Welcome to the front porch!
There just doesn’t seem to be enough time is there? In my opinion-never enough time for dropping in on the front porch. Resting, reflecting, renewing….The last few days have been blessed with incredible weather! 80’s today..come on!!!!!…I know Texas weather is unpredictable-changeable and “if you don’t like this kind. stick around’…BUT 80’s in February??? anyway
2 more days of February-I’ll be glad when it’s over and out-warm or not. I have SPRING fever!
I want to be out and enjoy the weather and really hate being all cooped up inside. I have a decent job-librarian in a large elementary school-has its ups and downs and challenges even though it is an economical ADVANTAGED area, I’ve found kids will be kids and parents are parents…parents in a ‘more economical sound’ school can be a pain. Anyway-the library is nice-modern-I’ve done a great deal in decorating it BUT no outside windows…. can’t see the blue sky-have no idea if it’s sunny-cloudy or ???. Anyway I need to deal with it.
Twins are growing. Still tiny-a week old. Amazing what animals can do in just a few hours –not to mention a week or so. God’s absolutely amazing creations. Suzanna really growing-already eating feed.
Spring Break is coming up…haven’t decided what to do. Preacher kinda wants to take a road trip-we have a few choices…not sure which direction to go just yet. Garza guys have birthdays coming up or will have already happened by the time it is Spring break. Julie’s girls will spend part of the break with Lori and guys in Beaumont. There’s also Longview and KC-grandkids. Preacher has been looking for a travel trailer….and if the timing is right we may have one to test out…stop by if you want more details.
Anyway, ready for Spring, the wonderful glorious things that go with Spring….new life, new growth, new opportunities. newness, freshness, so stop by again and visit on the front porch!
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Friday, February 20, 2009
Martha has TWINS!!
Welcome to the front porch!
Turned out to be a beautiful day! Cooped up inside all day…but love it when I can get out for a few minutes.
The big arrival happened sometime early this morning. I ‘felt’ like going to the barn around 6:00 AM ish on my way out the door to work and SURPRISE…Martha had not one but two little lambs!! Boy and girl…Thomas and Tabitha. So far I’ve named my sheep biblical names….Mary, Martha, Lazarus (daddy to the little ones) Samson, Rebecca, Susanna who arrived 1/31 and now little Thomas and Tabitha. I’ll attempt to post pics. Maybe even throw in some of the other barnyard animals.
Preacher even got a little excited about the dynamic duo! He does not get excited about anything in the barnyard…unless it is to work on one of my projects which he will do BUT is not a happy camper doing it (what does this saying mean anyway???). Then his excitement includes a rise in his blood pressure and a grumble or two or three....anyway
What will I do with these sheep? They will be pets unless I find a really good home for them. Mary and Martha, I hand bottle fed and raised them.... so as long as I can walk and have the space-they’ll be with me. I sold Lazarus, Samson, Rebecca last fall. Lazarus was a really handsome guy! He had the large horns and would eat out of my hand, loved to be petted, brushed and scratched behind his ear….like a big puppy dog….He ate and ate and got so fat…then he started picking on my mini horses …he would sneak up on them and ‘ram’ them (they are not called rams for nothing) and knock them down or stun them pretty good. Charlie,the chocolate colored mini, kicked him pretty good a couple of times and knocked Lazarus down…BUT he just didn’t get it…leave my horses alone or ELSE!…. So it was the 'else',,,, A guy came along and offered to buy both Lazarus and the little ram (Samson)... Samson was a sweetie…very shy and Lazarus even rammed him a couple of times....So, I saw $$$ and thought, won’t have to feed them all winter…I know Mary And Martha are with lamb…so why not???
Anyway, back up to 5 sheep now. The babies are so adorable…wobbly and so innocent and defenseless….like...... THE LAMB…slain from the foundation of the world. After being around sheep-especially lambs-I sure get why our Savior was referred to as the Lamb........
