Welcome….glad you stopped by.
I have a special little treat for today’s visit. Another one of my favorite pictures. Can you guess who they are??
Three little Gabbards...on a hot sunny summer day in Kentucky. Yep, this is from the time we pastored in Falmouth, Kentucky. We lived out by Kincaid Lake on the 'side of the hill'. I think the kids liked it pretty good-in spite of some of the challenges we had at the time. One of my favorite memories is eating supper almost every evening on the big screened front porch, looking out over the lake and the green hills. Anyway, can you guess who is NOT in the picture. She may have been at Band Camp or somewhere reading or somewhere away from these three. I do recall a typical day living there for these 3...get up, eat breakfast and these three would be off exploring the woods, playing, having one adventure or another....doing things children should get to do! No video games, no cable/direct TV, no computers..couldn't even get much TV out in these woods....but good times!
Friday…this is always such a welcome day of the week….Last week our thoughts were…’it’s Friday but SUNDAY is coming. Now that certainly has great significance for Good Friday and Resurrection Morning. But, boy, oh boy, how great it is to welcome the weekend! Time to catch up on some of the things we enjoy doing…and catch up on some of the things we don’t enjoy doing so much…like laundry, cleaning, etc.
Anyway, however, you want to spend it, be sure and spend time with your family and with the Lord. Talk to Him, worship Him, listen to Him, love Him, draw closer to Him. Whatever you do, wherever you go...keeping Him at the center of your activiites will make all things go better.
Stop by again real soon and I’ll share more of my ‘favorite things’!
Love these pictures!! I remember spending the night with you all when you lived in Falmouth. If I remmeber correctly we stayed in a tent outside. It was so much fun. It is amazing how you can remmeber things so clearly from when you were little. I enjoy looking at your pictures of the kids, keep them coming!!