Thursday, September 4, 2014

The Drop Out


Back to school.  Yes, once again the calendar has brought us to that time of year when we prepare our children and grandchildren to go back to school.  For most families, at least for many parents, this time is celebrated with shouts of glee.  The summer has been long and hot.  It may have been a challenge to keep children occupied and entertained when met with the frequent whine, “I’m bored”.

For working moms it can be especially challenging due to the new summer schedule of juggling childcare.  Instead of dropping children off to go merrily into the scheduled classes at school, children are dropped off at babysitters, day camps, and summer programs.  Sometimes children are entrusted to relatives and friends. Often children are left to their own devises at home.  So, when school bells ring and children bemoan the return to school with set schedules and assignments, many parents let out a sign of relief.

Summer can be a stressful time with added burdens to schedules and finances.  Then parents are thrown into a flurry of activity and hustle and bustle to scramble to get the just right clothing, uniforms, shoes, school supplies and backpacks.    

We do all this because we know the value of getting a good, solid education.  We realize to succeed a child must be able to read, do math and develop those reasoning skills for problem solving.  Our little ones must be trained in the 3 R’s and beyond.  They need to be trained socially, mentally, physically and be fit, ready and prepared to be a functioning, contributing force in our society.  This is a big challenge. It is a big assignment for all involved.  We want to equip them with the best tools for this challenge.  It is what a good, caring, concerned parent should do.

This is why it can be so devastating when children drop out of school.  Most states have requirements for children under 18 to encourage them to ‘be cool and stay in school’.  However, in spite of these incentives and encouragements, many children drop out of school before they are adequately prepared for life.  Facts clearly reveal that dropouts will have limited employment opportunities.  Dropouts usually end up with minimum wage employment and struggle in life just to survive.  Another type of dropout occurs when the child is still physically in school, but their mind and spirits have ‘left the building’.  They go through the motions, but heart and soul are not in the educational process. 

But there is another type of dropout. All of us are capable and may have experienced ‘dropout’.  Perhaps we have signed up for a class, an activity , a club, an organization, only to quit or drop shortly after signing up.  As I was pondering on this inspiration note, I realized that the term ‘dropout” is one of those unusual terms we use often in our society.  What does it mean?  Who does it describe?  Dropout is most commonly associated with school.  But also refers to: “someone who drops out of conventional society or one who abandons an attempt, activity or chosen path”.  This is the official definition according to the Merriam-Webster dictionary.

Dropout.  Most of us finished high school-some by the skin of our teeth and the hair on our chin-e-chin-chin.  We did it! We finished!  Some went on to college and secured yet another degree.  While others took one or two classes and then dropped out, gave up, abandoned the endeavor.  It could be for a variety of valid reasons.  But when it is all said and done…a dropout is a dropout.

Dropping out of something we signed up for can give us a twinge of regret and guilt.  We ask questions like, “what would my life and career be like if I had only finished that course, that degree, that training.” It is compared to leaving the battle before the victory.  Or like leaving the ballgame in the 7th inning when it appears the home team is losing; only to find out the team recovered and had a big win in the 9th inning. The big, “What If”.

The most tragic and disturbing incidents of dropout occur in the Kingdom of God.  Nothing is more gut wrenching and devastating than to hear news of someone who once fought a valiant fight, had a close relationship with God, but walked away.  It is a slippery slope, a dangerous, dark path to travel on.   Hebrews 10:31 reminds us: “it is a fearful thing to turn one’s back on God the Creator and Jesus His Son and deliberately and consciously reject their love.”

  But, it happens.  It happens more than we may think.  It happens right in the church.  Too often folks still physically come and warm a pew.  They show up for Sunday Morning service, only to go through the motions, counting down the minutes and seconds until they can flee from the Presence of God and His people.  Most know the lukewarm, backslidden state they have allowed to envelope them.  Others coast along, knowing something is not quite right, but keep going through the motions, to keep up the appearances.  But God knows.

A good example of this dropout condition and its dire consequences can be found in the book of

1 Samuel 15:22-23.

But Samuel replied: (He was talking to King Saul)

Does the Lord delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices
    as much as in obeying the Lord?
To obey is better than sacrifice,
    and to heed is better than the fat of rams.
23 For rebellion is like the sin of divination,
    and arrogance like the evil of idolatry.
Because you have rejected the word of the Lord,
    he has rejected you as king.”


Saul got too big for his britches.  He let pride; self-assurance and self-importance slip in, creep in and slowly weave into the very fabric of his soul.  He no longer honored, respected or truly obeyed God.  He took matters into his own hands, thought he knew best.  Even in this passage of scripture he lied to the prophet, lied to God and in essence lied to himself.  God is not mocked.  Saul’s slippery slope led him to take his own life. His disobedience and rebellion resulted in his two sons being killed. Saul left a legacy of being the ‘Ultimate Drop Out.”  He will forever be remembered for his disobedience and arrogance.


So the lessons learned?  Think things through.  Before abandoning ship too soon, think about the challenges of the situation.  Weigh the consequences.  Stand and take the sure, steady pathway instead of caving in and pleasing the flesh.  Flesh is weak and wicked.  Flesh thinks and feels for the moment.  Flesh wars with the Spirit.  Flesh must be put in its place; conquered and mastered.  Flesh must die for Spirit to win.


Don’t be a drop out!  Stay and be a winner, a person who finishes what they start.  Be a person of integrity and honor.  There are eyes looking, watching and observing you as you run your race.  If you stubble, get up, shake yourself off.  Brush off the attitudes and mind sets of this world. Carry on. Run on.


 It is not a time to drop out, it is a time to run, run with diligence and run with all your might, power and strength.  As you cross the finish line, you will be met with a great roar of the many witnesses watching your race.  But the best reward will be the sound the voice of the Lord proclaiming the sweetest words you will ever hear, “Well done, my faithful child, enter into the Joy of the Lord!”


Sunday, July 6, 2014

Musings on Dishes and a few other things......

Welcome to the Front Porch….glad you stopped by and hope you enjoy my little musings for today!