Anyway, gonna try to show you the pictures of the newest little duo….Susanna is growing.... she seems 3 or 4 times bigger than the twins now! She will take off running and jump straight up in the air like a ….”spring lamb I do enjoy my little farm….Preacher is usually fussing about all the work and $$ (opps) BUT hopefully someday he can see how much enjoyment my little farm brings me. I see God’s handiwork and beauty all around each time I am in the barnyard…even shoveling manure. I am amazed at the balance and way His creation works in harmony….until man messes it up.
So thanks for stopping by and enjoy your little visit on Grannies Barnyard!
Until next time...on the front porch!
Thursday, February 19, 2009
C3 and the "Boys"
Good evening from the front porch!
Thanks for stopping by. Just got back from visiting with the ‘boys’. Who are the boys? My son Joe, Tim and their cohorts, ministry friends, partners in crime…Tim’s youth pastor Andrew and Joe’s bud Leonardo (sorry I killed his name). Anyway, these 4 along with thousands of others have descended upon Dallas for a C3 conference.
What is a C3 conference? This is a conference at Ed Young’s church…… Fellowship Church..C3 ..creativity and 2 other clever “c” words which escape me at the moment. Anyway, these 4 have arrived in the Big D. Tim has been under the weather with tonsillitis-he is a trooper to forge through the illness, leave his loving wife and two little babies AND his busy schedule and drop everything to come to the Big D. I’m sure God will bless him for his endeavor. Andrew, nice to meet you and thanks for the kind words about Tim. Yes, Tim is a great guy!
Joe good to see you!! And meet your friend. He seemed quite…probably too much Gabbard stuff going on at one time. Joe and his ‘bud’ drove all Wednesday night to get to the conference...... passion, perseverance and persistence….that’s Joe!
Anyway, so nice this week because I spent time Monday with Julie and girls and got to see both of the ‘boys’ this week as well. My goal is to touch base with all four of them at least once a week. Lori is good about this…Tim pretty good too. Julie is busy, busy…and while she lives the closest…our schedules can be poles apart. I think we are going to work on this and spend more time together this year. Joe…I’ve figured out wants to communicate on his terms. That’s OK…I understand Joe…probably more than you realize. I can be that way too. It was good to see you guys!!
We met for a quick bite to eat. but…ahhh, no one really ate but me and the Preacher!!! ahhh guys..’what’s up with that????”…Steak and Shake…gotta go with the burger and shake! We went on to the C3 conference. Looked like half of Dallas decided to go too! Thanks to the Preacher we got a really good parking place…walked into the church and not your mamma’s church!! It’s like walking into a mini convention center….coffee shops, book stores, info center, kid’s wings in a theater theme and then the ‘sanctuary’.. High tech…all the way. We were handed ‘glow sticks’ yea, you read right…glow sticks. Anyway, place packed…lights, camera and action and the service began…Pretty moving and rocking…not your grannie’s hymn either BUT music with a message even though the method of delivery different…. People…young, old and in between worshipping and waving….glow sticks…Went with the theme: light of the world…Jesus of course but what we are suppose to be too....the lights in the darkness. Pastor Ed Young was one of the speakers… To my surprise…he did not have horns or breath out fire… he said a lot of good stuff!! Another visit maybe we can talk about his message.
Back to the boys…..
Joe and Tim…brothers but so opposite!! Always has been that way-wouldn’t have it any other. Both handsome…Joe tall, thin…strong, passionate, outspoken, More of the Lawson/Brandenburg blood in him…he always said he was his Grandma Lawson’s favorite…I tend to think so. She loved to fix a big cooked breakfast when we went to visit. I think she did this just for Joe. Joe is strong, works hard-tireless. Joe can tackle anything and accomplish it…that’s the German/Irish heritage. Be proud of it Joe! It will get you through the toughest of times and make you stronger for it! Now from the Gabbard side…a great gift of preaching the Word! Let your passion and your Lawson strength take you places far beyond your dreams!
