Greetings from the Front Porch!
What did you think of the pictures? (opps for anyone wanting to know about the pictures...I finally loaded them...I had them saved on the desktop and they would not load...Plan B and I think you should see!)......I have a few words: WHAT A DECK! I must share with you this DECK story. We moved to the Farm over 3 years ago. We looked for months before we found something we thought we would like. Preacher accepted the pastorate at Proaper in August 2009-almost 4 years ago. We began looking for ‘just the right place’ in August. This was my opportunity to get a ‘little farm’.
That search went on and on. We just couldn’t find anything that we could afford or was a ‘farm’ or was too far from the church and my school. So Fall came and went….Christmas came and went…Spring came. Meanwhile, we were driving back and forth to Prosper from Seagoville-70-80 miles one way…3-4 times a week.
Well, one day in late March the Preacher called and said he had found a pretty neat looking place and had us scheduled to look at it the next day (Saturday). It was a little rainy…but we walked the property and when I walked in the house …I knew this was the one. Is it perfect???…no has some things I would change if I could. But overall a good fit. EXCEPT for this old in-ground pool-it was huge-deep and scary. Me and the Preacher don’t swim…someone made the comment…”that’s just an old hole in the ground you will throw money into”. That was an understatement. Money and work…money and work. More money. We put thousands into this old money pit to keep it up and running, replacing items, running the pump, adding water. The kiddos and grandkiddos LOVED it. Friends LOVED it. Me and the Preacher…maybe got in it 3-4 times tops.
So after last year, the pool guy quoted a price of several thousand more $$$$ needed to repair it. I said nope…no way…
Now what to do with this huge hole in the ground.
We decided to build a deck over it. So what you see is what we got. It started out with just some boards over the pool and a nice little deck. We got a huge deck….I call it “Noah’s Ark” because part of the shape looks like a boat that is about to launch.
Anyway, when you see it I’m sure you will also think “WOW! WHAT A DECK”. And it is. So now you can sit on the front porch (metaphorically speaking) or sit on the DECK-literally!
We just had a DECK PARTY..had about 50 of our church folks over to celebrate the completion of the deck. We provided all the food and fun...Preacher even gave out some deck awards to the men folk from the church who built the deck.
Until next time……….join me on the front porch or the deck...your choice!!