Another big family event and yep, here am I…standing in my little country kitchen, looking at a mount of dishes that rise up around me.  I have a reputation for ‘dirtying every dish in the house’ when I cook.  It must be true, it has to be true, for the sky high pile of dirty dishes that I am surrounded by bear witness to this.  Yep.

Now I love dishes!  I have more dishes than a woman has a right to!  I have red dishes, white dishes, blue dishes, a mixture and hodgepodge of dishes for everyday, Christmas dishes, white china with a real silver etching around the edge that I learned the hard way CANNOT be put in the microwave! I have some pretty ‘Canton Fair’ china that the Preacher and our four kids picked out for me on one of our anniversaries when we lived in Lothian, Maryland.  That was many years ago!  He made his selection at a well known store at the time: Lazarus.  That store has long been gone, gobbled up by some conglomerates that do that type of thing.  Those dishes sit, proud and pretty, in my humble little china closet. They are rarely used as there is only a place setting for 8; my brood has long passed that magic number. This china selection has a special place among my dish collection and in my heart.

This beautiful set of dishes was handpicked by the Preacher and our four little ones.  Now this in of itself is a feat. The Preacher does not like to shop!  He detests it!  If he needs something, even clothes, most of the time I have to pick them out and he will say ‘oh, you know what I like’.  Really?  The one exception is suits.  He does relish getting a new suit.  He does not ask for much, but every now and then about once a year he does get a hankering for a new suit.

So what do dishes and suits have to do with one another?  Nothing, absolutely nothing.  So with that being clarified and settled, I will get back to the dishes.

I usually do the dishes myself.  All by myself.  Those who have been in my cozy little kitchen know it is a one-woman show.  Two people in that tiny area are stepping on one another, bumping into one another and just annoying one another.  So, it is usually a solo flight.  Now to make this little chore even more interesting; I do NOT have a dishwasher.  Well, let me back up.  I do have one but it has never worked right from day one when we moved in here over 8 years ago now.  I gave up.  I saw no real reason for me to wash dishes, place them in the dishwasher and for them to come out yuckier than when they went in. I do not want to invest in a new one.  There always seems to be something else I prefer to spend the money on.  Oh, things like hay and feed for the four leggers.  Plus, we have a very delicate old septic tank-the old country style-that fills up quickly and once filled will back up rather quickly and in a not nice way.  So, I baby that septic tank along and try to keep it balanced delicately.   Very delicately.

Anyway, I usually shoo the girls, my girls and daughter-in-laws out of the kitchen to go visit with the Preacher, play with the kids, enjoy each other’s company and relax.  My mess, my cleanup.  Now the Preacher does NOT appreciate my love of my dishes.  Nope.  I insist on using them 99.99% of the time.  Rarely do we do the paper plate thing. Although there are some very nice paper plates, I feel if I have all these nice plates, have the most important people in my life as my guests, why would I NOT use my treasured dishes for them to eat on.  I am not one to just keep things as trophies.  If I’ve got it I want to use it.  If I don’t need it I will try to find someone who does.  I like things, especially dishes but not that much that I place them before people.  I never understood why some women would have some of the most beautiful things and never use them.  What are they saving them for?  My motto: use them!  Make every meal with loved ones special.  Bring out the best dishes….eat like royalty, make memories.

So I start on the dishes.  Depending on what the occasion is, where everyone is, then my next move will be to find some good inspiring, calming, soothing music.  Could be Hillsong, or some instrumental Pandora station, or easy instrumentals via Dish.  Something that energizes me.  Something that carries me to a place of peace while I am doing dish after dish after dish.

BTW this is one reason I keep my fingernails short and sweet.  The other reason is the farm.  I am scooping poo, running my hands over animals to check for bumps, cuts and bruises.  I am lifting horsey feet and checking to see if they need to be picked.  I am chasing unruly little hennies who linger outside of the coop when curfew has been declared.  I mend fences, use countless bungie and zip ties to shore up and repair something that is continuously falling apart here on the farm.  I use my hands to garden; I am digging, planting, picking….well nice, pretty nails just won’t do.  Preacher ‘threatens’ me with a spa day every now and then.  I recoil in anger.  What is wrong with those two words: me and spa?  It is not me.  Nope.

 Now our well meaning church ladies did give me a facial thing a few years back.  I endured it and was rather disappointed however.  I thought with all that rubbing and pushing my face here and there surely I would look better.  Nope, looked in the mirror and it was me. 100% me.  Another time they gifted with me a manicure and pedicure.  Disaster.  I put off doing ‘til the garden was planted and most of the dirty work had been done for a few days at the farm.  I scrubbed those nails and those toes and thought surely I am presentable enough.  But farm dirt can become almost permanent-unfortunately.  My nails passed inspection.  The young lady probed and poked and trimmed.  Then she tried to get me to pick out polish. Angst! What would I do with pretty pink polish on these country livin’, country lovin’ hands.  I politely declined.  She profusely insisted so I picked a clear top coat.  She thought I was the most unusual bird she had ever encountered.  And I am. 

Then the toes.  I do not especially enjoy, no I will restate that-I do not like anyone touching my body  in what I consider an intimate, get to know me better way (except family and of course the Preacher! Hey, after all we do have 4 children!).  But strangers, poking, probing, prying….nope.  Probably does somewhat stem from an incident in my childhood…but that skeleton is draped on his special hanger way back deep in ‘the closet’.  He will stay there for now…this is not the time or place.

Anyway, back to toes.  Funny thing on the farm, no matter how thick the socks and high the boots, dirt gets in and loves to creep and cling to the toes-especially the toe nails.  So even after a good deep scrub, that poor little gal seemed aghast at the treasures she unearthed (no pun intended) from my toenails!  She used some sharp little tool that gave that dirt a run for its money.  She brought out those hunks, or so it seemed, of dirt and proudly showed them to me and promptly wiped them on her little towel.  It seemed to be her mission to dig and grind until she had caught every offending scrap of dirt.  Ugh.  I thought to myself, ‘if I get out of here alive-never again’!  Never again.  Soon the ordeal ended for me and her.  I am not sure who was the most relieved when I got up out of that chair!

