Welcome to the front porch!
There just doesn’t seem to be enough time is there? In my opinion-never enough time for dropping in on the front porch. Resting, reflecting, renewing….The last few days have been blessed with incredible weather! 80’s today..come on!!!!!…I know Texas weather is unpredictable-changeable and “if you don’t like this kind. stick around’…BUT 80’s in February??? anyway
2 more days of February-I’ll be glad when it’s over and out-warm or not. I have SPRING fever!
I want to be out and enjoy the weather and really hate being all cooped up inside. I have a decent job-librarian in a large elementary school-has its ups and downs and challenges even though it is an economical ADVANTAGED area, I’ve found kids will be kids and parents are parents…parents in a ‘more economical sound’ school can be a pain. Anyway-the library is nice-modern-I’ve done a great deal in decorating it BUT no outside windows…. can’t see the blue sky-have no idea if it’s sunny-cloudy or ???. Anyway I need to deal with it.
Twins are growing. Still tiny-a week old. Amazing what animals can do in just a few hours –not to mention a week or so. God’s absolutely amazing creations. Suzanna really growing-already eating feed.
Spring Break is coming up…haven’t decided what to do. Preacher kinda wants to take a road trip-we have a few choices…not sure which direction to go just yet. Garza guys have birthdays coming up or will have already happened by the time it is Spring break. Julie’s girls will spend part of the break with Lori and guys in Beaumont. There’s also Longview and KC-grandkids. Preacher has been looking for a travel trailer….and if the timing is right we may have one to test out…stop by if you want more details.
Anyway, ready for Spring, the wonderful glorious things that go with Spring….new life, new growth, new opportunities. newness, freshness, so stop by again and visit on the front porch!
Your welcome here anytime. I have been meaning to call you but time keeps getting away from me. We recieved Kadens soccer schedule this week.