Greetings from the front porch here in Texas. Kinda cold here tonight. BUT Happy New Year. A New Year, new season and new beginning. A time of lookng back-some regrets, missed opportunities, shortcomings-overall a time to let go...'it is what it is'-has become my new motto. Things happen both good and bad with so much of it being out of our control. Let it go-'forgetting those things behind and pressing forward to the mark...the prize set before us'.
What lies ahead in 2011??..Joe just preached via ustream about the unsteadiness of 2010. His message was to take a cue from Joseph and as we encounter and endure our season in transistion-a prison of sorts-to look at the people God places in our path. Joseph's first encounter was with the butler, one who prepares, then the baker-one who takes all the ingredients and makes 'it' all come together and then finally pharoah-the one who promotes and lavishes blessings and favor on us.
Interesting....can we get a little closer to 'heaven in 2011?'...by that I mean seek Him a little longer and stronger...trust Him a lot more for what He has in store....serve Him in what ever position or situation we may find ourselves in.
What joy to know no matter what 2011 brings We can abide in Him and He abides with us.
Until next time we meet on the front porch...May the joy of the Lord be yours.
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