Sunday, July 6, 2014

Musings on Dishes and a few other things......

Welcome to the Front Porch….glad you stopped by and hope you enjoy my little musings for today!

Another big family event and yep, here am I…standing in my little country kitchen, looking at a mount of dishes that rise up around me.  I have a reputation for ‘dirtying every dish in the house’ when I cook.  It must be true, it has to be true, for the sky high pile of dirty dishes that I am surrounded by bear witness to this.  Yep.

Now I love dishes!  I have more dishes than a woman has a right to!  I have red dishes, white dishes, blue dishes, a mixture and hodgepodge of dishes for everyday, Christmas dishes, white china with a real silver etching around the edge that I learned the hard way CANNOT be put in the microwave! I have some pretty ‘Canton Fair’ china that the Preacher and our four kids picked out for me on one of our anniversaries when we lived in Lothian, Maryland.  That was many years ago!  He made his selection at a well known store at the time: Lazarus.  That store has long been gone, gobbled up by some conglomerates that do that type of thing.  Those dishes sit, proud and pretty, in my humble little china closet. They are rarely used as there is only a place setting for 8; my brood has long passed that magic number. This china selection has a special place among my dish collection and in my heart.

This beautiful set of dishes was handpicked by the Preacher and our four little ones.  Now this in of itself is a feat. The Preacher does not like to shop!  He detests it!  If he needs something, even clothes, most of the time I have to pick them out and he will say ‘oh, you know what I like’.  Really?  The one exception is suits.  He does relish getting a new suit.  He does not ask for much, but every now and then about once a year he does get a hankering for a new suit.

So what do dishes and suits have to do with one another?  Nothing, absolutely nothing.  So with that being clarified and settled, I will get back to the dishes.

I usually do the dishes myself.  All by myself.  Those who have been in my cozy little kitchen know it is a one-woman show.  Two people in that tiny area are stepping on one another, bumping into one another and just annoying one another.  So, it is usually a solo flight.  Now to make this little chore even more interesting; I do NOT have a dishwasher.  Well, let me back up.  I do have one but it has never worked right from day one when we moved in here over 8 years ago now.  I gave up.  I saw no real reason for me to wash dishes, place them in the dishwasher and for them to come out yuckier than when they went in. I do not want to invest in a new one.  There always seems to be something else I prefer to spend the money on.  Oh, things like hay and feed for the four leggers.  Plus, we have a very delicate old septic tank-the old country style-that fills up quickly and once filled will back up rather quickly and in a not nice way.  So, I baby that septic tank along and try to keep it balanced delicately.   Very delicately.

Anyway, I usually shoo the girls, my girls and daughter-in-laws out of the kitchen to go visit with the Preacher, play with the kids, enjoy each other’s company and relax.  My mess, my cleanup.  Now the Preacher does NOT appreciate my love of my dishes.  Nope.  I insist on using them 99.99% of the time.  Rarely do we do the paper plate thing. Although there are some very nice paper plates, I feel if I have all these nice plates, have the most important people in my life as my guests, why would I NOT use my treasured dishes for them to eat on.  I am not one to just keep things as trophies.  If I’ve got it I want to use it.  If I don’t need it I will try to find someone who does.  I like things, especially dishes but not that much that I place them before people.  I never understood why some women would have some of the most beautiful things and never use them.  What are they saving them for?  My motto: use them!  Make every meal with loved ones special.  Bring out the best dishes….eat like royalty, make memories.

So I start on the dishes.  Depending on what the occasion is, where everyone is, then my next move will be to find some good inspiring, calming, soothing music.  Could be Hillsong, or some instrumental Pandora station, or easy instrumentals via Dish.  Something that energizes me.  Something that carries me to a place of peace while I am doing dish after dish after dish.

BTW this is one reason I keep my fingernails short and sweet.  The other reason is the farm.  I am scooping poo, running my hands over animals to check for bumps, cuts and bruises.  I am lifting horsey feet and checking to see if they need to be picked.  I am chasing unruly little hennies who linger outside of the coop when curfew has been declared.  I mend fences, use countless bungie and zip ties to shore up and repair something that is continuously falling apart here on the farm.  I use my hands to garden; I am digging, planting, picking….well nice, pretty nails just won’t do.  Preacher ‘threatens’ me with a spa day every now and then.  I recoil in anger.  What is wrong with those two words: me and spa?  It is not me.  Nope.

 Now our well meaning church ladies did give me a facial thing a few years back.  I endured it and was rather disappointed however.  I thought with all that rubbing and pushing my face here and there surely I would look better.  Nope, looked in the mirror and it was me. 100% me.  Another time they gifted with me a manicure and pedicure.  Disaster.  I put off doing ‘til the garden was planted and most of the dirty work had been done for a few days at the farm.  I scrubbed those nails and those toes and thought surely I am presentable enough.  But farm dirt can become almost permanent-unfortunately.  My nails passed inspection.  The young lady probed and poked and trimmed.  Then she tried to get me to pick out polish. Angst! What would I do with pretty pink polish on these country livin’, country lovin’ hands.  I politely declined.  She profusely insisted so I picked a clear top coat.  She thought I was the most unusual bird she had ever encountered.  And I am. 

