Thursday, February 19, 2009

C3 and the "Boys"

Good evening from the front porch!

Thanks for stopping by. Just got back from visiting with the ‘boys’. Who are the boys? My son Joe, Tim and their cohorts, ministry friends, partners in crime…Tim’s youth pastor Andrew and Joe’s bud Leonardo (sorry I killed his name). Anyway, these 4 along with thousands of others have descended upon Dallas for a C3 conference.

What is a C3 conference? This is a conference at Ed Young’s church…… Fellowship Church..C3 ..creativity and 2 other clever “c” words which escape me at the moment. Anyway, these 4 have arrived in the Big D. Tim has been under the weather with tonsillitis-he is a trooper to forge through the illness, leave his loving wife and two little babies AND his busy schedule and drop everything to come to the Big D. I’m sure God will bless him for his endeavor. Andrew, nice to meet you and thanks for the kind words about Tim. Yes, Tim is a great guy!

Joe good to see you!! And meet your friend. He seemed quite…probably too much Gabbard stuff going on at one time. Joe and his ‘bud’ drove all Wednesday night to get to the conference...... passion, perseverance and persistence….that’s Joe!

Anyway, so nice this week because I spent time Monday with Julie and girls and got to see both of the ‘boys’ this week as well. My goal is to touch base with all four of them at least once a week. Lori is good about this…Tim pretty good too. Julie is busy, busy…and while she lives the closest…our schedules can be poles apart. I think we are going to work on this and spend more time together this year. Joe…I’ve figured out wants to communicate on his terms. That’s OK…I understand Joe…probably more than you realize. I can be that way too. It was good to see you guys!!

We met for a quick bite to eat. but…ahhh, no one really ate but me and the Preacher!!! ahhh guys..’what’s up with that????”…Steak and Shake…gotta go with the burger and shake! We went on to the C3 conference. Looked like half of Dallas decided to go too! Thanks to the Preacher we got a really good parking place…walked into the church and not your mamma’s church!! It’s like walking into a mini convention center….coffee shops, book stores, info center, kid’s wings in a theater theme and then the ‘sanctuary’.. High tech…all the way. We were handed ‘glow sticks’ yea, you read right…glow sticks. Anyway, place packed…lights, camera and action and the service began…Pretty moving and rocking…not your grannie’s hymn either BUT music with a message even though the method of delivery different…. People…young, old and in between worshipping and waving….glow sticks…Went with the theme: light of the world…Jesus of course but what we are suppose to be too....the lights in the darkness. Pastor Ed Young was one of the speakers… To my surprise…he did not have horns or breath out fire… he said a lot of good stuff!! Another visit maybe we can talk about his message.

Back to the boys…..

Joe and Tim…brothers but so opposite!! Always has been that way-wouldn’t have it any other. Both handsome…Joe tall, thin…strong, passionate, outspoken, More of the Lawson/Brandenburg blood in him…he always said he was his Grandma Lawson’s favorite…I tend to think so. She loved to fix a big cooked breakfast when we went to visit. I think she did this just for Joe. Joe is strong, works hard-tireless. Joe can tackle anything and accomplish it…that’s the German/Irish heritage. Be proud of it Joe! It will get you through the toughest of times and make you stronger for it! Now from the Gabbard side…a great gift of preaching the Word! Let your passion and your Lawson strength take you places far beyond your dreams!

Tim, tall too, fairer, more laid back (most times although he does ruffle from time to time), relaxed…music rules his heart and soul…talented. He has a passion to worship and lead others into the 'secret place' to meet God. Tim, you have such potential in wisdom and leadership. Sometimes I listen to you and think…’how did this kid get so smart???” Wow, it will be something to see just where your wisdom and talent will take you. Go with the flow!!!Follow your heart....

Now something happens when these two get together…can’t explain it..perhaps a little competition…a little ribbing each other, a little topping each other, a little…not sure…anyway these 2 together can be a little zany and zappy….makes my little old gray head swim. Love ‘em both. Proud of them AND both girls-extremely. What more could a mother want than to have 4 children-serving God, loving God, loving each other, loving their families and loving me and the Preacher.

So until next time on the front porch…..

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