'kick' out those cowboy boots those two boys have on! Looks like a prediction of the future for some Texas two stepping!! Look at sweet little Lori ..Judy loved Lori and was her special little buddy. And Julie...that little bear was a gift for Christmas I think....what a fabulous woman she has grown up to be. She could always be counted on to keep those two boot boys riding straight in the saddle! Good days!
So enjoy these pictures from the past…..and come again and visit the front porch…real soon!
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