Saturday, February 14, 2009



I’ve missed having the time and opportunity to meet you on the front porch…too much to do…not enough time…opps just read Joe’s blog about excuses….maybe I just didn’t have a strong enough desire to do it.. I do have an ‘excuse’ though…or at least I am blaming it on this event.

I had a strange kinda of experience…Preacher talked me into getting a flu shot..I don’t recall when or if I had ever had one before?? Anyway, think I had some kinda of reaction to it. No, not the flu itself BUT some kinda “bluish, I don’t feel like myself, everything is so hard, down, depressed feeling” So much so, Preacher told me to get my thyroid checked (those who know my Mom can read in between the lines and figure this one out!)

Anyway, last Sunday afternoon-down, down, down. Pulled myself together enough to go to school on Monday (that is another blog in itself) Preacher was ‘led’ and went online and looked up info on the flu shot… When I left school that afternoon I called as usual …(yea, we call, check in, ....I’m on my way, I’m 10 minutes away, 5 minutes away..I’m in the driveway...because we are on a ball and chain??? no..just our little routine and when we do we are saying, I LOVE YOU ) anyway back to the flu..he states…with excitement in his voice and tells me he knew what was ‘wrong’ with me.. I thought..hmmm, what …’madness, mayhem, foolishness ‘” would come out of his mouth…anyway, he described how I was feeling exactly…seems it was one of the possible ‘reactions’ from the flu shot!! Really, makes you wonder…just how these medications we take are really affecting us! Anyway, trying to get back into the ‘game, the swing,
back to myself……..

Back to TCB, thanks for stopping by on this Val Day! Now, I am not one to get ALL goofy for these Hallmark Holidays.. BUT Val-Day is kinda special…No, I do not need roses, certainly not candy or even a mushy, gushy card (Sons, if your sweeties are…!!!…Take Care of Business!) I think both of my daughters are their mother’s daughters (THANK GOODNESS girls….we are pretty low maintenance) and we are not so focused on these ‘things’ as we are just having our men do a little something extra they usually don’t do AND this shows their love and devotion.

I think at the Garza house the Big Guy is gonna cook. You may say, ‘what’s the big deal”? It is if this is stepping out of your element and your comfort zone and venturing into the wide world know as the ‘kitchen jungle’. I can image how it might be for some guys/gals (unfortunately we are in the age when women ‘don’t cook either!!) when they step into this command center and see pots, pans, utensils, equipment, the STOVE (or beast) and are overwhelmed. It would be like me opening the hood of the car-taking one look and shuddering!

Anyway, This Val-Day thing should be more about not getting off so easy as to run into a white tent and throwing hard earned dollars (Joe is right!!!!!! why do we spend money on DEAD things such as flowers!!!) and shoving them into the little lady’s face and saying…here (these things are suppose to say.... What?). Anyway, sons and sons-in-law (I don’t think either of my sons-in-law keep up with my front porch business) TCB…find out what really is important and do it, cook a meal (there again ..eating out is nice BUT it can be pricey, noisey, a long wait, questionable service, and you get the food and most of the time say, or at least think “is this all there is??)

..and CARDS..while I do enjoy getting them…I’ve gotten quite a few over my 50 plus years… they can say so much-up to a point. But why.why not say it yourself…like in Joe’s blog post on his anniversary…Joe I am proud of YOU! Or Amy’s post about what she loves about her ‘men’. Cards are nice…but real heartfelt expressed words are twice as nice. Why? Because it is from you..deep within...more costly than silver and gold...real words than cannot be bought or sold...words that show our vunerability, our humbleness, our need for each other, our heart and soul......what good are they if they are not shared...if they are bottled up, kept in that secret place, what value do they have?

And NO we do not always 'know' we are loved, appreciated, understood and cared for...look how important words are! Our LORD left thousands of words expressing His thoughts to us. His Love to a matter of fact look how he poured out His Heart and about showing LOVE!! As we say...priceless!

By the way in all your expressions of LOVE this day...take a moment and tell the King of much He means to you.......He is Priceless. Wanna know how to love?? Look at Him!

Love....patient, pure, kind, good, long suffering, bears all things, hopes, endures, never fails there, dependable, steady, unmovabale, unconditional.......
1 Corinthians 13. Pricelsss!

Some of very favorite cards are Julmark Cards….another visit..another day maybe I can share a card or two... Putting time, thought, her words expressed from her heart and soul. Ever gotten a card from Julie?.. She does not just sign it...she pours out her thoughts, they just gush out! .....Priceless!!

So this Val-Day spend the best four letter word (TIM, A GOOD MOMMY WORD!!!) T I M E
..with, on, around your sweeties….Go for a drive, go to a park, go for a walk, hold hands, say another four letter word .....LOVE… say it again and again.....I love you.

Save the movie thing for another day...what kinda talk can you have in a movie anyway...can't see each other, can't talk...people watching other people... doing stuff we shouldn't be doing for the most part...People watching people, watching people abusing people, and worse...

Back to TCB....

The Preacher has already taken care of his business......nope flowers...don't need 'em, Preacher gives me flowers of another kind...words, kindness........ I don't want candy, don't desire trinkets and such, thank goodness...told him don't even bother with a card...Why... first thing he said this morning..…I LOVE YOU! He says it often and with meaning. He says it at some of the most unexpected times. He does not reserve it just for this Val-Day..but says it and I believe it…maybe that’s why we call back and forth so much….he ends most of his telephone conversations with that four letter word.

L O V E....Priceless

Pretty special after all these years!!Priceless...

So next time we meet on the front porch, I want to share the Most Memorable Val-Days in my 50 plus years. There are four way up there Val-Days burned into my memory bank..…the other 50 plus Val-Days kinda run together in a blob of dead flowers, costly dinners, cards ……..and…

Until next time…TCB guys and gals….use the four letter word often, lavish it on your special ones..wrap them in it, insulate them with it, pour it over them, surprise them with it, warm them with it, let them be secure in it....that they know that they L O V E them..just like our King.....for He is Love I John 4:8

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