Anyway, dishes…since my hands are constantly in water or dirt, sometimes both at the same time, nails and pretty nails at that are not high on my priority list.  So, as I wash that mountain of dishes, I try to take time and thank God for the dishes He has blessed me with.  I take a trip down memory lane and remember the occasion on which I acquired those dishes.  The red ones.  My daughter, Lori, bought me a starter kit for a Christmas gift several years ago.  I slowly added to that collection and have 20 plates along with some red serving pieces.  I love them.  The white ones I bought when I was a Bridal Consultant (ha…what is wrong with this picture?) at Dillards when we lived in Beaumont.  They were on sale, I had a nice Dillards discount and so with that being said, bought about 20 plates along with some additional pieces.  White goes with everything so they fit in rather nice in my little kitchen and go with any occasion we may be celebrating.  I already told you about the Canton Fair china.  The Christmas dishes.  I love using them and try not to use them on Thanksgiving but sometimes it seems like I just want to share them even before the Christmas   season begins. The Christmas dishes. Way back before any of these other dishes, came the Christmas Crew.  We lived and pastored in Virginia.  Walgreens had a special.  A complete set of 4 place settings of a Christmas Tree pattern of dishes for less than $5.00.  Now I am going back a few years.  But, folks this is a great price.  I bought 4 or 5 sets….I now have about 25 plates…somehow the cups and saucers have long gone.  I do still have the plates and dessert dishes.   Then there are the blue dishes…informal, don’t break good for outdoor eating…and the everyday collection of this and that…dishes

So dishes, dishes, dishes.  So necessary and also can be such a nuisance.  Especially when washing them.  So as I wash, I think good thoughts. I take it one dish at a time.  I begin to recall and relive the happy occasion they became part of the Gabbard family.  I think of the wonderful gatherings of family and friends we have enjoyed.  I thank God for the bounty of food we usually have.  More than enough.  More than enough.  When I serve portions, I usually err on the generous side.  I want my family and guest to have more than enough.  My family ‘fondly’ calls this ‘grannie portions’.  I must admit they are usually generous.  But I am glad to be able to give my guest more than enough.

I figured out why I cut such generous portions.  Here comes that childhood thing again.  If you have followed my blog you know how my childhood was…..well a challenge.  My dad was married to ‘the bottle’.  She was everything to him and although he had a very good job, we, his real family, saw very little of that money.  But ‘she’ got more than enough.  Therefore, food was scarce-because mom just did not have money to buy groceries.  Food was portioned out.  We always left the table wanting more. Never enough.  I guess always wanting more, never having more, made me want to provide for anyone who ate off my dishes would have-more than enough.

Anyway, as I wash those dishes one at a time, I pray and thank God for the family and friends who gathered in my home.  I thank God for the wonderful food.  I thank God for loving me and saving me.  I ask Him to watch over the loved ones and friends who have used those forks, sipped water or tea or lemonade (our preferred drinks).  I ask God to grant me the strength and resources to be able to gather my loved ones again and again.  I ask God to help me to be a gracious hostess.  I feel and have for years felt opening my home to my friends and family is one of my callings, a gift, a ministry.  I want to be faithful.  Deep inside lives a ‘Martha’. A Martha who hustles and bustles to make sure everyone has everything they need.  Too often I need to let the ‘Mary’ struggle out and step back, take a big deep breath, and sit.  Sit at His feet.

While I wash those dishes, I am blessed to have a window right above my kitchen sink.  It is small.  But it is a window.  I can look out over my front lawn.  I have a hummingbird feeder right outside and every now and then I am blessed to see a little birdie stop by for a refreshing drink of nectar.  I can look across the lawn, over the road and into my neighbor’s pasture.  He has a nice little piece of land.  Occasionally, he lets his mare and her little foal graze in that field. Beautiful. Something magnificent about horses. Magnificent.

So when it is all said and done; life is what we make it.  The drudgery or so what we think of is as drudgery is what we make of it. The chores we dread, the interruptions, the challenges all are woven into the fabric of our life.

So until the next mount of dishes…or whatever seemingly unpleasant task you may be called to do…do it ‘as unto the Lord’..until next time on the front porch…..may you be blessed in Him!


Sunday, June 22, 2014

WHO AM I? Part 2

This is the second part of my musings and my walk down memory lane.  As I looked back, I especially thank my grandparents, The Brandenburgs for opening their home to me when I was a child.  My Pap-Paw especially touched my life.  I remember him with such fondness and great respect.  He was my hero.  I think perhaps he inspired me to touch my own grandchildren and make memories.  Beautiful, sweet memories. 

 My mom and dad spent most of their childhood in Whitley County Kentucky.  Williamsburg, Kentucky to be specific.  So that being said, that was our first stop. Now, Whitley County, specifically, Williamsburg, Kentucky is an interesting little settlement off Route 25 and US 75.  Williamsburg is the county seat of Whitley County and I remember visiting the old courthouse in the town square during my summer visits. Whitley county was created in January 1818.  Before this county was officially declared a county, it was the source of many disagreements and battles fought between the native Indians and hunters and trappers.  With this part of Kentucky filled with rich resources; it was a dream for hunting.  Many of those skirmishes were fought with Colonel William Whitley as the fearless leader. He realized it was vital that the new settlers have an opportunity to hunt and trap and continue their journey on the Wilderness Road.  Colonel Whitley was also instrumental in safeguarding the Wilderness Road.

To my understanding this Wilderness Road was paramount in allowing settlers to migrate to Kentucky from the East. None other than the infamous Daniel Boone had blazed this trail.    It was rough, it was steep and it was dangerous.  It could only be travelled by foot or on single file horseback.  But, it was the highway to their ‘promised land of milk and honey’.  This road was the key to their new beginnings. It was travelled on foot for many years until it was finally upgraded so that wagons could carry precious cargo through those rugged mountains.  This route was dangerous because the Native Americans resented these ‘white folk’ who dared come into their ancestral hunting grounds. From their perspective the white man was evil and had to be stopped.  Hundreds of settlers were killed during these skirmishes. I wonder if any of my relatives were involved in these battles and how many lost their lives.  Well, a remnant survived because here I am today. 