Then the toes.  I do not especially enjoy, no I will restate that-I do not like anyone touching my body  in what I consider an intimate, get to know me better way (except family and of course the Preacher! Hey, after all we do have 4 children!).  But strangers, poking, probing, prying….nope.  Probably does somewhat stem from an incident in my childhood…but that skeleton is draped on his special hanger way back deep in ‘the closet’.  He will stay there for now…this is not the time or place.

Anyway, back to toes.  Funny thing on the farm, no matter how thick the socks and high the boots, dirt gets in and loves to creep and cling to the toes-especially the toe nails.  So even after a good deep scrub, that poor little gal seemed aghast at the treasures she unearthed (no pun intended) from my toenails!  She used some sharp little tool that gave that dirt a run for its money.  She brought out those hunks, or so it seemed, of dirt and proudly showed them to me and promptly wiped them on her little towel.  It seemed to be her mission to dig and grind until she had caught every offending scrap of dirt.  Ugh.  I thought to myself, ‘if I get out of here alive-never again’!  Never again.  Soon the ordeal ended for me and her.  I am not sure who was the most relieved when I got up out of that chair!

Anyway, dishes…since my hands are constantly in water or dirt, sometimes both at the same time, nails and pretty nails at that are not high on my priority list.  So, as I wash that mountain of dishes, I try to take time and thank God for the dishes He has blessed me with.  I take a trip down memory lane and remember the occasion on which I acquired those dishes.  The red ones.  My daughter, Lori, bought me a starter kit for a Christmas gift several years ago.  I slowly added to that collection and have 20 plates along with some red serving pieces.  I love them.  The white ones I bought when I was a Bridal Consultant (ha…what is wrong with this picture?) at Dillards when we lived in Beaumont.  They were on sale, I had a nice Dillards discount and so with that being said, bought about 20 plates along with some additional pieces.  White goes with everything so they fit in rather nice in my little kitchen and go with any occasion we may be celebrating.  I already told you about the Canton Fair china.  The Christmas dishes.  I love using them and try not to use them on Thanksgiving but sometimes it seems like I just want to share them even before the Christmas   season begins. The Christmas dishes. Way back before any of these other dishes, came the Christmas Crew.  We lived and pastored in Virginia.  Walgreens had a special.  A complete set of 4 place settings of a Christmas Tree pattern of dishes for less than $5.00.  Now I am going back a few years.  But, folks this is a great price.  I bought 4 or 5 sets….I now have about 25 plates…somehow the cups and saucers have long gone.  I do still have the plates and dessert dishes.   Then there are the blue dishes…informal, don’t break good for outdoor eating…and the everyday collection of this and that…dishes

So dishes, dishes, dishes.  So necessary and also can be such a nuisance.  Especially when washing them.  So as I wash, I think good thoughts. I take it one dish at a time.  I begin to recall and relive the happy occasion they became part of the Gabbard family.  I think of the wonderful gatherings of family and friends we have enjoyed.  I thank God for the bounty of food we usually have.  More than enough.  More than enough.  When I serve portions, I usually err on the generous side.  I want my family and guest to have more than enough.  My family ‘fondly’ calls this ‘grannie portions’.  I must admit they are usually generous.  But I am glad to be able to give my guest more than enough.

I figured out why I cut such generous portions.  Here comes that childhood thing again.  If you have followed my blog you know how my childhood was…..well a challenge.  My dad was married to ‘the bottle’.  She was everything to him and although he had a very good job, we, his real family, saw very little of that money.  But ‘she’ got more than enough.  Therefore, food was scarce-because mom just did not have money to buy groceries.  Food was portioned out.  We always left the table wanting more. Never enough.  I guess always wanting more, never having more, made me want to provide for anyone who ate off my dishes would have-more than enough.

Anyway, as I wash those dishes one at a time, I pray and thank God for the family and friends who gathered in my home.  I thank God for the wonderful food.  I thank God for loving me and saving me.  I ask Him to watch over the loved ones and friends who have used those forks, sipped water or tea or lemonade (our preferred drinks).  I ask God to grant me the strength and resources to be able to gather my loved ones again and again.  I ask God to help me to be a gracious hostess.  I feel and have for years felt opening my home to my friends and family is one of my callings, a gift, a ministry.  I want to be faithful.  Deep inside lives a ‘Martha’. A Martha who hustles and bustles to make sure everyone has everything they need.  Too often I need to let the ‘Mary’ struggle out and step back, take a big deep breath, and sit.  Sit at His feet.

While I wash those dishes, I am blessed to have a window right above my kitchen sink.  It is small.  But it is a window.  I can look out over my front lawn.  I have a hummingbird feeder right outside and every now and then I am blessed to see a little birdie stop by for a refreshing drink of nectar.  I can look across the lawn, over the road and into my neighbor’s pasture.  He has a nice little piece of land.  Occasionally, he lets his mare and her little foal graze in that field. Beautiful. Something magnificent about horses. Magnificent.

So when it is all said and done; life is what we make it.  The drudgery or so what we think of is as drudgery is what we make of it. The chores we dread, the interruptions, the challenges all are woven into the fabric of our life.

So until the next mount of dishes…or whatever seemingly unpleasant task you may be called to do…do it ‘as unto the Lord’..until next time on the front porch…..may you be blessed in Him!


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