News from the front porch!
LIFE goes on!
Early Friday around 5:00ish AM I went to the barn and behold...2 new baby lambs! Unexpected for sure and surprising yes.
I was very pleasantly surprised because Mary and Martha have 'lambed' in late February and early March...not in January.
However, as a testimony to God's goodness and how very much He wants to get involved and 'get all in our business' is amazing!
On Wednesday afternoon I was rushing around after school and trying to get out the door in time to go to church...I felt a strong urging to put Mary and Mary in the barn. This means they are in a stall and safe and secure, warm and ready....however, my first reaction to this urging was "in January?'.
Anyway, so I did...this means more, water must be carried and set up and then there's the cleaning out of the stall.
Thursday was a hectic day and an evening the Preacher and I had a lot of soul searching talking about stuff going on in our lives; our families, our church, the world. We sat, talked and just took comfort in each other's company knowing that God was in control and His plan would unfold. So, no trip to the barn...I knew everyone had enough provisions for another day.
I usually DON'T make daily trips to the barn at 5:00 AM BEFORE school...but there again felt a strong if a voice saying, "come, I want to show you something'. Friday morning was cold, damp and rainy...not my favorite time to visit the barn. As a matter of fact, it is conditions like that that cause me to question why I do have these critters in the first place!
Anyway, I rounded the corner of the barn and there they were! Two little lambs...Mary's little twin boys! As you can see from the picture one is a little tiny thing. He is Judah....the larger almost all white guy is Levi.
Now, why would the God in Heaven who is very busy watching over trillions of people, not counting animals, etc., take the time to speak to me about lambs? I told the Preacher that God really wants to get 'all in our business' big time! What matters to us matters to Him. This is just a small matter...but nevertheless important to me...God knows how sad I would have been if the lambs had been born outside in the rain and cold without shelter and covering. Coyotes are always a concern around here...although the Great Pyrenese...Daisy Mae is doing a good job of guardingso no coyotes lately. Someday I'll tell the story of Daisy Mae.... but back to lambs.....
Now, I have had gentle nudging before about checking on things, HAVE NOT heeded the leading and had adverse outcomes....Afterwards, wringing my hands and thinking, ' I felt like I should have....(fill in the blank')...and missed out, messed up.
So, this has been a reminder of God's care and provision...He loves me...He really does! It reminds me that He wants for me to walk and talk with Him in such a way, that I can say with confidence..." Here am I God, speak to me"!
As a proud barnyard 'grannie' I am going to post some pictures. I have a newfangled camera..Flip camera..a mini video thingee.....I will attempt to load it so if you get a 'show of the barn' good... if not, you may just get a still digital picture clip. Whichever it is...oohhh and ahhhh and marvel at God's creations.
So from my front porch to wherever you are..a big babaaaabaaa..and be blessed and 'open up your heart, listen to what He wants to speak in your life"!