Tim, tall too, fairer, more laid back (most times although he does ruffle from time to time), relaxed…music rules his heart and soul…talented. He has a passion to worship and lead others into the 'secret place' to meet God. Tim, you have such potential in wisdom and leadership. Sometimes I listen to you and think…’how did this kid get so smart???” Wow, it will be something to see just where your wisdom and talent will take you. Go with the flow!!!Follow your heart....
Now something happens when these two get together…can’t explain it..perhaps a little competition…a little ribbing each other, a little topping each other, a little…not sure…anyway these 2 together can be a little zany and zappy….makes my little old gray head swim. Love ‘em both. Proud of them AND both girls-extremely. What more could a mother want than to have 4 children-serving God, loving God, loving each other, loving their families and loving me and the Preacher.
So until next time on the front porch…..
Thanks for stopping by. Just got back from visiting with the ‘boys’. Who are the boys? My son Joe, Tim and their cohorts, ministry friends, partners in crime…Tim’s youth pastor Andrew and Joe’s bud Leonardo (sorry I killed his name). Anyway, these 4 along with thousands of others have descended upon Dallas for a C3 conference.
What is a C3 conference? This is a conference at Ed Young’s church…… Fellowship Church..C3 ..creativity and 2 other clever “c” words which escape me at the moment. Anyway, these 4 have arrived in the Big D. Tim has been under the weather with tonsillitis-he is a trooper to forge through the illness, leave his loving wife and two little babies AND his busy schedule and drop everything to come to the Big D. I’m sure God will bless him for his endeavor. Andrew, nice to meet you and thanks for the kind words about Tim. Yes, Tim is a great guy!
Joe good to see you!! And meet your friend. He seemed quite…probably too much Gabbard stuff going on at one time. Joe and his ‘bud’ drove all Wednesday night to get to the conference...... passion, perseverance and persistence….that’s Joe!
Anyway, so nice this week because I spent time Monday with Julie and girls and got to see both of the ‘boys’ this week as well. My goal is to touch base with all four of them at least once a week. Lori is good about this…Tim pretty good too. Julie is busy, busy…and while she lives the closest…our schedules can be poles apart. I think we are going to work on this and spend more time together this year. Joe…I’ve figured out wants to communicate on his terms. That’s OK…I understand Joe…probably more than you realize. I can be that way too. It was good to see you guys!!
We met for a quick bite to eat. but…ahhh, no one really ate but me and the Preacher!!! ahhh guys..’what’s up with that????”…Steak and Shake…gotta go with the burger and shake! We went on to the C3 conference. Looked like half of Dallas decided to go too! Thanks to the Preacher we got a really good parking place…walked into the church and not your mamma’s church!! It’s like walking into a mini convention center….coffee shops, book stores, info center, kid’s wings in a theater theme and then the ‘sanctuary’.. High tech…all the way. We were handed ‘glow sticks’ yea, you read right…glow sticks. Anyway, place packed…lights, camera and action and the service began…Pretty moving and rocking…not your grannie’s hymn either BUT music with a message even though the method of delivery different…. People…young, old and in between worshipping and waving….glow sticks…Went with the theme: light of the world…Jesus of course but what we are suppose to be too....the lights in the darkness. Pastor Ed Young was one of the speakers… To my surprise…he did not have horns or breath out fire… he said a lot of good stuff!! Another visit maybe we can talk about his message.
Back to the boys…..
Joe and Tim…brothers but so opposite!! Always has been that way-wouldn’t have it any other. Both handsome…Joe tall, thin…strong, passionate, outspoken, More of the Lawson/Brandenburg blood in him…he always said he was his Grandma Lawson’s favorite…I tend to think so. She loved to fix a big cooked breakfast when we went to visit. I think she did this just for Joe. Joe is strong, works hard-tireless. Joe can tackle anything and accomplish it…that’s the German/Irish heritage. Be proud of it Joe! It will get you through the toughest of times and make you stronger for it! Now from the Gabbard side…a great gift of preaching the Word! Let your passion and your Lawson strength take you places far beyond your dreams!
