Beautiful day on the front porch…everything is green…green…green ..for a change. We’ve had some rain.. Thank you Lord! Flowers are out and grass is green…at least for now.
Well, it has been a while since I’ve been on the Porch. Hopefully, I can get back into my routine and invite you to sit a spell more often. Rumor has it I last stepped on the front porch back in February. Surely not…
Anyway, WOW, my little four…are busy, bustling and bountifully blessed! Joe and Ronnin are in the Bahamas…just visited Joe’s blog and they look like they are having a great time, Tim and Amy have come through a great weekend and souls saved, many added to the Kingdom of God….check his blog out.. Lori and her Garza guys are thriving and never a dull moment…check Lori’s adventures as a SAH mom! Last-but not least Julie and her little family. Mike just celebrated another birthday along with me. They are doing well and the Cubbage girls are fast growing into beautiful little ladies…just like their Momma.
Gonna take a trip down memory lane…Been working on some pictures. Let’s see…let’s start with this one..
Well, I know Tim has been VERY busy…. I came across this picture and thought…this may have been what he may have looked like after one of the 14 hour days this past week!
Love ya Tim...so proud of you...Well, thanks for stopping by...Stop by again to take a walk down memory lane again with me! See ya soon.
Love the picture, and I'm glad your back to blogging!