HAPPY BIRTHDAY TIM! From a front porch in Texas!
ENJOY THESE PICTURES.....3 of them are from past birthdays...including Tim celebrating with a baby back rib dinner and Tim helping the Preacher and Potamic District break ground in Yorktown, Virgina.
29 years…seems so long ago…yet really time slips by so quickly. May 19, 1980 a few minutes after 8:00 in the evening…Timothy James Gabbard joined the Gabbard family. Tim’s arrival in of itself is a story. We found out we would be blessed with baby number 4 AFTER we had sold everything-including all baby stuff and decided to evangelize. We came to a defining point in our lives and knew God had more for us….after much soul searching we felt God directing us to sell house, furniture and everything we didn’t need or could put into a 28 foot travel trailer and GO out in faith. At the time we never worried or wondered what the outcome would be. We just knew that we knew God would take care of us. We had only been out on the ‘field’ a few short weeks when I knew that I knew we would be having another little Gabbard. I remember panic wanting to come and set up residence in my heart and life-but somehow overcame it and put every ounce of trust in God. We barely had room for the other 3 kiddos in this little travel home….no job…just going where God opened a door and receive whatever the church deemed we were worthy of. Some churches couldn’t give much of an offering-so they us food…an old fashioned ‘pounding’ it was called. In other words each family brought us a pound…..of whatever…which leads to a tuna story I’ll share another day…….
Anyway, we traveled on…..and we had a meeting in the Virginia Beach area. We felt very good about the area…no we loved the area…we decided to find a little park and set up camp. This we did in Hampton, Virginia. God opened up and we ALWAYS had something to eat…we ALWAYS had enough food for gas and park fees. Looking back-it was not only a walk of faith…but everyday a miracle. Precious times, sweet times, while baby Tim grew strong in my tummy.
We felt God’s blessing to settle in this area. Just in time, we found a little rent house to live in (opps no furniture) but we slowly and surely somehow got everything we would need for baby Tim and the other three as well.
Now keep in mind-we did not have a ‘church family’ that we could call on…family was far, far away-therefore we knew every blessing came straight from the Hand of God…from the Throne of Heaven. To God’s glory we never missed a meal or really lacked in anything.
Glen found a little job which turned into one of the biggest blessings we every had. That job eventually bought us everything we needed-clothes, cars, a home, we used money to start a home missions work in Yorktown, Virginia. We sent our kids to a private Christian school, went on a vacation to Disney World, Glen finished his degree from Southwestern Assembly of God University. I could go on and on..God blessed above and beyond our expectations! That’s the kind of God He is!
Tim came out of this kind of faith. I believe that is one reason he is where he is right now. He was conceived and born with the Preacher and me believing God for every morsel of bread, every single ounce of strength, every step in front of the other-holding to God’s unchanging hand!
So many might call Tim our ‘tribulation child’…No he represents to the Preacher and me our “Victory child”. He was sent from God (Preacher and I still wonder just how…well excuse my frankness, we know how he was conceived BUT really was not on the agenda and just happened.
Anyway, what a blessing he was as a baby. The sweetest little round faced Gabbard that I could have asked for. Rarely cried, slept (like a baby! really) most of the time. Never fussed…slept all night after a few short weeks, never was fussy or high maintenance. Did he have his moments? Yep…he took a spell when about 6 or 7 and decided to try out some very colorful 4 letter words (well this is what his siblings told on him….hard to believe isn’t it???!!!)
Anyway, a few bumps here and there…after all he was a “ Gabbard”. Did he cause me and the Preacher to pray a lot????…Yep…but look at what he has turned into. I would not change anything about that time….Tim’s arrival…It grew me and the Preacher into who we are today.
Who is Tim??
A young man (still young at 29…Tim one more year before the big ONE)…who loves his God, his wife and family …his church ..his country…So Tim HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU…ENJOY, your day and know that you are loved.
Come visit us on the front porch soon! And bring that lovely family of yours!
Thanks for dedicating a post to me on my birthday!
ReplyDeleteI remember every birthday from the pictures, my favorite was the rib dinner!
Anything that is good in me is because of Christ, and what you and dad have allowed to grow. Thank you for nurturing me and allowing God to use you to shape me into who I am today.
Dad always talked about "Heritage" and I am thankful for my heritage, the price you and dad paid many years ago allows your children to walk in and be where we are today.
Thanks for loving me during the times I was difficult to raise, I know I tested you (BUT NOT AS MUCH AS JOE DID). Your love for me was shown during those times.
My prayer is that my boys will love and respect as much as I love and respect you!
Love you!