Tim, tall too, fairer, more laid back (most times although he does ruffle from time to time), relaxed…music rules his heart and soul…talented. He has a passion to worship and lead others into the 'secret place' to meet God. Tim, you have such potential in wisdom and leadership. Sometimes I listen to you and think…’how did this kid get so smart???” Wow, it will be something to see just where your wisdom and talent will take you. Go with the flow!!!Follow your heart....
Now something happens when these two get together…can’t explain it..perhaps a little competition…a little ribbing each other, a little topping each other, a little…not sure…anyway these 2 together can be a little zany and zappy….makes my little old gray head swim. Love ‘em both. Proud of them AND both girls-extremely. What more could a mother want than to have 4 children-serving God, loving God, loving each other, loving their families and loving me and the Preacher.
So until next time on the front porch…..
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
GOOD MORNING from the front porch!
Home today…taking ‘my way day’…gonna catch up on some errands and other little projects I enjoy doing. It’s a light week at school (I get one of these once a month) due to the ART schedule…so here I am… .
Got TO spend some time with Julie and her girls yesterday afternoon. It was nice…no agenda just time to kick back and visit and talk. Girls got to see Mary’s ‘little lamb’..she is growing ..... Martha still awaiting her little one….Thanks Julie and girls for a nice little visit.
Back to VAL DAY MEMORIES….a few days late. I wanted to take a walk..’down memory lane’ FOR JUST A FEW MINUTES.
I was in 2nd grade when I first recall Val Day. I remember a pink covered shoe box…decorated with homemade hearts and an old fashioned clothes pen made into a valentine angel. I do recall the excitement of the party but then feeling sick…sick …sick…so sick somehow I recall Mom coming to school to get me. I remember walking down the sidewalk with my little pink box tucked under my arm….no party ....no candy, no cupcakes sad…sad…sad.
Fast forward and I was 15….me and the Preacher were dating…Val Day was approaching and I had no dollars to show my “love and devotion’. I remember one of my 9th grade art classes and using rice…yes you read right…rice to make a collage. So me in my desperation…my imagination…my making do attitude, I took a piece of 5 x 7 piece of cardboard and a little bag of rice and glue and began making a little ‘card’ DL (me back then) X GG (the Preacher). I remember using tweezers or similar high tech instrument and very methodically putting rice kernel after kernel on this little collage. I do recall somehow drawing a heart an using nail polish or something to draw out the heart….I don’t know what he thought of this little labor of love …but it was made with love and devotion….if I recall correctly for this Val Day his present was to go to Arby’s (this was a brand new restaurant back then) and it was delicious. I remember saving a napkin and other little souvenirs from the date. I recall a pretty mushy card. It was one of the ‘memorable’ dates.
Other Val Days came and went..And a few others stand out.. I recall when we were making a move from Virginia back to Kentucky to pastor a short time and for Val Day we bought each child their own personal Bible. Wonder if they remember??
Then moving from Kentucky to pastor in Maryland… a few years later…I recall Val Day was on Wednesday (church night) so we ‘celebrated at a really nice restaurant –Rod and Reel. Some great seafood. Tim doesn not like seafood particually...sorry Tim... We took all 4 kiddos…we had the restaurant to ourselves…It was so ..nice ...nice meal, nice service, wonderful company…..
So, 2009 Val Day over and out…..hope you made some memories with your little ones and big ones too.life goes on doesn't it….marching into March and the birthdays, 3 Garza guys and a Garza anniversary!!! A lot of writing material there… so...stay tuned to my birthday tribute to each of these guys..a story or two so stop by and visit again soon.....
On the front porch……
Home today…taking ‘my way day’…gonna catch up on some errands and other little projects I enjoy doing. It’s a light week at school (I get one of these once a month) due to the ART schedule…so here I am… .
Got TO spend some time with Julie and her girls yesterday afternoon. It was nice…no agenda just time to kick back and visit and talk. Girls got to see Mary’s ‘little lamb’..she is growing ..... Martha still awaiting her little one….Thanks Julie and girls for a nice little visit.