Colonel Whitley realized this route had to be protected and it had to be secured for future settlers who would make their way through these rugged mountains.  At the time this was the only connection from the East to what was as far West as most settlers would go. I wonder if those hardy souls realized just what a challenge conquering this rugged land would be. I ponder if those who lost loved ones or suffered because of the hardships they met ever thought ‘was it worth it’? I think about how very determined they must have been to put one foot in front of the other and press on, press forward until they found their place.  I am sure they were in awe, wonder and certainly intimidated by this beautiful, wild, resource filled land.The brave souls who pushed through the thick wilderness must have realized what vital role they played in paving the road for generations to come.  Names, dates and events are long forgotten, muddled with time.  Yet, what these brave men and women accomplished, still stands tall and strong, touching even my generation and the next and next.  This Wilderness Trail was so valuable that it was upgraded and improved through the years and was eventually paved.  It was one of the first paved roads in the United States.

Seeing the potential and value of this trail, Colonel Whitley fought valiantly. He was recognized for his leadership and his vision for this trail and thus this newly formed county was named after him. He served in the war of 1812 and unfortunately died at the Battle of the Thames.  I am sure his death was a great loss to the people of Whitley County.  But life does go on.

This beautiful little settlement is nestled in the Cumberland Plateau of southeastern Kentucky.  This part of the country houses the Daniel Boone National Forest, the Cumberland Falls State Resort Park that is home to a beautiful waterfall.  This land has two rivers that meander through its boundaries; Laurel River and the Cumberland River.  Some of the mountains rise to over 2000 feet.  It is a beautiful land. It is a few hours’ drive to the Great Smokey Mountains.  These mountains are called ‘smokey’ because the mountains rise so far above the sea level that they appear to be shrouded in a foggy, mystical, mist; hence the name.  I love those mountains!  They have stood for ages and separate the country, not only geographically, but also separates the men from the boys.  It had to have been a mighty feat for Daniel Boone, Lewis and Clark and other nameless, faceless folk to tackle the mighty Smokey Mountains and venture on to the other side.

Whitley County’s economy has been dependent upon its natural resources; coal, and timber, along with iron, oil and even some silver.  However, because of the mountains, agriculture has not been established as a good resource for income.  There are pockets of land where tobacco, corn and home gardens can be grown.  The land has suffered with the plague of strip mining, poaching, trees cut down and not replaced.  There is little economic resources available to the local folk.  Most struggle to make a living.  Many, like my mom and dad left this beautiful land for ‘greener’ pastures; Northern Kentucky, Ohio, Indiana, Michigan.  They traded in the country living for city living and working in fields, forest and coal mines to being tied to assembly lines. They chose to secure steady incomes that allowed them to afford some of the better things of life.  My folks migrated to Cincinnati, then moved to Northern Kentucky. In my opinion, it was not necessarily considered the good life.

So on we continued in our journey down Memory Lane.We drove by my Mom’s home that she spent some of her childhood in.  It was also the same home I visited as a child.  This was the very home my grandparents lived in for years.  It was the place I spent those glorious summers; running and roaming in the woods and over the hills.  Eating green beans from the garden, fresh corn on the cob, ‘new potatoes’; new as meaning freshly dug out of the ground. The table overflowed with tomatoes, vine ripened, big, juicy red tomatoes and cucumbers.  I do not recall ever having any meat at the table for supper. There might have been a scrap of pork for seasoning the beans, but that was the extent of the meat at that time.  It was the same meal, day after day, week after week all during the summer.  All grown from their grand and glorious garden. It was a meal I gladly ate after a hard day of playing and exploring in the barns, feed cribs and fields.

Like us, the house had changed.  It still sat on the hillside.  Funny, I remember it sitting much higher.  It had been added on to, updated and modernized.  I am sure it now had running water, plumbing, heat, maybe even air conditioning.  I am sure the kitchen was filled with cabinets, new appliances; perhaps an additional bedroom and closets.  I am also sure a bathroom or two had been added.  It was now updated with all the modern conveniences we have all come to depend upon, expect to have. We think of these conveniences as our staples in life, things we deserve, or so we think.

Someone else lived in the house now.  Both my grandparents were gone. I would have loved to have been able to go inside poke around and look and imagine hearing the voices at the breakfast table.  I could image hearing the new song at the time, “Ring of Fire” by Johnny and June as it played on that old Crosley radio that sat on top of the Frigidaire, also known as the ‘ice box”. I remember hearing that song and wondering what on earth was a ‘ring of fire’.  These two sang about falling into this ring.  Since they were now singing about it, I assumed they had survived it.  Whatever it was, could it be that bad?  The reasoning of a young child does not always make sense.

 I would love to see Grandma doing her little skip and song as she baked those homemade biscuits every morning!  I close my eyes and I can almost smell that fresh brewing coffee that cooked in the dark blue splatter ware coffee pot.  Unfortunately at the time I visited, I was not old enough to drink coffee.  For my grandparents that coffee was a treat, a ritual, a slurping feast.  That coffee came piping hot out of that big blue spatter ware pot.  It sat steaming and scalding hot and ready to slurp.  Yep, slurp.  For the Brandenburg ritual was to pour that hot coffee into the saucer.  Then you lift up that saucer when the coffee temperature was just right and slurp it down!   Once it was slurped down, you did it again and again until your cup was refilled and slurp some more.  I mentioned this ritual to the the Preacher and just assumed everyone’s grandparents had this morning routine and ritual.  He was aghast!  He had never heard of anything, well so, ‘country.  As some of you think, kinda disgusting and not so dignified.  It was surreal.  There was no holding the coffee cup just so and lifting that pinky up in the air with regal royalty.  No, just pour and slurp!

