Good afternoon from the FRONT Porch.
Another beautiful day here in Texas! Another day to rejoice because ‘it is the day that the Lord has made’.
Much to think about, much to pray about, which can lead to even worry and stress. We are all there in some aspect. All of us have some ’little foxes’ that seem to nip and nag at us. The real source/culprit of course is our enemy-Satan. Just when you think he is defeated and down with the last punch. He rears his ugly head up and comes at us again. Must be the theme and inspiration for some of the horror films and flicks and ideas. Must be.
Anyway, God is good-He is still in control no matter what the challenge or the situation. Amen.
My girls. Both are ladies, young women now. I’ve often given them tribute to what I think of them as young ladies, young mothers, wives, sisters, daughters, friends and employees. They never cease to amaze me as to the loving ways, loving displays of love and devotions to their callings. Each of them has talents and gifts unique to them and their own calling. God sure does mighty good work! Anyway, here are a couple of my favorite pictures of these two. Many years ago-more than I like to acknowledge, more than I can imagine that have zoomed by…..So today my sweet girls, a walk down memory lane and a look back at some of the early pictures of the little Gabbard girls that have grown into great Gabbard/Cubbage/Garza ladies!
The second picture is the 'original front porch...not in Texas but in Kentucky!
The first picture is a classic too! Aren't these the two most wonderful looking young ladies ....from a living room in Texas! I think this was an Easter Sunday...Correct me girls if not so...
Hope today was a great day for all my dear family! If not……tomorrow is another day so try to join me …..on the front porch!
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