Back to VAL DAY MEMORIES….a few days late. I wanted to take a walk..’down memory lane’ FOR JUST A FEW MINUTES.
I was in 2nd grade when I first recall Val Day. I remember a pink covered shoe box…decorated with homemade hearts and an old fashioned clothes pen made into a valentine angel. I do recall the excitement of the party but then feeling sick…sick …sick…so sick somehow I recall Mom coming to school to get me. I remember walking down the sidewalk with my little pink box tucked under my arm….no party ....no candy, no cupcakes sad…sad…sad.
Fast forward and I was 15….me and the Preacher were dating…Val Day was approaching and I had no dollars to show my “love and devotion’. I remember one of my 9th grade art classes and using rice…yes you read right…rice to make a collage. So me in my desperation…my imagination…my making do attitude, I took a piece of 5 x 7 piece of cardboard and a little bag of rice and glue and began making a little ‘card’ DL (me back then) X GG (the Preacher). I remember using tweezers or similar high tech instrument and very methodically putting rice kernel after kernel on this little collage. I do recall somehow drawing a heart an using nail polish or something to draw out the heart….I don’t know what he thought of this little labor of love …but it was made with love and devotion….if I recall correctly for this Val Day his present was to go to Arby’s (this was a brand new restaurant back then) and it was delicious. I remember saving a napkin and other little souvenirs from the date. I recall a pretty mushy card. It was one of the ‘memorable’ dates.
Other Val Days came and went..And a few others stand out.. I recall when we were making a move from Virginia back to Kentucky to pastor a short time and for Val Day we bought each child their own personal Bible. Wonder if they remember??
Then moving from Kentucky to pastor in Maryland… a few years later…I recall Val Day was on Wednesday (church night) so we ‘celebrated at a really nice restaurant –Rod and Reel. Some great seafood. Tim doesn not like seafood particually...sorry Tim... We took all 4 kiddos…we had the restaurant to ourselves…It was so ..nice ...nice meal, nice service, wonderful company…..
So, 2009 Val Day over and out…..hope you made some memories with your little ones and big ones too.life goes on doesn't it….marching into March and the birthdays, 3 Garza guys and a Garza anniversary!!! A lot of writing material there… so...stay tuned to my birthday tribute to each of these guys..a story or two so stop by and visit again soon.....
On the front porch……
Saturday, February 14, 2009
I’ve missed having the time and opportunity to meet you on the front porch…too much to do…not enough time…opps just read Joe’s blog about excuses….maybe I just didn’t have a strong enough desire to do it.. I do have an ‘excuse’ though…or at least I am blaming it on this event.
I had a strange kinda of experience…Preacher talked me into getting a flu shot..I don’t recall when or if I had ever had one before?? Anyway, think I had some kinda of reaction to it. No, not the flu itself BUT some kinda “bluish, I don’t feel like myself, everything is so hard, down, depressed feeling” So much so, Preacher told me to get my thyroid checked (those who know my Mom can read in between the lines and figure this one out!)
Anyway, last Sunday afternoon-down, down, down. Pulled myself together enough to go to school on Monday (that is another blog in itself) Preacher was ‘led’ and went online and looked up info on the flu shot… When I left school that afternoon I called as usual …(yea, we call, check in, ....I’m on my way, I’m 10 minutes away, 5 minutes away..I’m in the driveway...because we are on a ball and chain??? no..just our little routine and when we do we are saying, I LOVE YOU ) anyway back to the flu..he states…with excitement in his voice and tells me he knew what was ‘wrong’ with me.. I thought..hmmm, what …’madness, mayhem, foolishness ‘” would come out of his mouth…anyway, he described how I was feeling exactly…seems it was one of the possible ‘reactions’ from the flu shot!! Really, makes you wonder…just how these medications we take are really affecting us! Anyway, trying to get back into the ‘game, the swing,
back to myself……..