Then came the morning coffee break.  I remember my grandmother would always call everyone into the kitchen around 10 in the morning and announce with finesse and flair, ‘time for our coffee break! Since I was not of the coffee drinking age, I would be dismissed and excused to continue on with my explorations with my imaginary friends.  I remember one time when it rained and rained and then rained some more.  No outdoors, no soaking up the sunshine or running wild and free in the fields.  Just sit, sit and sit some more on the porch.  I must have looked like a sad little orphan.  Pap Paw limped inside the house, at this time he had a distinct hunch on his back which caused him to stoop over and appear smaller than he was.  He also had a very pounced limp.  He returned to the porch with something hidden behind his back.  He had a hint of a smile on his lips, for he was reserved and relinquished very few smiles.  He placed the item before me.   I squealed with delight and am sure I had the broadest smile on my face in all of Whitley County.   My precious Pap Paw made me a potato doll. He found one of his biggest potatoes and found sticks for arms and legs. He had carved out some facial features and used one of his old handkerchiefs to make clothing for this little treasure.  As he handed her to me I saw a slight wink, as if to say ‘she’s all yours, enjoy.’    I hugged her and loved her from the moment she was placed in my arms.  We instantly became best friends.  I named her Sally Sue.  The area my grandparents lived in was called the ‘bottom of the Sally Gap hill’.  So, the little potato doll became my Sally Sue.  I held her and kept her close by day and night.  When the visit came to an end and it was time for me to return home, I took Sally Sue with me.  Now anyone who has any experience with a rotting potato knows just how stenchy, stinky and smelly they can be.  I do not remember any unpleasant aroma…but I do recall her little face getting a little wrinkly and crinkly day by day.  I took her back home and found a box and made her a little bed under my bed.  Whenever I missed those hills and hollers, I would pull Sally Sue, who was now becoming Stinky Sally Sue, and hold her, and my heart would almost burst with love and admiration in knowing my Pap-Paw made this little treasure for me. Eventually, Sally Sue had to go; off came her now very shriveled, stinky little head. I held on to her stick arms and legs, and humble little clothing until children as they do, move on and have to put away those ‘childish little things’.  Gone is Stinky Sally Sue, but like that old home, I have her in the recesses of my memory.  Thanks Pap-Paw, who in my book was the inventor of Mr. Potato Head!

My Pap-Paw was my hero.  He never learned to drive.  He never owned a home. He had little education. But he was a hero.  He was a soldier in World War I. He provided for his family. e never oweHhHe was a hero not just because he made me a potato doll.  But, he showed such kindness and thoughtfulness.  He taught me how to listen to birds and distinguish their calls.  Our two favorites were the whip-poor-will and the bob white.  Pap-Paw taught me how to whistle to those birds and to my complete astonishment they whistled back.


It was with my Pap-Paw that I saw my first deer.  On the ridge in back of their home was the perfect place for a dozen or so deer to come graze in the cool of the evening.  We would sit, watch and wait and they would come.  We would count them and make notes of any new arrivals.  Then we would just sit back and be content to just watch them graze.  We would sit in silence and just watch in awe as little fawns scampered back and forth.  Then the darkness covered the ridge, the little farm and the farm house.  This was the signal to go inside and get ready for bed.  There was no television to distract us from the business of visiting and enjoying each other’s company.  Priceless.

While I was visiting one my chores was to assist Pap-Paw and go to the spring and bringing back cool, clear water for drinking and cooking.  This spring was a little jaunt down over the hill, across the dirt road, down another steeper hill and then under a huge clump of trees.  Pap-Paw would pull back a cover of some kind and with a dipper, begin filling his bucket and then mine.  We would take a ‘sit and rest a while’ spell and just enjoy the coolness and freshness of that place. It felt 20 degrees cooler in this little part of the woods.  Then we would begin the trudge back up the hill, over the dirt road and up yet another steep hill and finally to the house.  I could hear things rustling and moving about in the underbrush.  Pap-Paw could sense my fear and discomfort of the unknown.  He would start whistling and calmly assure me it was just one of God’s critters hurrying and scurrying about.  When we finally got back to the house, one bucket was placed inside the kitchen on the ’zink’, a German carry-over for the word sink.  To this day, my mother still calls a sink, ‘zink’.

The dipper was placed in that bucket and that was where all of us got our drinking water.  The other bucket was placed outside on a shelf and was used for washing off when needed.  I can recall the soap smell when the men folk would wash up and shave before breakfast.  I am sure other arrangements were made in the dead of winter.  But it was a pleasant, clean smell.  This water gathering ritual was repeated several times a day.  Not one drop was wasted.

Now back to the house. No one was at home that day and it is just as well.  If I had seen the modern updates, I am sure I would have been disappointed.  It is best I remember that little humble home of my grandparents just as it was when they lived there. Some memories are best if kept sweet and pure and not cluttered or confused with present day realities.

Gone was the huge, or so it seemed huge at the time, side porch that ran the length of the house. It had been gobbled up in the overall updating and remodeling.  Homes used to have big front porches.  This was a staple, this was an extension to the living area of the house.  It was the entry to the house.  It was the house’s welcoming committee with big wide open arms that said, “come on in and sit a spell’.  But times have changed. In our hustle and bustle of our current times few homes come designed and equipped with big porches.  We no longer build homes with big front or side porches, because few people brave the outdoors.  Our homes are too comfortable with climate controlled environments. Few of us actually meet and greet our neighbors.  Children rarely play outside for a variety of reasons; too hot, too cold, questionable neighborhoods, questionable neighbors, too many video games to play; Redbox, Netflix and Dish and Direct have too many movies and other activities to keep us occupied.  Houses have 6 foot privacy fences jutting up all around our neighborhoods that keep what little outdoor activities families participate in hidden.

However, I still treasure the time spent on that porch.  It was on that front porch that I opened my mind up to the beauty and wonder of the amazing earth we live on. It was on that porch we spent many afternoons breaking up green beans or just enjoying a lazy afternoon, sitting, talking, and enjoying each other’s company.  We sat there content in just allowing the breeze to blow over the big field and watch the tall grasses as they bowed to the sweetness of that lazy, hazy June afternoon.  To me those grasses represented the hardy pioneer spirit of my grandparents, and their parents and their parents and so on. The grasses seemed to whisper the brave stories of those pioneer people so wild and free, strong and brave.  They would be blown over and seem to bow at the force of the wind, but they would straighten back up and prepare to do it again and again.