Back to TCB, thanks for stopping by on this Val Day! Now, I am not one to get ALL goofy for these Hallmark Holidays.. BUT Val-Day is kinda special…No, I do not need roses, certainly not candy or even a mushy, gushy card (Sons, if your sweeties are…TCB..today!!!…Take Care of Business!) I think both of my daughters are their mother’s daughters (THANK GOODNESS girls….we are pretty low maintenance) and we are not so focused on these ‘things’ as we are just having our men do a little something extra they usually don’t do AND this shows their love and devotion.
I think at the Garza house the Big Guy is gonna cook. You may say, ‘what’s the big deal”? It is if this is stepping out of your element and your comfort zone and venturing into the wide world know as the ‘kitchen jungle’. I can image how it might be for some guys/gals (unfortunately we are in the age when women ‘don’t cook either!!) when they step into this command center and see pots, pans, utensils, equipment, the STOVE (or beast) and are overwhelmed. It would be like me opening the hood of the car-taking one look and shuddering!
Anyway, This Val-Day thing should be more about not getting off so easy as to run into a white tent and throwing hard earned dollars (Joe is right!!!!!! why do we spend money on DEAD things such as flowers!!!) and shoving them into the little lady’s face and saying…here (these things are suppose to say.... What?). Anyway, sons and sons-in-law (I don’t think either of my sons-in-law keep up with my front porch business) TCB…find out what really is important and do it, cook a meal (there again ..eating out is nice BUT it can be pricey, noisey, a long wait, questionable service, and you get the food and most of the time say, or at least think “is this all there is??)
..and CARDS..while I do enjoy getting them…I’ve gotten quite a few over my 50 plus years… they can say so much-up to a point. But why.why not say it yourself…like in Joe’s blog post on his anniversary…Joe I am proud of YOU! Or Amy’s post about what she loves about her ‘men’. Cards are nice…but real heartfelt expressed words are twice as nice. Why? Because it is from you..deep within...more costly than silver and gold...real words than cannot be bought or sold...words that show our vunerability, our humbleness, our need for each other, our heart and soul......what good are they if they are not shared...if they are bottled up, kept in that secret place, what value do they have?
And NO we do not always 'know' we are loved, appreciated, understood and cared for...look how important words are! Our LORD left thousands of words expressing His thoughts to us. His Love to us....as a matter of fact look how he poured out His Heart and Soul...talk about showing LOVE!! As we say...priceless!
By the way in all your expressions of LOVE this day...take a moment and tell the King of Love...how much He means to you.......He is Priceless. Wanna know how to love?? Look at Him!
Love....patient, pure, kind, good, long suffering, bears all things, hopes, endures, never fails there, dependable, steady, unmovabale, unconditional.......
1 Corinthians 13. Pricelsss!
Some of very favorite cards are Julmark Cards….another visit..another day maybe I can share a card or two... Putting time, thought, her words expressed from her heart and soul. Ever gotten a card from Julie?.. She does not just sign it...she pours out her thoughts, they just gush out! .....Priceless!!
So this Val-Day spend the best four letter word (TIM, A GOOD MOMMY WORD!!!) T I M E
..with, on, around your sweeties….Go for a drive, go to a park, go for a walk, hold hands, say another four letter word .....LOVE… say it again and again.....I love you.
Save the movie thing for another day...what kinda talk can you have in a movie anyway...can't see each other, can't talk...people watching other people... doing stuff we shouldn't be doing for the most part...People watching people, watching people abusing people, and worse...
Back to TCB....
The Preacher has already taken care of his business......nope ...no flowers...don't need 'em, Preacher gives me flowers of another kind...words, kindness........ I don't want candy, don't desire trinkets and such, thank goodness...told him don't even bother with a card...Why... first thing he said this morning..…I LOVE YOU! He says it often and with meaning. He says it at some of the most unexpected times. He does not reserve it just for this Val-Day..but says it and I believe it…maybe that’s why we call back and forth so much….he ends most of his telephone conversations with that four letter word.
L O V E....Priceless
Pretty special after all these years!!Priceless...
So next time we meet on the front porch, I want to share the Most Memorable Val-Days in my 50 plus years. There are four way up there Val-Days burned into my memory bank..…the other 50 plus Val-Days kinda run together in a blob of dead flowers, costly dinners, cards ……..and…
Until next time…TCB guys and gals….use the four letter word often, lavish it on your special ones..wrap them in it, insulate them with it, pour it over them, surprise them with it, warm them with it, let them be secure in it....that they know that they know...you L O V E them..just like our King.....for He is Love I John 4:8
I’ve missed having the time and opportunity to meet you on the front porch…too much to do…not enough time…opps just read Joe’s blog about excuses….maybe I just didn’t have a strong enough desire to do it.. I do have an ‘excuse’ though…or at least I am blaming it on this event.
I had a strange kinda of experience…Preacher talked me into getting a flu shot..I don’t recall when or if I had ever had one before?? Anyway, think I had some kinda of reaction to it. No, not the flu itself BUT some kinda “bluish, I don’t feel like myself, everything is so hard, down, depressed feeling” So much so, Preacher told me to get my thyroid checked (those who know my Mom can read in between the lines and figure this one out!)
Anyway, last Sunday afternoon-down, down, down. Pulled myself together enough to go to school on Monday (that is another blog in itself) Preacher was ‘led’ and went online and looked up info on the flu shot… When I left school that afternoon I called as usual …(yea, we call, check in, ....I’m on my way, I’m 10 minutes away, 5 minutes away..I’m in the driveway...because we are on a ball and chain??? no..just our little routine and when we do we are saying, I LOVE YOU ) anyway back to the flu..he states…with excitement in his voice and tells me he knew what was ‘wrong’ with me.. I thought..hmmm, what …’madness, mayhem, foolishness ‘” would come out of his mouth…anyway, he described how I was feeling exactly…seems it was one of the possible ‘reactions’ from the flu shot!! Really, makes you wonder…just how these medications we take are really affecting us! Anyway, trying to get back into the ‘game, the swing,
back to myself……..
Back to TCB, thanks for stopping by on this Val Day! Now, I am not one to get ALL goofy for these Hallmark Holidays.. BUT Val-Day is kinda special…No, I do not need roses, certainly not candy or even a mushy, gushy card (Sons, if your sweeties are…TCB..today!!!…Take Care of Business!) I think both of my daughters are their mother’s daughters (THANK GOODNESS girls….we are pretty low maintenance) and we are not so focused on these ‘things’ as we are just having our men do a little something extra they usually don’t do AND this shows their love and devotion.
I think at the Garza house the Big Guy is gonna cook. You may say, ‘what’s the big deal”? It is if this is stepping out of your element and your comfort zone and venturing into the wide world know as the ‘kitchen jungle’. I can image how it might be for some guys/gals (unfortunately we are in the age when women ‘don’t cook either!!) when they step into this command center and see pots, pans, utensils, equipment, the STOVE (or beast) and are overwhelmed. It would be like me opening the hood of the car-taking one look and shuddering!
Anyway, This Val-Day thing should be more about not getting off so easy as to run into a white tent and throwing hard earned dollars (Joe is right!!!!!! why do we spend money on DEAD things such as flowers!!!) and shoving them into the little lady’s face and saying…here (these things are suppose to say.... What?). Anyway, sons and sons-in-law (I don’t think either of my sons-in-law keep up with my front porch business) TCB…find out what really is important and do it, cook a meal (there again ..eating out is nice BUT it can be pricey, noisey, a long wait, questionable service, and you get the food and most of the time say, or at least think “is this all there is??)
..and CARDS..while I do enjoy getting them…I’ve gotten quite a few over my 50 plus years… they can say so much-up to a point. But why.why not say it yourself…like in Joe’s blog post on his anniversary…Joe I am proud of YOU! Or Amy’s post about what she loves about her ‘men’. Cards are nice…but real heartfelt expressed words are twice as nice. Why? Because it is from you..deep within...more costly than silver and gold...real words than cannot be bought or sold...words that show our vunerability, our humbleness, our need for each other, our heart and soul......what good are they if they are not shared...if they are bottled up, kept in that secret place, what value do they have?