 Pap Paw had his little ‘chew’ and ever so often would spit in his can, all the while sitting in an old cane bottom chair.  This sitting really wasn’t sitting, but leaning back in that chair so that it set up against the house with the top part of the chair leaning back against the house and the front two legs poised in the air.  All the while he would chew, spit and then take in all the wonders of a golden summer afternoon.  Repeat; chew, spit and take in some more wonders all over again. When his soul had drunk in all the beauty of those Kentucky fields and hilIs, he would then slip his straw hat down over his eyes and ‘let his eyes rest’.

I tried many a time to lean my chair back just so on it two rear legs with the front two legs resting in mid-air, just so, like Pap Paw.  I usually ended up with my chair sliding down the side of the house and crashing onto the porch, much to my embarrassment and chagrin.  I don’t recall being chided, just maybe a snicker or two from my pap Paw as if to say , “Girl, this chair thing is not learned in a day…it is accomplished and  earned through a lifetime of working…it’s my throne…it’s my rest, my reward after a long weary day”.

There were several chairs on the porch, an open invitation to family, friends and neighbors to come and sit and talk. I loved those chairs, straight back, no nonsense, no frills, good, strong, sturdy, just like my Pap Paw.  I loved them so much that when I married the Preacher and starting buying things for my own house, I decided I wanted some of those cane bottom chairs.  Along the paths, roads, hills and valleys Preacher and I have travelled; I finally found some of those chairs in an outlet store in Williamsburg, Virginia.  Ironic, don’t you think? I first fell in love with those chairs in Williamsburg, Kentucky and found my loves in Williamsburg, Virginia.

Mine were purchased unfinished, but, soon painted them a country blue.  I used them for years and years.  Along the way I had to let go of 3 of the 6 cane bottom chairs.  Three of those chairs, one by one, began to show their age and wear and tear from a busy household of 2 boys and 2 girls and a host of friends and family who sat around our table, sharing meals, tears, fears and the joys of life.  I do still have 3 and will not depart with them, well, hopefully not until I can no longer keep my own home.  They remind me of those summers, when life seemed simpler, sweeter and oh so serene.

Well, back to the family and who they are.  Pap Paw was a Brandenburg.  I did not have to think real hard about where his people came from.  Brandenburg, Germany; a place that seems so far away and a time so long ago.  How does someone leave their homeland, Brandenburg, Germany, get on a ship and sail the ocean blue and end up in Williamsburg, Kentucky? A story indeed and one I will never know all the ins and outs and day by day triumphs and struggles.  I can imagine and put the pieces together in a somewhat jumbled puzzle because others wrote or told their story. It is a story with similar threads woven into the history of these hardy, hill people who settled in southern Kentucky. Whatever the minute deals are, really doesn’t matter.  They conquered and completed a dream that drove them step by step to the green, lush, mountains that would bring land and freedom of which neither were possible in Germany.

So, why am I thinking of trees, ships and faraway places.  Because my friend, the world is really a small place!  My daughter, Lori, has good friends in Beaumont with the last name “Brandenburg”.  She asked if I had any information on the Brandenburg family. Of course I did! I fired off two copies of everything I had on the Brandenburg family.  I told her to be sure and let me know if any new information had been found. The search results I have are now several years old and I am confident there have been other seekers and searches that have filled in some of the blank spots.  The world is truly small.  In comparing their side of the Brandenburg tree to my side of tree, it is no surprise that we are related.  It seems two brothers’ branches intertwined an so eight generations later, cousins meet, make friends and a bond of ‘this is who we are’ holds us together.

It is interesting to look back and determine where we came from.  It is our history, our heritage, our legacy.  I think our lineage of ancestors has much more influence on who we are today than we think.  So, not only are the color of our eyes, our skin tones, our height, our build, our body types passed on in our genes; but, who we are inside, what makes us, is an amazing combination of all of ancestors. It is that very complex, complicated code of information that makes us tick, tock, what talents and gifts, tendencies and even certain diseases and illness we may be prone.  This is woven and wound into our complex gene DNA.  God’s design is amazing.  This is one reason I love the scripture “we are wonderfully and fearfully made”.  No one like us, thinks like us, behaves quite like us…although we have tendencies like family members.

My great-grandmother Ayes, my Grandmother Brandenburg’s mother, was an amazing woman.  She was strong, secure in who she was and solid in her faith. As the story goes, she gave her heart and life to Jesus when she was a young mother and wife.  She was married to a hard, cruel, demanding man, who did not share her faith.  Quite the opposite.  He demanded she not go to church and worship.  He insisted she stay home and tend the home fires.  He bellowed threats and cursing if she dared to defy him and go to church.  She gathered her hat, her scarf, her treasured Bible, and her purse, always putting on her Sunday best and walked to her church.  Upon arriving at church, she would sing the sacred hymns, testify to the goodness of her God, bow her head in reverence during prayer, listen with such a hunger and thirst for God’s word that it seemed her heart would burst with such good news.  She prayed fervently for her man.  She prayed that somehow he would have a tender heart, a heart that would receive the Savior.

But, like some prayers, this was not to be.  He did not, would not accept this Savior.  Instead, he got meaner.  His treats turned into frustration which resulted in his beating her and even locking her out of her own home.  She took this abuse like a good soldier of the cross.  There was so cowering or bowing before this evil man and his persecution.  She spent many a night curled up on the doorstep of her own home;  praying for God’s mercy and strength to get her through another trial, another cold, hard night.  I can only image the tears that were shed.  I can only ponder on what questions bounced around in her head.  Many of us might be tempted to say, “So, this is my reward for taking a stand for my Lord.”

I was told that he died while still young.  Not sure just how.  But this dear woman lived up into her 90’s.  She was able to spend many years serving God without the threat of harm and abuse.  Her house was now quiet and filled with peace and love.  She had sown good seed and now she would reap this good harvest.  I saw her one time that I remember.  She had fallen and had a broken hip and was hospitalized.  I was visiting my grandparents as a young wife and mother and went over to Tennessee to visit her along with other family members.  I was young and busy with my own child and did not take the time nor make the effort to thank her and get to know her like I would have liked to.  She eventually went to a nursing home and spent several more years there.  Sometimes God’s timing and His ways are hard to fathom and understand.  I never saw her again, this side of Heaven.  But nevertheless, she did make an impact, a great impact on my life.