And NO we do not always 'know' we are loved, appreciated, understood and cared for...look how important words are! Our LORD left thousands of words expressing His thoughts to us. His Love to us....as a matter of fact look how he poured out His Heart and Soul...talk about showing LOVE!! As we say...priceless!
By the way in all your expressions of LOVE this day...take a moment and tell the King of Love...how much He means to you.......He is Priceless. Wanna know how to love?? Look at Him!
Love....patient, pure, kind, good, long suffering, bears all things, hopes, endures, never fails there, dependable, steady, unmovabale, unconditional.......
1 Corinthians 13. Pricelsss!
Some of very favorite cards are Julmark Cards….another visit..another day maybe I can share a card or two... Putting time, thought, her words expressed from her heart and soul. Ever gotten a card from Julie?.. She does not just sign it...she pours out her thoughts, they just gush out! .....Priceless!!
So this Val-Day spend the best four letter word (TIM, A GOOD MOMMY WORD!!!) T I M E
..with, on, around your sweeties….Go for a drive, go to a park, go for a walk, hold hands, say another four letter word .....LOVE… say it again and again.....I love you.
Save the movie thing for another day...what kinda talk can you have in a movie anyway...can't see each other, can't talk...people watching other people... doing stuff we shouldn't be doing for the most part...People watching people, watching people abusing people, and worse...
Back to TCB....
The Preacher has already taken care of his business......nope ...no flowers...don't need 'em, Preacher gives me flowers of another kind...words, kindness........ I don't want candy, don't desire trinkets and such, thank goodness...told him don't even bother with a card...Why... first thing he said this morning..…I LOVE YOU! He says it often and with meaning. He says it at some of the most unexpected times. He does not reserve it just for this Val-Day..but says it and I believe it…maybe that’s why we call back and forth so much….he ends most of his telephone conversations with that four letter word.
L O V E....Priceless
Pretty special after all these years!!Priceless...
So next time we meet on the front porch, I want to share the Most Memorable Val-Days in my 50 plus years. There are four way up there Val-Days burned into my memory bank..…the other 50 plus Val-Days kinda run together in a blob of dead flowers, costly dinners, cards ……..and…
Until next time…TCB guys and gals….use the four letter word often, lavish it on your special ones..wrap them in it, insulate them with it, pour it over them, surprise them with it, warm them with it, let them be secure in it....that they know that they know...you L O V E them..just like our King.....for He is Love I John 4:8
Monday, February 2, 2009
Good evening and welcome to the front porch!
Another one of those absolutely beautiful Texas days...Another in the forecast tomorrow. "Cold front to come in Wednesday...temps will be in the 50's. I can do that!
Got to spend some time at the barnyard this afternoon...left school early. The farrier had an appointment at 4:00..she trims the horses and the donkeys hooves (much like when we cut our finger and toe nails-But much much more involved. I consider my farrier...my 'friend'...I call her Dr. DJ because I ask her anything and everything about horses and she seems to know or at least steer me in the right direction. She connected me with the right people and I got the two little mini horses and all the equipment for them-FREE. She also connected me with a lady who gave me a donkey-FREE. She connected me to a couple who sold me a horse trailer-CHEAP. Someday I'll tell the story of her wedding and how I was able to bless her!
Mother Mary and baby Susanna doing great...I will attempt to post a picture of baby Susanna. She is already growing. I am able to pick her up. I 'm trying to handle her so she will not be so skiddish later on. Martha's little lamb has not arrived yet. Should be soon.
Busy week ahead....as usual..I get Spring fever this time of year and really struggle staying indoors. I need a bumper sticker that says, I'd rather be outside!'.
Anyway, gonna say goodbye and stop by again soon!
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