I was told that this woman was a praying woman who believed God could and would answer; in His way, in His time and in His will.  She believed prayer was a ministry and that her prayers could affect generations far into the future.

I believe with all my heart that I am saved, and that a door opened up for me to find Jesus because of her prayers.  For some unknown, unexplainable, mysterious reason a neighbor did not even know that reached out to me in kindness. This is another sweet story for another sweet day.  Through her patience and faithfulness, she asked me to go to church with her and she faithfully came by and gave me a ride to church, week after week.  That act changed the course of my life.  That too, is another story.

My great grandmother’s prayers reached across the years and the miles as she prayed. She prayed for her children, her children’s children and her children’s children.  This was her legacy that was passed down generation to generation.

My grandparents were good people, honest, hardworking folks.  But, at the time I visited them they were not going to church.  I can attribute that to several reasons.  One, my grandfather never, ever did learn to drive a car!  For whatever reason, whatever obstacles, whatever challenges, he never drove.  His preferred mode of transportation was on foot or hitching a ride.  Mind you this was back in the day when it was OK to hitch a ride.  No one feared being abducted, robbed, maimed or murdered.  Everyone was a good neighbor, had a caring, giving heart.  So, if your neighbor was standing on the road, why, they did not even have to put their thumb up.  There was an unspoken code: ‘can you give me a ride?”. Sooner or later a kind gentle soul would stop and offer you a ride and off you would go.  So not having a means of getting to the church of their choice might just pose a problem.

However, in their later years, they both did attend church regularly.  Somehow the transportation was worked out.  As a matter of fact on one occasion when the Preacher and I we revisiting, we went to church with them.  That was an interesting experience, another story for another day!

So, who am I?  I am Dianna Jean Lawson Gabbard.  I am the oldest daughter of Arnold Eugene Lawson and Robalee Brandenburg Lawson.  I was named after my grandmother, Anna Ayers Brandenburg.  Although for some unexplained reason, my mother and family always called me “Diane”.  Does not make much sense, no valid reason or rhyme.  So often I have to explain my name: my legal give name on all my legal paperwork is: Dianna.  So professionally, that is what I am called.  However, the Preacher and all the church folk and family simply call me: Diane.  I guess it is like the old joke, “call me whatever you want, just don’t call me late for supper’.  I guess it’s a Kentucky thing. 


Anyway, the Jean comes from my father’s middle name Eugene.  So, who am I?

 I am the daughter of the people who came from places as far away as Germany, Prussia, Switzerland, Ireland and England.  A people who somehow pulled it all together and got the money and motivation to get on one of the tall ships and sail the ocean blue.  I can only image the challenges…the triumphs, the disappointments to leave the land of your birth and the people of your heritage, pack your belongings in a trunk and take off for a world unknown and unseen. There were no promises that you would ever see your home land or you family again.

I have to admire and tip my hat to these brave folks, who came to this new land without knowing just what they would find; friend or foe, failure or fortune.  Most of the people did finally migrate one by one, to the place of beauty and wonder, at the base of the Appalachian Mountains, some in Kentucky, some in Tennessee, others in West Virginia.  My closest ancestors settled in Whitley County Kentucky.  Land filled with rich red iron soil. When it rains in that part of the country, the rain mixed with the mineral rich soil turns red.  Those blood red streams run down the gullies and ruts in mountains and roads.  It runs down the creeks and hollers. This blood red stream reminds me of all those who have given their lives in the quest for a new land and a new life. So often a sacrifice by someone, somehow and somewhere has to be made so that others can bask in the freedom.  It was necessary for freedom in our country, freedom so that those held in hostage by oppression and poverty in a foreign land, those who are crushed and bruised by a governing body, even those who are persecuted for religious beliefscan sail on those bloody waters and find freedom. Now that I have just a glimpse of my people’s story, I often wonder. “where would I be if they had not been bold and adventurous and find this new land, new hope and new life?”  I would not be.  For life is so complex and intricately designed, that if both sides of my tree had not had hardy souls to come to this land, had not met like they had, had not had children, well I would not exist.  But I do.

The blood red soil also is a reminder of a Savior who gave His life for me so I could have another kind of freedom; freedom from sin, freedom from condemnation, freedom to know Him as a friend. This is the greatest of freedoms.

This land so loved by my ancestors, this place Whitley County is a land of lush green fields, land of hills, valleys and the jutting of AppalachianMountains in the distant landscape.  I have heard that at one time the profession of choice in this area was logging and coal mining…of which both slowly eroded the rich earth and eventually the coal mining dried up, leaving the people in poverty and want.  There is still evidence of the striping, scaring and scraping of the earth in the pulling down trees and cutting those trees into logs. A necessary evil, taking away of the trees, so men can work and feed families.  Fortunately, many of the trees stripped leaving huge gaps of barrenness are being reclaimed and replanted.  New life will come to the mountains.

My grandfather lost an eye to the logging industry.  Logging is still hard work, back breaking, dirty, and dangerous.  I can only imagine how difficult and challenging it was 100 years ago. It is work that keeps food on the table, pays the rent and etches out a meager living for folks.

While others can search and locate a more detailed accounting of family ancestry, I feel blessed to be able to have as much information as I do about my parents, grandparents, great grandparents, and so on.  It helps define who I am and for me to understand who I am.  It helps me to appreciate the sacrifice and bravery of my ‘people’.  Oh, there are some scoundrels on both sides!  There was a child born out of wedlock to the King of Prussia, a brave 77 year old who fought in the Revolutionary War only to return to his home and be found murdered.  There is accounting of 2 young boys just minding their business, watching the all ships sail in and out of England and they were abducted and made to be indentured servants.  There is death recorded way too soon, motherless children, fatherless children taken in by relatives who already had too many mouths to feed, feet to shod and bodies to clothe.  Children passed from house to house, neglected, abused and set on a pathway of heartache and doom. There are those bound by drugs, alcohol, nicotine.  Others have participated in abortion, child abuse, spousal abuse. Some sins are known, other sins went to the grave.

So my people are a melting pot of English, Scottish, German, Prussian, Irish, and thrown in with some Native American.  My people are heroes and hellions; some are hardy or hapless; others helpless and hopeless.  They are a hodgepodge, homogenous folk who endured and endeavored to make Kentucky and Tennessee their home.  They were a sturdy, strong folk whose bravery and tenacity give me strength as I continue on my journey here in life.  Their stalwart determination and sense of adventure will continue to spur me on until the day I join them in the great beyond.  This is who I am.


Thursday, May 15, 2014



My Heritage…My Legacy

A few years back, my oldest daughter, Julie, became interested in my family tree (Lawson-my maiden name).  She asked about grandparents and great-grandparents; our family heritage, our family beginnings. I knew very little.  It had not been something I had particularly thought of.  Most times I had tried to forget where I came from and from whom I came from.  There were too many questions of ‘why’?, splattered with heartache, pain and downright misery.  I did not understand some of the actions of both my mother and father.  I often thought of them as two of the most unlikely folk to fall in love, marry and have children.  Both were miserable.  Both seemed to fight darkness and depression from demons that haunted and hovered around them.  They never seemed to understand each other.  There was little, if any compassion for each other or for us.  Yet, out of this unlikely union came eight children; seven daughters and one son.  We grew up always waiting for the ‘other shoe to drop’.  Most of the time it was dad’s shoe we feared the most.  When he was drinking anything and everything would send him into an alcoholic, abusive rage.  No one, nothing, could escape his anger.  That is another story in of itself. 

But, Mom was not innocent herself.  She was always harried with too much to do, too little time and never enough money.  She had so much fear and depression. Her fears initiated her into irrational expectations of us.  Her depression distanced her from us.  Her own anger and rages drove us from her.  I loved Mom and always knew if it had not been for her, in spite of her many faults and failures, we would not have had anything.  Perhaps not even life itself.

Dad had a good paying job, but chose to give most of his pay to his mistress; the bottle.  Often he would give mom so little money for food that it was almost impossible to feed us.  Food was stretched out and portions limited that no one ever left the table full or even close.  If the mood hit dad, or we looked at him in the wrong way, what little meager food we had on the table would be kicked over and knocked down, spilling what few precious crumbs we had for supper that night all over the floor. There was never any remorse for his actions.  His demeanor told us we deserved this. At other times precious milk would be poured out down the sink and he would have his face twisted in such anger and declare, “You don’t deserve this milk”. After the carnage of his actions, he would stumble off and pass out and we were left to pick up and clean up.  It was hard not to grab the crumbs and stuff them into our mouths. Between his actions and rages and my mother’s bouts of anger and berating, we always had a sense of deep guilt.  What had we done or not done?  Which of us was the guilty party this time?  Any slight rays of sunshine would be clouded over by my Dad’s anger or my Mom’s tongue lashing. I sometimes look back and think me and my siblings moved around that house like zombies.  We dare not care for one another,for anything and never show emotion.  Keep it in, stuff it down, just get through it. Being the oldest, I remember it, I remember it all.So both parents used us as their vent for frustrations and deep seated anger.  That anger was always seething on the back burner ready to spill and spew out at one of us or all of us.

 I am still trying to push the guilt and hurt back down into a deep dark crevice in my heart and soul.  But, it is there.  Scars, deep scars.Yes, the scars are there, but there has been a healing balm that has brought me release and peace.  Unfortunately, most of my siblings have not been able to let the hurts heal.  It appears the wounds are still open and oozing.  Some of them battle drug, tobacco and alcohol addiction.  Others have had numerous failed relationships, divorce, abortions, and so on; all a result of battling demons from the past that have never been silenced and scourged once and for all. 

So, hence, I had no real desire to know much about my family tree, especially the Lawsons.  What bits and pieces I had heard about were stories of alcoholism, abuse, abandonment and anger. The roots of this family tree run deep with secrets of teenage runaways, unresolved family conflicts and deep seated grudges ingrained into the very fabric of the Lawson soul.  We knew very little of this side of the family and rarely had contact with them.  My dad was on his deathbed, comatose, brain dead.  Through a miracle I found his dad, my grandfather, living a short distance from us.  My mom, my husband and I went to his house and told him of Dad’s condition and that he was near death.  His comment was, “I have no son named Arnold”.  He refused to go see my Dad, or even acknowledge him as his son. I left his apartment deeply saddened and terribly confused as to what could have caused such a rift in this family.  I wanted to shut all this in a back closet, throw away the key and pretend this was not part of me and my legacy.  I felt I had heard and seen enough.

 However, The Preacher and his family had already done a tree search and had found out much about the Gabbards.  So with my daughter’s gentle nudging and prodding I felt like it was time to find out more about my family. Maybe some resolutions, reconciliations and reconnections might come from this search.

I supplied her with as much information as I could and so she began her research. When she finished her search, she presented me with a nice little notebook filled with names, dates and bits and pieces of the Lawson legacy and history.  At the time I looked through it and noted a few of the highlights.  A short time after receiving it, I was blessed to be able to go on a little trip down memory lane with my mother.I had a few days off, so I flew on a ‘jet’ plane’ to Kentucky, spent some time with my mom.  Then we got in a rented car and off we went in search of people and places no longer around. We were both younger then, in better health and at that time had an adventurous spirit. It was a trip I cherish.  Strangely enough, we spent a good deal of our search in cemeteries.  Most of those little cemeteries were very ancient, with weathered stones and rocks so worn it was difficult to determine who was buried in those humble little graves.  We found some names my mom recognized.  We saw several little graves of children who barely took a breath in this world and then that breath left their little bodies.As we drove around looking at old familiar sites, we did find some relatives who knew about other relatives who filled us in the whereabouts of some of the Lawsons.
Stop by again soon...for PART 2....of My Heritage,  My Legacy